Perfume/aftershave shop

Started by rainbowsheep03, December 18, 2009, 19:34:36 PM

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Too late for this Christmas but there's a brilliant website I always use for perfumes etc, it's and even though it's in USA, delivery is free! The prices are incredible, for example, I looked at 100ml Ralph Lauren, Romance, in a shop in Lorca, priced at €91, and the same product on the website is €43.64. Bit of a difference or what?! Deliveries can take about 3 weeks, so you need to plan ahead, but very, very well worth while!


We have found it now. Thanks everyone. Asked in the tobaconist for directions. Will be going there monday.


Go into the square with lots of banks in it. Next to the new roundabout after the bridge. The first road off the square on your left has a perfume shop. Its about 20 meters along on your left. (Take my distance measurements with a pinch of salt) :tiphat:


If you mean Venus on the corner - she has moved- down from where the old GBS store was - below Simply the Best


I will take a look. But was after a specific one made by paco robanne.


I think there is a lady at the Bar International car boot sale on saturday that sells genuine perfume/after shaves.Might be cheaper than a shop in Albox.


Would you be able to give me some directions, and what it's next to .. as i cant think of where it is. And really dont think i will find it. Thanks.


Yes. Street behind Cajamar off " bank square" :tiphat:


Is there one in Albox anywhere  Thanks.