The Protest in Almería City

Started by lenox, December 22, 2008, 09:41:40 AM

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For all the people who couldn't be there... thank you for your messages of support....

See for march pics, press coverage, demands of the marchers etc.

For all the people who couldn't be bothered....


Andie, the Priors were very touched by your show of support.

Reports of the march can be found in many spanish newspapers.

The AUAN will be updating their members on the march and the subsequent meeting with Luis Caparros by email and at the members meeting on 17th January in La Parilla.  Anyone wishing to become members should arrive shortly after 10.00.


i took the time to contact Mr & Mrs Prior last month and explained to them why i wouldent be going to support them  as i was working.

there are hundreds of people here,possoble 1000,s who arnt working,have time on thair hands, are directly effected by all this crap and didnt go,who will  directly benifit from the efforts of the 200 plus folks who did ,when eventually all this mess is sorted.

my concience is clear.



Steve mate, If you did not go, why are you knocking others that did not? Seems a bit strange.
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


my brain was in gear,i couldent go either,but i bet thair where hundreds more people could have done,if thay had have removed thair head from the sinking sands,made the effort and got thair backsides into gear.

the shopping trip buses,seem to do ok with thair trips,that abought the area,s rescue the local econamy buses  :?:

again no offence intended  S


Quote from: "andie""Can someone who attended please post a report of the march."

WHY SHOULD THAY IF NO BODY COULD BE ARSED TO GET ON THE BUS  :head  ,if any body wants to know whats going on get involved,befor the full area goes bust !

no offence intended S

As others have said we don't all live here permanently, but have tried to give whatever support we can. Perhaps the saying"engage brain before putting mouth in gear" could be used in this case?
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


Some of us also are not in Spain, have to work, look after kids, get them to school etc., can only afford the flights and accommodation once a year.

We have supported and continue to support the cause as best we can from where we are.

Well done to all of those who are in Spain and who have turned up - as I have said before, if we could have been there we would, but short of winning the Euromillions or National lottery it was not going to happen.



"Can someone who attended please post a report of the march."

WHY SHOULD THAY IF NO BODY COULD BE ARSED TO GET ON THE BUS  :head  ,if any body wants to know whats going on get involved,befor the full area goes bust !

no offence intended S


" (I like this one - where I apparently say that there are 750,000 Brits living in Almería)"

looks like the padrons going to have to be re calculated  :lol S :wave


Mrs Prior got more expressions of sympathy but no compensation. Sr Caparros continues to hold Vera council responsible and Vera council continue to hold him responsible.

We will get an update out to the AUAN members as soon as our secretary can power up the generator on her house. A general update will go on the web page before the weekend is over (if I can get the energy to do it).


Hi Sherriff,
Good for you for attending. We counted about 200 onto the buses from Almanzora alone. Other buses came from Vera etc... The spanish press are reporting numbers between 300 and 500. ... 91742.html ... endas.html (I like this one - where I apparently say that there are 750,000 Brits living in Almería) ... 90110.html ... zable.html ... 80621.html ... and_11/Tes

The Sheriff ILLIA.

I attended even though I am not affected by these problems { I hope } I attended as a supporter - it's a pitty that more of the people who are directly effected could not have attended also, if only one person from each reportedly  illegal house had bothered to attend there would have been over 2,000 there instead of 200.  

There was approx 200 / 250 and the march  did disrupt Almeria centre a bit but not to much,  a lot of noise was made and a lot of attention was attracted.   The prior's did get their '  face to face ' meeting - but the outcome of this I do not know as it was still going on when our demo had to finish.
Fred Sheriff.

Tip of the Day for a long life  :-  Breathe In  - Breathe Out - repeat when necessary.


Can someone who attended please post a report of the march.
Is there any planned follow-up?
Should we all individually contact our MEP's to register our concerns and maybe that will get through to the delegation that has just visited?
Mark Drew email:mark1drew at El Prado, Arboleas.


Message for the 200 people attending by bus from the Almznzora Valley.



Cantoria : Hiporgrifo 10.00 am
Arboleas : Arboleas roundabout 10.00 am
Albox: Albox rambla 10.30 am

Please dress warmly, wear sensible footwear and don't forget to bring a sandwich and a drink. Please arrive as promptly as you can.



Snr ,Juan
certanly seems to be switched on,and has it sussed out.

i cart be thair,but would like to thank everybody that can.

this situation effects everybody of all nationalitys,ie employment,tax recipts,for town halls.schools,medical services until its sorted thair is no market value to any home here,or land legal or otherwise,plus this is now compounded by the bust pound.

economicaly,the area will be set back years

ive been coming to this area for 9 years,ive seen the boom,and now the bust is here,lets hope the folks in charge are more willing to supervise economic re genaration,than watch economic de genaration/stagnation



And NO... this did not happen by magic :)


Hi all,
Some more information.... the ecologists are coming!

