Devolution Thread

Started by felipe, August 29, 2014, 08:30:02 AM

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Quote from: Babyboomer on August 30, 2014, 16:51:52 PM
If I was a Scot ex-pat living in Spain I would want to know
1. how are they going to afford to pay my pension after independence
2. how are they going to afford to pay my healthcare
3. if they fail to get in to the EU does that mean I am an illegal immigrant within the EU on an illegal passport?
the list goes on

i asked along the same lines what if the UK  bins the EU,the person i asked was an SP  lawyer whom is intrested in this stuff.

the overveiw was that any EU  citizen had the same rights here as an SP  citizen........ however this situation would be diffrerent if the UK  leaves the EU ,he didnt invisage the brits been bus,d out because of lack of the correct paperwok  but there could be many added complications depending on the government of the day for people wishing to reside in Spain not in the EU.

O n a slightly diffrent tack ,i asked a local estate agent from the coast..... if any potentiel client saw a UK  withdrawl from the EU  as a problem..........reply... NO he has never realy been asked    :crazy:

I  find it incredable that folks are selling uk homes at pensionable age to come here at the moment with this UK  & EU  subject still un decided.

hey ho spin the wheel  :tiphat:
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Certainly seems a bit iffy don't it ???


If I was a Scot ex-pat living in Spain I would want to know
1. how are they going to afford to pay my pension after independence
2. how are they going to afford to pay my healthcare
3. if they fail to get in to the EU does that mean I am an illegal immigrant within the EU on an illegal passport?
the list goes on
Mark Drew email:mark1drew at El Prado, Arboleas.


M i step Mars Scotish,she has already been told by here local snp bod that if they get the vote through ,they will be re doing the passports & driving licences ,aint progress great.... :lol:

she is a bit un chuffed by it all   808
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


So, what will happen to any Scott's that decide to go back to Scotland to live after independence? will they be entitled to just turn up and assume their Scottish nationality? or will they just be mere UK nationals, as they are now? :tiphat:   


You need to be resident in Scotland to vote, because of the Hollyrood franchise.


I was talking to a Scottish bloke I used to work with. He says he can't vote coz he lives in London, he thinks it's not right. He also thinks there are more Scott's out of Scotland than in it ??? and none of them will get a vote  :o is that true?


Have many Scottish friends. Here, in England and Scotland and none of them want a "yes" vote.
It is obvious that Spain would veto Scotland coming into the EU because of the Catalonians who are eagerly awaiting the result before they too push for independence.
The division of an enormous country can work but to be viable the workforce needs to be more than 5 mil or, like Qatar, with everlasting resources that the world needs. Scotland, unfortunately, has neither.


Quote from: nibbler on August 30, 2014, 13:17:52 PM
Given the time of the original posting I suspect a dram or two was involved :whistle:
nibbler :tiphat:

My thoughts exactly but probably a bottle or three :rofl:


Thanks for that Jimbo.  It's refreshing to hear the views of a "man in the street" rather than the biased views of politicians.

Clearly Jimbo you are a passionate Scot, in the same way that the good majority of us are about our Country of birth, but you recognise the value of maintining the link with the UK, and the inherent dangers of an economic split.  For what it's worth, I agree that such a split would not be a good idea for any of us - in much the same way that our "partnership" with Europe should continue.

Far better, in both instances, to use energy on making the relationships work better, for the benefit of all constituent parts, rather than destroying the good things.


I think the YES vote is going to win, and it wont be too long now before we find out. Why would the Scots not want independence and control over their own future and ventures. Imagine an independent Scotland, no blood, just vote, a no brainer. Researching the propaganda on both sides, the no side has nothing but scare tactics as to what will happen if you vote yes, shouldn't they concentrate on the good of the union. It would appear from looking a little deeper that this separation will cause a lot more problems for the English than it will for the Scottish, and an independent Scotland will benefit the Scots enormously. It is not in England,s best interest to make it difficult to separate the union. Scotland has huge potential even without the oil sterling whiskey and haggis to be a wealthy strong nation.


