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Which flowers

Started by pipbob, April 27, 2015, 21:08:03 PM

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Greetings, Syd here, well actually its pipbob but I forgot my password and had to re.register, damnedold age !
As our bees have been a little slow in filling the frames with honey we had to buy a jar at albox market, we bought a jar of Tomillo/Espliego, which is thyme and lavender, and oh boy is this honey good !if you like a rich dark honey then this is the one for you, 7 euros for a kilo jar, I have to say that it is completely different to our own,
   Adios for now


all seems well in our bee hives apart from one bee somehow getting inside my veil and stinging me up my nose ! the beeaters were feasting on the flying bees round the hives, but they will soon be gone to Africa for the winter,
just managed to count eight raindrops this afternoon a few more would be rather good.


we have just been harvesting our almonds, again it has been a good year thanks to our bees who did the pollination in January this year, looking forward to a few courgettes in a couple of weeks.


We have a spreading succulent with small red flowers and they are on that everyday and it flowers all year, so unless it is raining they are there, also they are on our Plumbago's at the moment.



nice cool morning 20C, early morning dog walk there are now a few more bees about, this morning they were working our neighbours false pepper tree taking pollen, anyone else have anything to say ?


the bees are busy once more gathering pollen, always a good sign that the queens have started to lay eggs again, if we get the rain which is forecast it will bring all the autumn flowers on really well,


Greetings, 9.30 ish
just returned from walking the dog and on the way out passing the water channel which supplies all the little allotment plots in the valley there were lots of bees collecting water, the bees take the water back to the hive and use some of it to help keep the hive cool,
at work in La Perla there were bees on the Oregano,
Keep your eyes open folks.

arty choke

Unfortunately Pipbob I don't,but as soon as it cools down I will see if I can get it at our local garden centre in Vera. It looks so familiar but they say it's not easy to find. However I'll let you know if I have any luck.


Greetings,Arty Choke,
do you have any Plectranthus growing in your garden ?
if so do you have any cuttings to spare,
our bees were returning with pollen this morning which is a good indicator that the queen is back on egg laying duty, a drop of rain would bee a blessing for us all at this time of year.

arty choke

In early spring and autumn,the Plectranthus Tomentosa,commonly known as Vicks Plant,because that's what it smells of when crushed,is very attractive to bees and butterflies,also acts as a mosquito repellent.It is a succulent with a spreading habit,so should be very easy to grow here.


I have just been to check on our bee hives, and there were wasps trying very hard to gain access to the honey inside the hives but the guard bees were having none of it, it looked like a pitched battle in miniature,
Interestingly though! I have been using the old jam jar with watered down jam as a means of controlling the wasps around our house, at first I used Mercadona jam, and got no takers, next step was to use some of Ruths homemade cherry jam, boom! over twenty wasps in the first day, the dead wasps will be fed to the ants, waste not want not.


Just an update on the eucalyptus tree, this morning the bees were all over the flowers so looking good on the eucalyptus honey front, I could do with a bit of feedback on types of flowers the bees are working on in your areas, thank you all.


very disappointed with our neighbours big eucalyptus tree, it is loaded with flowers but there are hardly any bees working, anyone out there with a flowering eucalyptus tree being worked by the honey bees ?


Greetings, 40C ,in the shade !
Courgettes, happy to report that our bees are busy pollinating our courgette plants, and there are a few working on our neighbours eucalyptus tree, the Agave cactus in our area have grown the long flowering stems and should very soon be providing nectar and pollen,
when the temperatures rise consistently above 35C the queen bee stops laying eggs,


Cineraria has been the favourite here in our garden.  I think that people often remove the yellow flowers but the bees have loved them.


the big  eucalyptus tree just up the rambla from us is in full flower, we now have very happy bees,
any one else out there with eucalyptus trees ?


same question as earlier, now that the bottle brush trees have finished flowering,
Anyone got eucalyptus trees in blossom ?
Our bees are busy with False pepper trees working the pollen and Aptenia, which is commonly known as the belly button plant, which by the way produces nectar when the temperature reaches 20c, and the honey from these plants is dark and very rich,
Keep your eyes open peeps !


6.15, This morning and our bees were covering the false pepper tree next door , sure am glad that I am not the only one who has to get up early for work .


Whilst pruning fan palms in mojacar today noticed hundreds of bees working the palm flowers, they even followed the flowers as they were loaded into the trailor,


Rain glorious rain,
all our bees are safely tucked up in their hives,
this rain will mean a good supply of flowers throughout the summer,
which in turn should mean more honey,
Fresh strawberries with greek yoghurt, and a spoonful of our own honey over the top, mmmmm!


Bees on a pomegranite tree up in Bedar this afternoon.


Anyone out there managed to grow Lupins from seed, the bees go mad for them, and I have been trying to grow them for three years ,
this year I have managed to grow three out of a full packet of seeds,


At long last we have bees on our honeysuckle , it looks like they are taking pollen,


Don't forget to buy your honey from local beekeepers wherever possible,
there is a café in Arboleas that sells their own,
and Patricio on Albox market,

arty choke

We have loads of it but no bees,however there is a tall tree nearby laden with yellow blossom,I don't know what it's called but can't say I've seen another anywhere, it is swarming with bees,can hear the hum from metres away!!!


Yes, we've got three or four varieties of honeysuckle and we have one or two visitors but not loads.
You can't always control who walks into your life...but you CAN control which window you throw them out of.


Anyone out there with Honeysuckle, ours is in full flower and normally lifting with bees, but as yet not a single bee,


Lots of bees on a false pepper tree this morning, also wherever there are bottlebrush trees there are thousands of bees all merrily working away.


I get a lot on my sage plant and loads on my snap dragons.
You can't always control who walks into your life...but you CAN control which window you throw them out of.


Happy to report that we have just harvested two kilos of honey from one of our hives, thanks to all the rain we had in winter there are lots and lots of flowers which the bees enjoy,


Whilst working in Los Carrascos this afternoon my better half spotted a swarm of honey bees heading out into the campo, its the third one this year including a swarm from one my hives,


Last couple of months the hardenbergia was favourite, but now flowers fading have transferred to bottle brush, polygala and palm flowers


Tamarisk covered in bees, plus succulent with small red flowers also covered.


Bees on our citrus trees and our monster bottlebrush - Los Carasoles


We have siempre verde all around out garden and they love they flowers on them. Also, rosemary, bottle brush and we have loads of the lemon plant all around the patio area that grows like a bush. It has loads of flowers on it that bees seem to love. It also helps keep the mossies out of the house due to the strong smell of lemon.