Translation of email indicating definitive position of Levante Sostenible (LSOS) regarding giving support for 9 Jan 2009 Almeria demonstration sent 8 Jan 2009 by Juan Grima, spokesperson to a network of Spanish ecology groups and other like-minded bodies and individuals:


Dear Everybody:


In regards to Friday's demonstration, LEVANTE SOSTENIBLE will be supporting the demonstration for various reasons which have been debated online in recent days between many of the members of this network.  We will be publicising our support – in Spanish and in English – which will be posted on and other forums.  LSOS will also attempt to attend the march in Almeria .


Let us clarify our position on the various issues (which have been debated):


The fundamental reason for this support is our desire to see the two communities integrated: the foreign residents are already, in many cases, residents of Almeria .  Their children go to our schools and they work the same as we do – as such we must support them when they have problems, the same as we would ask them to help other citizens of the Levante when the latter encounter problems.  


It is not possible to ignore the fact that a solution must be found for the foreigners in this situation (with houses purchased in good faith which are declared illegal and face demolition orders).  We cannot refuse to participate (in the march) simply because we disagree with talking about "regularisation or amnesty", as many of the ecology groups have done.  We must find an immediate solution (to the problem).  Under no circumstances should there be demolitions of homes occupied by people who have nowhere else to live and into which they have invested all their savings and time.  


As to who is "guilty" in these matters, many of these homeowners have been hoodwinked.  There is no reason why they should have to know the Spanish laws.  The fact that building licenses were issued by the town halls would have made everything appear quite legal: we have to give them the benefit of the doubt here.  Furthermore, it was not the homeowners who issued the building licenses and permitted the construction of the homes.  Therefore, strictly speaking, the homeowners have committed no crime.


We (at LSOS) insist that it is the town halls – the mayors, the councillors, the secretaries and the technical architects – who are responsible for the issuance of building licenses and for allowing illegal practices during building.  They have allowed these abuses and have been derelict in their supervisory duty.  It is therefore they who are responsible for the buildings (with pending proceedings).  We insist that (those town halls under investigation) be held accountable and that until such time as such accountability has been demonstrated, that their right to engage in planning matters be rescinded.  


I believe that this position is the most ideal from LSOS's perspective because it encompasses our support for foreign residents with houses which have been declared illegal; it stresses the need for the integration (of foreign residents) into the political life of our towns; and it emphasises that it is the town halls who are ultimately responsible for these illegalities.  


The contents of this letter can be disseminated without restriction.


Juan Grima, LSOS


To all that are going,we wish you well for tomorrow.
Good luck and hope the event gets lots of publicity. Will look forward to reading the feedback.
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


We are already booked on the bus - but I must admit I was horrified to read the post about 'Ecologistas en accion!!!!!!

What does this mean????

We had thought that our home was o.k. - but now I realise there might be a denouncia on it - although we have not had anything to say so ?????

We are coming on the march to support all our friends who have been given notice that their homes are illegal and we wanted to show
our 'solidarity' and we also felt that we wanted to support the Priors.

I did click on the site - but couldn't convert to english (still struggling along with the lessons!!!!)

What we don't understand is - WHY ARE HOUSES STILL BEING CONSTRUCTED IN THESE AREAS??????!!!!!!!

As you have said - many people in these very areas are under the illusion that this dreadful property scandal has nothing to do with them.
They feel safe and comfy in their homes.  Think about the Priors - do something now before it's too late.



A recent AULAN press release says that "at least one major British television network scheduled to do a report" on Friday's protest March. Does anyone know which network this is (so that we can look out for reports on the right channel)?



Sad to read Helen Priors comments in the Costa Almeria News regarding theresponse she received from the  people at Albox Car Boot Fair. ( This lady had her house knocked down and only 3 people cared enough that day to offer support?  

Thankfully, some of the expats of Almanzora have managed to redeem her faith in humanity to the tune of 4 busloads of supporters. If you want to join them send an email to ... rticle5313

Here is a link to the ´Ecologists en Accion´ site for Zurgena, it says there are 1,000 properties which have been denounced in 5 areas, Los Carasoles, Cucador, los Menchones, Los Llanos del Peral y La Alfoquía.

Here is a link to the ´Ecologists en Accion´ site for Zurgena, it says there are properties which have been denounced in 10 areas Paraje los Carmenes, Rambla Arquillo, nuevas construcciones junto al cementerio de Partaloa, Paraje los Campillos, nuevo núcleo de población dirección Cerro Gordo , Lomo del Algarrobo, 2 nuevos núcleos existentes al margen izquierdo de la Rambla de Lentisco, la Piedra Amarilla y el Cerro Gordo

Here is a link to the ´Ecologists en Accion´ site for Arboleas, it says there are properties which have been denounced in 7 areas, Los Carrascos, Los Garcías, La Perla, El Germán, Los Llanos de Arboleas, Limaria y Los Higuerales.