Given the time of the original posting I suspect a dram or two was involved :whistle:
nibbler :tiphat:


genuine question

has anybody asked Salmon that if Scotland bins the UK  and EU  how are they going to remove all the EU  cits in Scotland and how will it effect Scots living away from Scotland within the EU .

if we have any UKIP s on the pannel perhaps we can have there angle on this,i keep asking,i even dropped a line to chairman bodys answering,although one chap did say it was simply a matter of applying for citizen ship in your present eu country................ :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  luv it  .
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Yes, lovely people the Scots. I go to Berwick upon Tweed a lot as my son lives there. Not in Scotland but just one mile from the border. Most of Berwick consider themselves Scots and the football team plays in the Scottish league. My daughter in law is a Scot and we visit Scotland every time I go there. Great people, very hospitable.

John n Julie

PS I read the posting that Felipe removed and all I can say is that the other person hasn`t met many Scots in his 60 years, we are a very hospitable nation !

Spot on Jimbo
Geordie John :tiphat: :tiphat:
If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all!


I sincerely hope the Scots vote No. I tried to get my brother to get me on the Voters roll so that I could go back and vote No.

Alex Salmond may talk a good game but his arguments don`t stand scrutiny.

There are only approx 5 million in the country, say a million pensioners and a million kids, it only leaves 3 million to finance the economy and a percentage of those will be timewasters that have never worked and don`t intend to work, probably the same percentage as they have in England that prefer life on the dole.

He wants to get rid of Faslane and the nuclear subs ? That is worth billions of pounds every year to the Scottish economy,where is he going to replace that revenue from ? What about the thousands of jobs that spin off from Faslane that may well be lost, so no income tax paid from those people and dole money being paid out instead. If the subs go South to say Falmouth, then the specialist jobs that go with the subs, will be exported from Scotland to Falmouth although that area would benefit from extra employment with the ancillary services that would need to be provided.

He wants to shut Hunterston Nuclear power station in Ayrshire that has been there for about 30 years providing jobs and power to the Scottish community. Where is the extra power going to come from ? Buy it from England ?

The UK is small enough without splitting it up any further, Scotland and England need each other as well as Wales and Northern Ireland.

He thinks he is going to walk into the Euro zone, what about the currency.

What about transport ? Since April this year all foreign trucks entering the UK have to pay approx £10 a day to drive on UK roads depending on size of vehicle. Will Scottish owned haulage businesses need to pay £10 a day even though they may be paying UK road tax ? Who knows, nobody is giving an answer to that.

Ohh time to get off my soap box,suffice to say if you are Scottish and eligable to vote get out there and use that vote to keep the United Kingdom as one unit. NO TO INDEPENDANCE.

Jim :tiphat:

PS I read the posting that Felipe removed and all I can say is that the other person hasn`t met many Scots in his 60 years, we are a very hospitable nation !
Jimbo The Scot Removals
Gonar, Almeria, Spain
Tel  Mob 771080170(Jimbo) or 711093912 (Ali)
UK mob 0044 7985 762606 or e-mail
For a friendly efficient removals service.


Its not just abought the uk exit its also EU  exit.......... and Spain saying it will veto any Scotish indi eu application ,very intresting if they do vote to exit and a bit of a heads up on EU  exit for the rest of us Sasanackers south of the border ,if  "UK you prat " gets there referudim vote.

spin the wheel comrades and turn yer gas down as krem lins got the hump !

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Well done Phil - none of us wants to hear that kind of stuff.

Having said that, and now that the vote is only a matter of weeks away, what do people think?  Particularly interested to hear the views of our Scottish brothers and sisters.

I have listened to (most of) the two live debates, and it seems to centre on two things - currency and oil - there are obviously many more, but those are the things that appear to get people most agitated.

It's a pretty close call, but on balance I reckon if I was Scottish I'd be voting "No".   The success, or otherwise, of the economy seems to rely too much on oil for my liking without any real understanding as to what is still available, and for how long that is likely to last.  And, when it eventually runs out / becomes unviable what happens then?


From Normam


I second the above "felipe".


 :clap: Well done Felipe!


The devolution thread started by johnjones at 3.00am this morning has been removed because it was inflammatory, used foul language, and racist against the Scots. We will NOT put up with anything like that on this forum. Leave your racist views in your own home not on the forum.

We are all for a good honest debate about the topic of devolution but we will not stand for what can only be described as hatred towards the Scots. Phil