F.A.C.E press release

Started by F.A.C.E., July 06, 2020, 14:13:01 PM

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Sad news indeed. Are you able to disclose the whys and wherefores?

I feel sure that our community would want to help if at all possible.



{Fundraising in Arboleas Caring for Everyone}
Reg No G04667432

Press Release â€"  F.A.C.E. To Close Down After 17 Years.

Unfortunately we have to inform everyone, that as from last Wednesday 1st July, F.A.C.E. (Fundraising in Arboleas, Caring for Everyone), will no longer exist as a charity.

The charity started over 17 years ago as an event to raise money for the MacMillan Nurses in the United Kingdom. However, at the time people objected to the cash going back to the United Kingdom, and so under the auspices of Adele Wrigglesworth and with much help from the Arboleas Ayuntamiento F.A.C.E. was set up.

The present President of F.A.C.E. Carrie Ann Earl, and the present Vice President, Gilly Elliott-Binns, have both been with the charity since its inception, and myself I have been with the charity for just over 12 years. WE are the three longest serving members of the charity.

Over the years F.A.C.E. has become famous for its Christmas Markets. The last one was opened by the Garner family of Sun, Sea And Selling Houses fame on Channel 4. F.A.C.E. has become equally famous for the amount of money it has distributed to various organisations over the years. The A.E.C.C. (Associasion Espanola Contra de Cancer), and A.L.C.E.R. (for renal diseases), both Spanish National Charities have benefitted from F.A.C.E.’s largesse. On a more local basis, M.A.C.S. (Mojacar Area Cancer Support), Grupo 106 Saliente Albox Scouts and the Little Owls have all received funding from F.A.C.E.

Money red circled for the Arboleas Defibrillators will be given to the Arboleas Ayuntamiento. Any residue monies that we possess after the end of the closing down period will be donated to local organisations.

Over the years, going on for nearly â,¬150,000 has been donated to various charities and organisations. F.A.C.E.  realizes how much you have all helped in so many ways, both large and small, and we thank you so very much. We could not have done it without you.

It is with great sorrow that we make this announcement.