The Inspection Plans do nothing to stop the court proceedings initiated by these denuncias.

A denuncia is a complaint which the Guardia cannot ignore, it must be acted upon. In many cases you will not have been visited by the Guardia as the denuncia covers a whole estate. You may not even know there is a court case against you until you are actually called into court, but you will be called. Take my case for example. I know that my house is subject to criminal proceedings as a result of a denuncia by Ecologists in Action because my neighbour showed me their court file but I have not been oficially advised.  As many people have contracts citing them as the promotors, you will be held responsible for building an illegal house. Again, I can confirm from personal experience that this is true.  Take heart as it is your first offence they will probably not jail you (although the offence does carry a jail term), you will probably just receive a hefty fine. So my lawyer tells me anyway. Gulp!

If you want to know why you haven´t heard anything yet, the Spanish Judicial system is as slow as molasses, and they have been on strike !!!

Oh, and wait, it just gets better. Your house is not only in judicial proceedings, the chances are very good that it is also in administrative proceedings, now these fines are really high.

So all you ostriches out there, and those of you who think your developer will ´sort it all out´, take note, IF YOU DON'T STAND UP FOR US... WE WON'T BE ABLE TO STAND UP FOR YOU IF YOU NEED US!


Calling the "Ostriches", the "I'm allright Jacks", the "Can't be bothered". Wake up.

We are European Citizens. Spain takes European money (for now). They have to abide by the rules, They are not doing so. Citizens must make their voices heard; and yes, believe it or not we do have rights. After all it could happen to you - in fact, it might already be happening, its just that you do not know about it. Have you not been told "no pasa nada", "ningun problema". Don´t rock the boat? Well the boat has some serious leaks. The Junta is aware of this and so is the Spanish government - they do read the foreign press and the British government does have a quiet, though very polite, word in their ear now and again. They are sensitive to the issue. The time is now to do something to change things. Funnily enough a delegation of the European Parliament is actually meeting the Spanish governmet at the time of the march to talk about these very issues. The politicians cannot have it their own way all of the time. Our voices must be heard. So would you skeptics, ostriches etc, please abandon your terraces, and dare I say your gin and tonics (or other preferred beverages) for a couple of hours and actually try to do something to for you fellow human beings?


its the first time ive watched the full footage,very very sad indeed, S


This could have been you

Here is a link to video footage of the Priors demolition.  Please watch it and at this time of goodwill to all men, see if you can find it in yours hearts to support them.

Here is their story, the facts not the fiction, direct from Len and Helen Prior.

If non of the above rocks your boat, then ask yourselves, ´what is the value of your home now´.  Whether your home is legal or not, the housing market is pretty much dead in the water until this situation is resolved.  This affects everyone, legal or not, so get out on the streets of Almeria on the 9th Jan.


Lenox,  I think we are banging our heads against the proverbial brick wall.  Very few paople seem to care and of those that do, even fewer are prepared to do anything about it !!!

This is a great chance for all the illegal house owners to take a stand.  The Spanish believe if you have a problem, you shout about it or issue a denuncia, or both.  By doing nothing and keeping quiet, the Spanish believe you must be guilty i.e. you knew what you were buying.

So to all those illegal house owners out there, if you don´t want to pay through the nose to get your houses legal, its time to take a stand.  There are subsidised coaches going from Albox, Cantoria and Mojacar, get yourselves on them.  

For tickets or info email">  Simply Art also has tickets (just up from Mercadona in Albox).  By attending this peaceful march, you could be saving yourselves thousands of euros (and I do mean thousands).


There's a chance now to do something, not just about the Priors, whose house was bulldozed flat a year ago without compensation (or compassion), but to publicise the condition of many other home-owners who are, for one reason or another, at risk.
There are said to be 6000 houses in just a few towns in the Alta Almanzora which have been deemed 'illegal'. The mayors of those small towns presumably looked out of their town hall windows during the building of these homes... and saw nothing. No one reported to them 'Look Señor Alcalde, your cousin is building some dodgy casas and flogging them off to the Brits'. Besides 'illegal homes', fraud, theft and lies, we have 'land grab'. We have unfinished urbanisations, SL companies that have 'gone bust' (for 3000 euros), off-plan homes that have never been started, deposits lost, lawyers working both ends, politicians using us as pawns and so on.
The British and other Northern Euriopeans have come here to retire. To bring money in from abroad. To provide jobs for the local townsfolk. To buy cars, furniture, clothes, food and a host of other things that help support local business. It should be a win/win situation for Spain.
Many Spaniards think so as well - they will be with us on the march on January 9th in Almería City.
Will you?