Courts reject Helen and Len Priors claim for compensation as ‘premature’

Started by Maura_Hillen, March 16, 2012, 09:44:48 AM

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lisa j

Totally with you on that APY2.

Loulou - of course EVERYONE is entitled to express their opinion, its what a forum is for, but to imply that others on here who have legality problems have them because they weren´t sensible and forgot they had a brain (you stated that was why YOU had no problem - YOU were sensible and had a brain) is OFFENSIVE, plain and simple.

I think everyones probably had enough of this post now anyway!!!

Lisa J  :redcard:
Rambla De Oria's only licensed Elephant Catcher.


The graceful and sensible thing to do would be to simply apologize and put the matter to rest , if for no other reason than the fact that your comments obviously caused offense and your responses to the criticism only served to display the fact that you clearly have attitude issues .
If you see someone without a smile give them one of yours .


Loulou - your inference that those who have been so unfortunate as to end up with an illegal house are brainless is offensive in the extreme.

It's clear that you have a very high opinion of your own mental capacity - it's a shame that does not seem to have helped you to use correct English.  "not have" NOT "not of" is the correct usage.

A phrase about glass houses comes to mind!.
From Normam


when i say " but do you own it" (your casa) read maura-hillen on the blog---
See how many other houses have been demolished.  Any reasurch you have done --well can you belive all that you read  -----"

"Has the Junta de Andalucía learned nothing? Demolitions damage the beleaguered property market and the international reputation of Spain . The response of the regional government to this planning disaster is more tinkering with the laws, creating, in our view, even more confusion, complexity and traps for an unwary purchaser to fall into. Oh, and by the way" the spokesperson concluded "if you want to purchase a house in Andalucía, the Property Register, currently gives this house a clean bill of health".


Quote from: loulou on March 20, 2012, 14:08:05 PM

I am slightly confused? Yes I did post that about an English owned company flouting the Spanish EMPLOYMENT Laws.
I cannot see what that has to do with purchasing a property in Spain?
Please try not to change the subject of this thread with your rants as you have had a bad experience.
OK  you are spouting off that you DID your RESEARCH ETC ,so WHY ASK FOR HELP for the JOB problem!! (on another post) are you training to be another PLASTIC ABOGADO, you aint LIVED YET (over here!!) :wave :wave :rofl: :rofl:


Yes Loulou. how very clever you are to have understood the Spanish legal system  :rofl:...........I have been here 10 years and still haven't got a clue????  :head, along with many others no doubt!!!!!!


Lou lou
I will just say to you what our friend an English solicitor said to us after we told him we had bought a property in Spain "Yes but do you own it"
We said we have an escritura etc etc and he said yes but do you own it !
So I say to you DO YOU OWN IT ?

lisa j

Rambla De Oria's only licensed Elephant Catcher.


loulou i would normally feel very sorry for a person who lost a job after just one week and then had all phone calls and emails ingnored, in this case its your employers i feel sorry for, and i think they did the sensible thing, your whole attitude stinks, and you know nothing about the illeagal issues so untill you have used your brains and read a little more about it you should keep your hands in your pockets and stop typing any more rubbish, i will now follow your previous employers example and ignore anything more you say its the sensible thing to do.

lisa j


I;m very happy for you that you have no problems - but I take offence to the implication that you stated in your previous post saying it was because you have a brain!!!! Are you suggesting the thousands of people here that have a problem have not got one!!!!

Offensive comments are SO unconstructive - and I hope that you do not encounter problems further down the line - now that would wipe the smug smile from your face I´m sure!!! And maybe tax that brain of yours!!!

Lisa J
Rambla De Oria's only licensed Elephant Catcher.


Quote from: rozlin on March 21, 2012, 09:06:58 AM
loulou, Can you be 100% sure that your property is 100% legal ? I am very pleased that many many people in this area have fully legal properties, but you must remember that many thousands more have not. It is only to be expected that those unfortunate people have negative views about buying in Spain. :wave

Loulou, I have a 100% legal property but still took out insurance before I signed any contracts to make sure and I support AUAN. Plus hundred if not thousands of Spanish people are in the situation of "illegal" properties. The situation is a mess and a violation of peoples rights therefore expressing strong and even negative opinions if full understandable. Their views are as valid as yours.
Mark Drew email:mark1drew at El Prado, Arboleas.


Unfortunately, one can only apply to the European Courts when all legal routes have been exhausted in Spain. As Mr. & Mrs Prior are still bouncing around the courts system in Spain, they cannot yet take this route.

David C

I despair. Living in the UK I hear daily of interference in our affairs by Europe and we comply with every pronouncement...even letting terrorist out of prison. BUT Spain on the other hand seems immune to common sense pronouncements despite being on the receiving end of millions of euros of financial support.
If the court of human rights is likely to be the way forward I will happily support Helen and Len Prior with a fighting fund contribution.
David C

keyser soze

Perhaps the reason this case has not gone to the ECHR is that if the court finds in favour of the defendant and not the claimant, the case would be effectively over for the Priors. Will they risk it ?


