Albox Cinema

Started by Lorraine, January 17, 2017, 11:19:21 AM

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Time is no problem but I still would not want to see certain films, this being one. Put on a film I want to see and I will be there.


I don't care what time it is.


People requested that the films be shown at 18.30 and yet there was still the same amount of people as when on at 20.30 ( my preferred time, 18.30 is a joke) so my question, where were all the bloody whingers who claimed that 20.30 was too late.


Got it - no info yet though.


Tried that girasol - nothing found :( - I will persist though


If you have Facebook search for "cine sala frederico garcia lorca" then you will receive the post


Went to the 6.30 Showing of Assassins Creed last night. Brilliant. Not many of us there though. How do we find out when the next English showing is?  :bravo_2: