Mature dog, black, collar, found late tonight: Updated

Started by twojaysalmeria, March 09, 2017, 23:03:34 PM

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I was at the vet's for a couple or more hours, he was given anti-inflammatory and cortisone jabs, but still couldn't use his back legs. Eventually, a guy came to reclaim him but - and this bothers me - didn't insist that the poor sod be given any more treatment, just took him away in his car.

Trying to be charitable, I'm hoping he has his own vet near to his home.

Maria at ABC was brilliant, btw.

Am told that others will be following up so hoping for good news fairly soon.




thank you for saving this dog, hopefully he will soon be re united with his owners, glad we have people like you here  :kiss:


We have a newly rehomed GSD and a foster dog - went outside tonight and heard a crying... went to see and found a medium/large lab/pointer dog stuck in a culvert running with water. Poor thing was frozen, shivering. Has a collar and accepted help OK.

Now in kitchen, wrapped in several layers and eating puppy kibble.

EDit - woken early by his crying. he can't use his back legs and is in pain. Peed where he lay, poor sod. No answer yet from any rescue people, anyone missing or know of a missing older pointer type dog?

Emergency call out vet or other?

Advice gratefully received - we feel terrible for him...


Rachel from HAA came by and found he is chipped. Will be taking him to the vet's, hopefully they can help and possibly reunite him with owners as well.

Fingers crossed..even with the pain he has a lovely temperament!

Jim and Jan