Quote from: Betty on March 18, 2012, 13:19:42 PM
Why haven´t the European Courts got involved, they seem to get involved with everything else?

Has anyone considered taking the Prior's problem the the Court of Human Rights in Europe. many other people have successfully used this route in other countries.  Just a thought...I am prepared to contribute to a fighting fund for them.
Mark Drew email:mark1drew at El Prado, Arboleas.


It was pure luck loulou that everything has gone ok for you and nothing more, it has nothing to do with research or understanding the spanish legal system, maybe you should spare a thought for the many thousands who arent as clever as you ,


Quote from: loulou on March 20, 2012, 07:34:45 AM
We have happily and successfully bought our beautiful home here in Spain and would not of wanted to buy anywhere else in the world. We did our research and understood the Spanish legal system. We have met some wonderful Spanish people who have put themselves out to help and support us. Please do not say the negative things you do on here just because things have gone wrong for you, it will only make things worse  :(
WOW !! YOU UNDERSTAND THE SPANISH LEGAL? system, there are not many people that do!! (even so called abogados )lets see how you fair in a few years time, all the "illegals" went through the right channels!! :head :wave :wave


Rants ? Bad Experience ? Didn't feel i was ranting and as for the assumption that we have had Bad experiences well we have all had those but im pleased to say ours were nothing more than a small irritations and all dealt with without any real upset , sorry to say there are too many where that has not been the case . We also did our homework and were fortunate to have bought a property that was legal and from all i know now , i realize there was a also a good deal of luck involved , however it is not always that simple as many here can testify . Boasting to people that im all right Jack i knew what i was  doing doesn't help , only makes them feel worse and infers they only had themselves to blame which is not always the case ,this thread about the Priors case is a perfect illustration , are you saying that they are to blame for their situation and that if it had been you then you wouldn't be where they are now .
If you see someone without a smile give them one of yours .

jill cockfield

I'm sorry but lots of us have had terrible experiences buying here so of course we are going to warn others!


You can't always control who walks into your life...but you CAN control which window you throw them out of.


Quote from: loulou on March 20, 2012, 07:34:45 AM
We have happily and successfully bought our beautiful home here in Spain and would not of wanted to buy anywhere else in the world. We did our research and understood the Spanish legal system. We have met some wonderful Spanish people who have put themselves out to help and support us. Please do not say the negative things you do on here just because things have gone wrong for you, it will only make things worse  :(

loulou  Quote...............November 30, 2011, 10:16:50 AM

I was over joyed when I was offered a job with quite a well known company in Mojacar. I went on the training course and I started work with them. But after just over a week of working with them I found it impossible to work for them any longer due to many unacceptable reasons. So I had no alternative but to leave. The "help" I need is does anyone know how I can make them pay me for the work that I have done for them as they refuse to pay me.They will not answer my telephone calls and emails, I even sent a recorded letter which they have ignored. They will not even give me my Finiquita!!  

If you see someone without a smile give them one of yours .


No amount of research can protect you from coruption loulou, our solicitors told us everything was ok , as you are so clever that you understand the spanish legal system why dont you help out  the rest of the the Almanzora Valley and tell us all how you recognise honest solicitors, I hope you are all legal are you absolutley sure you have all the correct papoerwork good luck to you


I'm delighted that you have had such a good experience when buying in Spain, but the thousands of us who have illegal builds need the likes of Maura Hillen and the AUAN to let us know what is going on.


Why haven´t the European Courts got involved, they seem to get involved with everything else?


The "angelic duo"




You can't always control who walks into your life...but you CAN control which window you throw them out of.


Same SHXT  diffrent day,no woder there are 5 mill plus out of work and comeing soon very angry city streets.
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol

lisa j

 Poor Helen and Len Prior. The Spanish Legal System should hang its head in shame.

Lisa J   :-[
Rambla De Oria's only licensed Elephant Catcher.


Absolutely disgraceful outcome.  Do they really expect people to buy property in Spain?
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


Auan, 16th March 2012
Their home was demolished by the regional government of Andalucía in 2008

An administrative court in Almeria has rejected Helen and Len Priors claim for compensation against Vera council for the demolition of their home in 2008 as 'premature'.

The judgement was made on the basis that a definitive decision has not been made regarding the legality of the building licence issued to construct the property due to the existence of an ongoing appeal in the High Courts of Justice of Andalucía (TSJA).

The guilt or innocence of Helen and Len Prior is not the subject of debate in the courts. They are the victims of a planning dispute between the regional and local governments in Andalucía and they continue to live in their former garage whilst seeking damages for the loss of their home.

"Helen and Len are absolutely gutted by this latest setback" said a spokesperson for AUAN, an association of homeowners who support the Priors fight for justice.

"There is no sense or natural justice in the way this couple are being treated. This case is a disgraceful example of how the little people are being crushed by the inadequate, highly politicised and poorly implement planning laws of Andalucía. It sends a very bad message to anyone considering investing here."