Hillsborough disaster

Started by Norm2, September 12, 2012, 17:17:36 PM

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WHAT HAPPENED ,HAPPENED!! A person could go through the history books and there WILL always be another way to sort it OUT!! HEY ,if we ALL knew what to do and could see into the future what to do ,we would all be MILLIONAIRES and ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ( does the word COMPENSATION  start appearing !!)


and I wonder where the pressure came from to push commanders to manipulate the facts..I

Colin we all no the answer to that one ,the  uk poliys no doubt running the job at the time.
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


So whats the aswer Norm ?

if you was running the uk job today whats your next move ?

try and DO all the cops and wast millions. ?

genuine question .
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


I too worked closely with the police for over 20 years on events dealing with public safety and I have the greatest admiration for the vast majority of officers. The vast majority do a magnificent job! But that is not the point - following Hillsborough we have a systematic attempt to pervert the truth to cover up errors of judgement and mistakes. I have absolutely no doubt that everyone in the police on duty on the day were there to do their jobs to the best of their ability. Mistakes were made - what is abjected wrong in this case - is that having made those mistakes - the police commanders tried, by falsifying reports and telling lies, to blame others. It is that action which is so wrong and it's taken 23 years to uncover those lies. It is not hindsight - it's just taken 23 years for the truth to be admitted.  


the problem is for the uk cops is they carnt realy win,ie traffic cop gets blasted in the face and people take the attitude,well its a dangerous job.

cop alters his bookwork to save his pension and family finances then he crosses the moral line.


hinsight is a wonderfull thing and it worth bearing in mind that the only thing keeping the uk lid on at the moment is a very thin blue line.

one thing is for sure,if your driving down the road in the uk and you get pulled ,your very un likly to get done for no seat belt if you were wearing it,wich is more than can be seid for other countrys.
(i still have fresh in my memory only  the spanish news the other week showing miners been machine gunned down by the SAP)

i would think any body involved in that terrible event still hold the mental scares to this day wether uniformed or football fans in short it was and still is a traumatic event for all involved.
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


I totally agree. The Guardian summarises it well:

"The panel found that 164 police statements were significantly amended and 116 explicitly removed negative comments about the policing operation, including its lack of leadership, a revelation that drew gasps when relayed by Cameron in parliament. Officers carried out police national computer checks on those who had died in an attempt "to impugn the reputations of the deceased"

This was a systematic fix-up and cover-up on a monumental scale. The police 'doctored' evidence, lied on oath, and even mounted posthumous attacks on the integrity of entirely innocent victims - including children.

Many people will be shocked by this. I'm not. I've seen it first-hand before, several times. Collusion between police officers to lie and cover up what really happened, innocent people in some cases physically assaulted and even killed... do remember that in the (recent) case of Ian Tomlinson (killed by police), officers again repeatedly lied, and only after the trial (and aquittal) did it emerge that the officer involved had a long history of complaints against him for excessive force,  and had even resigned to avoid an investigation - then to be employed again "no questions asked". Disgraceful yes. Shocking no. Not to anyone who has ever been involved in this kind of thing first-hand.

Dixon of Dock Green is long dead. You now have a bunch of corrupt thugs with a license to kill roaming the streets.

What will happen to those in this case who manufactured and altered evidence? My bet: nothing. As usual.


On the 23rd August 2011 Fred Sherriff posted his views on who was to blame for this disaster - and ended in stating "let's put the blame where it lies" Well the truth has been revealed - the police lied - the ambulance service failed in its duty of care - the coroner was badly advised - and the local authority in Sheffield were negilent. The PM stated today there was no more consumption of alcohol than would be expected at any similar social event - there is no evidence of tickless fans - but there is evidence of over one hundred falsified police statements seeking to place the blame on Liverpool fans. Evidence that within 3 minutes of issuing the order to open an exit gate the Police were claiming it had been forced open by fans.  Absolute shame and disgrace on all those who tried to smother the truth and to pervert justice. Those who believed the press reports at the time and had preconceived ideas about football fans in general and Liverpool fans in particular may have had a reason to believe the police's distorted version of events 23 years ago. Now let's hope that even they have to grace to apologise in private if not publically.