Started by Roger, January 03, 2024, 15:53:01 PM

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It is interesting to read some of Rodney's posts [a long time ago !] in:

- e.g. this one [four years ago !]:

Rodney was at that time local leader of the PP - even though it was a job he did not wish to accept - but he does deserve a vote of thanks !]


As a Brit who unknowingly bought (what was then) an illegal house, I fully support what Roger is saying and his efforts to get the problems resolved.

After waiting nearly 20 years, I did get an AFO. This was the enabling power for me to get my title deeds for land and property (ie the Escritura).

The process was made easy with the help of our Mountain Oats builder, Antonio, who willingly signed over everything in front of a notary. However, the Town Hall was obstructive and did everything in its power to avoid having to issue AFOs. So, understandably, I was pleased they lost the last election, but this is Spain and I do wonder whether the current administration will do any better!

I know there are many Brits who have no interest in the problems suffered by the few in Arboleas. But please give your support to Roger who is genuinely trying to help fellow Brits.


I am informing people of the facts.
Where else?

I appreciate that many people have no housing problems in Arboleas.
But please understand that there are still up to 100 people who have been waiting for 20 years.
And all they have been given by officials are promises.

Inevitably when I publish information there are some people who attack me, because they don't want the truth to be made public.


It's been sometime since I last looked at the forum, but I find it's the same old thing Roger, Roger, Roger, going into battle with the town hall. I remember reading some months ago, Roger saying that he had made his last post on the forum, but like all politico's he can't keep it shut. This use to be such a friendly informative forum but now seems to be a place to snipe and cause unrest.


How do you think I am supporting the builders who built illegal houses?
Why don't you ask your cousin why he built illegal houses?

All I have ever done is try to help the people who were sold illegal houses.

Concentrate on the way to help people.
Talk to the town hall secretary to confirm that the parcelisation project is wrong.
Talk to your cousin Graysan about how to sort it out.
Why didn't they register the land in their name before selling plots to their clients?


In 2007, illegal houses were built and you collaborated with that government. And now you continue to support the same. You must keep in mind Cristóbal, he has built all the infrastructure of Arboleas except the illegal houses that were built during the government of your friends that you supported in 2007. And today, you continue defending those who built them and not those who bought them, who are The real victims, take off your mask now.


Did your family comply with the law when they built illegal houses in Los requenas.

Since 2018 you have been promising people that you were solving the problem.

Better for everyone if they ignore what you have to say.

People should take independent legal advice from qualified lawyers.
The civil servants in Almeria don't give a monkey's ### about the British pensioners who were sold illegal houses.

I have been campaigning since 2007 to help people.
What have you been doing.


Try to comply with the law in your advice at times, do not deceive more innocent victims and whoever wants to solve a problem, do not contact you. Please contact the Almeria urban planning technicians or the experts in the city council. Don't waste your time with Roger.


Los Requenas

Today I have sought legal advice on the possible solution to this problem.
The opinion I have received is that there is a possible process which Graysan can follow to solve this problem.

I have passed on this information to Antonio, the PP councillor.

I am working with others to arrange a meeting for the residents.

Whatever the political spin by PSOE nothing can change the fact that the residents have faced years of delay due to the incompetence by the previous administration, while hundreds of others have obtained legal escrituras using the afo process.


As for Los requenas.

It is a fact from the land registry during a face to face meeting.
The land is registered with the original owners in the catastro office, not graysan.
Why didn't the former mayor check this, since it's very easy to do.

The residents have been told unofficially that graysan has a problem in contacting the inheritors, many who no longer live here, or in some cases in Spain.

I am asking for a meeting for the residents.
NOT with the PSOE.
You are responsible for this mess.


The former administration continues to mislead people.

Fortunately people find the legal facts from their qualified Spanish lawyers, not from unqualified politicians.

The fact is that under Spanish law the houses are legal after 6 years.
And the escritura is a fully legal ownership document, whether obtained with an afo or by any other means.

Those are legal facts.

If the ari is produced then who will pay the segregation and urbanisation taxes which the builder didn't pay?


Sometime ago, I thought Roger was a serious person, but the "personal affairs" with the former local government must have their histories because this it not normal.

The examples:

Roger: "The latest unconfirmed info regarding los requenas is that graysan have hit a brick wall."

What is this!? The latest unconfirmed info!? Why do you continue lying with unverified information? Who said that to you!? For the interested people: many people do not tell the truth, in private say one thing and other in public. If you have doubts about PSOE information and the oficial document, You can go to the the town hall and talk with Pepa the current urban council. She manage this issues directly, remember Roger's words:

Roger: "The PP have no knowledge, and have refused help. They have given the job to Pepa, whose knowledge of the issues is `severley limited'!!!" – LINK


Another example:

Roger: "It is common knowledge that the former Mayor made it clear that he intended to hand over to his son at some point. This sparked opposition, and Pepa Rodriguez left and stood as Independent."

During the campaign in may you said a diferent thing:

Roger: "I have heard from a very reliable source that the Mayor thinks he could lose. He has therefore decided to split his team. Half standing as independent. Making it more difficult for the PP to get an overall majority." – LINK

"It is common knowledge..." :shocked: Rumors, rumors, rumors.... many rumors without contrasted information. Depend the situation, You say one thing or another. Be careful with your sources.


Another example:

Roger: "Instead the Mayor spent 250,000 euros on rock walls and the social centre (I believe built by his cousin)."

What!? What do you believe? Are you sure that the social centre was built by his cousin? do you have proof or it is another rumor? The response is no Roger, Graysan dont built that building. Why do you lie?

And about the costs, ask to a builder how much money can cost this type of construction. You take advantage of any situation to make damage without scruples.


Other example:

Roger: "I have often wondered how he could justify not building the Pensioners Centre but could rent out the large public building across the road to a private gymnasium. Why does Arboleas need two gymnasia but no pensioners centre?"

First of all, you was one of the promoters to install a gym in that place:

Roger: "The work the Council carried out inside the new gymnasium was to complete renovation started but not completed by the previous administration. We have supported this project because it maintains and improves employment opportunities in the town, provides an important recreation facility, and attracts visitors to Arboleas." - LINK

About the Pensioners Centre, I have often wondered how the former local governement built five water treatment plants, roads, kilometers of sewerage system, three innovations... Then, you says these words about how calculate the AFO costs:

Roger: "Of course my figures don't include missing infrastructure, which isn't relevant for Arboleas."

Why do you say that? Because the former team built many infrastructure in AFO areas as in Zoraida st. and many others, but you never recognize it. The former team delay the Pensioners Centre to after the last summer because they get a subsidy. Remember your words in the campaign:

Roger: "Elect a new administration on Sunday and by the August Fiesta all this will be behind us.... They can also start to implement their manifesto ... A pensioners centre... All these issues have been ignored by the current Mayor." - LINK

The reality is that the pensioners centre has the foundations constructed and a grant awarded thanks to the former team. Moreover, the PSOE had a video (LINK) with the pensioners centre plans during the campaign. And the PP?


About the ARI, I think a clarification is necessary, because it seems that people do not know the difference between a completely legal house on urban land and an AFO. They dont have the same rights and value market. The law is the law in this case.

Finally, as tetley says, it would be important to publish the council meeting minutes as the pp promise during the campaing. Unfortunately, we follow waiting. Maybe Roger can talk with his pp friends and resolve it.

There are many people who do not tell the truth, in private say one thing and other in public. Transparency is necessary. Everybody must be careful and contrast the information.

Please Roger, be serious when you write in this forum. The words can make many damage to persons. Thanks.


Hello Mr. Roger, it is very tiring because we ask the mayor questions about the ARI of Los Requenas, and they tell us that they hope it will be ready in January and, you come out here, you do not have any official information and you tell us your latest dream. I think people can already know it, you just have to look at your career.

We are willing to talk to any neighbor about any doubt they have and whenever the neighbor wants, that is, we do not hide from debating with anyone or clarifying what is necessary, as the current government team that you support or yourself does. You should not use innocent neighbors for your personal interests, it is not right. And, so that any forum member who does not know this man can know him, I leave this photo attached to the message.

That said, we transmit official information asked to the mayor by registration at City Hall or in municipal plenary sessions. I also repeat that we are willing to talk, collaborate or whatever is necessary with any neighbor who has a question or problem with the current administration. We cannot debate with Troll because debates must be serious and not based on what my friend or your friend says. Official information is better than friends.You cannot view this attachment.


The latest unconfirmed info regarding los requenas is that graysan have hit a brick wall.
Families have moved away and know nothing about money which may or may not have been paid to grandparents 25 years ago.
So how can they sign a document for land transfer at the notary.

One thing is clear.
The previous Mayor has created this mess and he misled the people at the public meeting he had with the residents in September.

I doubt if they will receive an apology.
No doubt we will get more obfuscation from his son.


Rog in fairness to our local political workers ,

when you were ass mayor printed your interpretation....

what people need is

the council meeting minutes to sit and read at there leisure should they wish or if there spanish language is good enough ,be able to attend the council meetings .

( bearing in mind overall town hall political control can be lost with less than 100 votes so the more interested people locally well  informed the better )


Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol



The PSOE have published some information and some opinions on their section on this forum.
It is good that they have, and it is a pity that the PP do not do the same.
I certainly agree that we should have prior information about Plenos and reports back about what was decided.
But for the PSOE to criticise the PP for this lack ignores the fact that when they were in power they did not publish this information (after I ceased to be Deputy Mayor in 2017).

For clarity ..
The spokesperson for PSOE is JuanC.
His full name is Juan Cristobal Garcia Molina.
He is a PSOE Councillor, number 3 on their list at the election.
He is the son of the former Mayor (who is current leader of the opposition) Cristobal Garcia Granados.
It is common knowledge that the former Mayor made it clear that he intended to hand over to his son at some point.
This sparked opposition, and Pepa Rodriguez left and stood as Independent.
And some Spanish were heard to say that the Mayorality is not heredity!

Turning to the issues ..

In 2016 I sat with the then Mayor and we prepared the plan for the centre, on the existing base which had been laid.
The Mayor had obtained a quote from a company.
Nothing has happened in the following 7 years.
Instead the Mayor spent 250,000 euros on rock walls and the social centre (I believe built by his cousin).

I have often wondered how he could justify not building the Pensioners Centre but could rent out the large public building across the road to a private gymnasium.
Why does Arboleas need two gymnasia but no pensioners centre?

To be clear, the ARIs consist of 3 projects, one for each area.

The first is the Economic Assessment Report.
These were produced for most of the 13 areas, but the local residents were never consulted or informed (as by law they were entitled to be).

The second project is the Parcelisation Project, which is when the residents can obtain ownership of their plots of land.
To date NONE have been approved,
They had 6 years, and the Los Requenas project is still not complete because the previous administration made a mess of it.

So after 6 years of failure the PSOE is now attacking the new administration for not acting in the last 6 months.

Let me be clear.
The British residents in the Innovation 14 houses DO NOT WANT THE ARI PROCESS TO CONTINUE.
This was made clear at the public meeting we held in December, attended by people from Los Carrascos. La Perla, Limaria, Los Higuerales and El Rincon. And supported by all the residents in Los Torres.

The meeting was attended by the PP Councillor Antonio Martinez, who made clear that they would listen to the views of the residents.
A pity the PSOE have never done the same.

The residents do not want the ARI process to continue because they already have escrituras giving them legal ownership of their fully legal homes.
The ARI process would require that they, as land owners, will have to pay Segregation and Urbanisation taxes plus be liable for the cost of any missing infrastructure.
All cost which should have been paid by the builders.