
Started by Paul and Jo, March 20, 2017, 11:08:37 AM

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Dave T

Do you mean Anna? Lady in her 30's
If so she only ask for food and baby bits because the bf takes money off her!


Quote from: nic.spato on March 22, 2017, 15:19:02 PM
I won't give to a beggar, but buskers are a different ball game.
As long as they do guitar, sing, blow a harmonica......even if it's rubbish, I see that as earning the euro I drop in their hat.

Totally agree with you nic those are the only ones we give to.


Quote from: webejamin on March 23, 2017, 15:06:50 PM
I nearly fell over laughing once in New Orleans. There was a bloke busking :035: as they do, and my Mrs says "I've got no small notes" so I said "just chuck in all yer change" "but I've only got 25 cents" she said, so I said "chuck it in". As we walk up the street he stopped playing :a102: and hollered "hey!!! does the lady want some change from this quarter" :57: Well if you'd seen her face  :85: :85:   



I don't know if you are all discussing  the same lady. The lady I am referring Never asks. She is pleased if you do give and is never rude.  I give her biscuits and sweets for her children and a Euro from my trolley.   There is another lady ..
Very pushy.. I don't give to her

Dave T

I gave her food once she was really mad and said no I want money!! So she got FA


I nearly fell over laughing once in New Orleans. There was a bloke busking :035: as they do, and my Mrs says "I've got no small notes" so I said "just chuck in all yer change" "but I've only got 25 cents" she said, so I said "chuck it in". As we walk up the street he stopped playing :a102: and hollered "hey!!! does the lady want some change from this quarter" :57: Well if you'd seen her face  :85: :85:   


If you give something with a good heart and don't begrudge it, job done. What they do with it after that is their decision.


You can't tar all beggars with the same brush.  There used to be a man, a highly intelligent man, sleeping on a bench  near my shop in the Town centre.  I used to take him a cup of tea and toast  every morning.  He told me he was an ex head teacher, I knew he was well educated from the conversations we had.   He said things had gone wrong.  I've no idea what but one morning he wasnt there and I never saw him again.  ..

What I am saying is .... there but for the grace of God .......

phileas fogg

Best entertainment on the Playa watching the Looky Looky men sprint away faster than Usain Bolt carrying their goods in a blanket being chased by Police.


I could Nibbles - at least they are selling something rather than pulling on the heartstrings......

I find it quite difficult to say no to Lucky Lucky men - unless it's to buy a dodgy video....... :67:


You could say the same thing about the Looky Looky men on the Playa.
Nibbler :72:


Having spent years being harrassed by "homeless" people in Manchester City Centre, and then verbally abused for not taking up their "kind" offer to assist them by purchasing a copy of the Big Issue, I came to Spain in the hope that they were actually capable of policing something which the UK fail to do (indeed, a certain Political Party promotes for their own purposes).

Alas, I was wrong.

Please donate your hard-earned to whoever you believe your God will give you brownie points for.  I have no problem with that.

What puzzles me is why the management of our various supermarkets, who are 50% reliant on ex-pats custom, allow these "down-and-outs" to pester us on their premises.........


I won't give to a beggar, but buskers are a different ball game.
As long as they do guitar, sing, blow a harmonica......even if it's rubbish, I see that as earning the euro I drop in their hat.

phileas fogg

Seen these people all around the world, circus performers pretending to be disabled, dogs on string, pinching babies to make them cry, wearing worn out shoes and dirty clothes any thing to enhance the appearance to get money. Seen them waiting for us once we leave cruise ship in any port of call.
We totally ignore them ensuring all our bags are zipped and we don't wear our expensive jewelry or look at them. As for the professional beggars at Lidl who has 5 kids, watch her get into her car when she is picked up.
If you want to give them money up to you your choice no one else's.


Quote from: cg on March 21, 2017, 15:00:36 PM
She not at either supermarkets today, maybe she having a day off on the beach.

at home counting her money?   :hee20hee20hee:


Quote from: Tetley on March 21, 2017, 14:44:42 PM
I  just hope she isnt saving with a veiw to living the dream.....unless she is mebee saving up ti buy a cheap brit palace .....bless
A lot of them aren't living the dream at all, so many of them are actually modern-day slaves, so the money you give goes to the slave masters. Everyone is free to give their money to whomever they please. I support 2 charities because I know where the money goes - not to admin and staff salary costs - and I am always happy to buy extra groceries when shopping, to contribute to the central points where it go to people genuinely in need.
I never, ever give to people begging on the street because I am never sure if it stays with them, or goes to a slave master, or whatever. If I felt my hard-earned money was going to a slave master I would be horrified, so I don't give that a chance to be true. In my opinion there are far better ways of supporting people in need.


Probably out with the" sunshine under the  hammer crew"  veiwing villas........ :shocked: i just hope she dont turn up in a Brit plate motor......... :grin:
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


She not at either supermarkets today, maybe she having a day off on the beach.


I  just hope she isnt saving with a veiw to living the dream.....unless she is mebee saving up ti buy a cheap brit palace .....bless
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Scammers use the phone or emails to con people out of their savings etc which is thoroughly wicked and despicable,
Whats the difference with this "Supposed Beggar" , the only difference i can see is she has the nerve to face you.
This thread started out with one particular woman as the subject, so sticking to that i agree with the first comment
this woman is thoroughly dishonest.


You all have a choice, so where is the problem. I would rather give hoping it helps


I would imagine that if I was aware that someone was blatantly taking the p##s, I'd blank em?  :72: Mind you I've been told not to give before, because they were a nuisance, but I did anyway :57:


Begger or entrepreneur ??


I am not stopping you doing what you want with your money, its yours to spend wisely or otherwise. If you feel the need to be charitable, and we all do, surely its better to seek out deserving causes. You can continue this thread as long as you like but that woman is on the make and nothing will change it. Saw her today in Albox again picking out the older and those on their own, she knows exactly what she is doing.


Quote from: webejamin on March 21, 2017, 11:35:32 AM
I usually give a couple of bob to Buskers or Beggars, I even know one busker that's quite well off and I always chuck in. It's each to their own really, to do what they want. I think I give because I hope it helps, it may not, but am I bovered? I'm doing what I want to do :72:

webejamin, by the way, anyone spare a couple of euros? :c017:

Have to agree, most give because they hope it makes a difference to someones life.

If you need to see somebody's bank balance before offering then  you are unlikely to give sanyway


I usually give a couple of bob to Buskers or Beggars, I even know one busker that's quite well off and I always chuck in. It's each to their own really, to do what they want. I think I give because I hope it helps, it may not, but am I bovered? I'm doing what I want to do :72:

webejamin, by the way, anyone spare a couple of euros? :c017:


seems you trying to justify yourself Trev, you want to give her your money good on you, but folks are telling you what she is up to, and thats taking others for fools...I think the original post was to advise of this woman is not someone that has come across hard times but taking mainly the soft touch English for a ride..and if you have that much money you can afford to help keep someone riding about in a Merc well done in your achievements...  


Sandi B and Trev thank you for being decent honorable people.  :bravo_2:

As you so rightly say what you do with your money is your business.
The same as the cynics who pay over the odds for their drinks in a bar! Their choice to be scammed!!


People really should stop and think about how much negative energy they expend on this forum and in their lives.
If I choose to stop and speak to this lady and then give her some of my money, then that is my concern and none of yours.

You chose not to and then try to justify that by making negative comments,or by labelling others.
I wonder who really comes out of this looking bad?


When we challenged her about what she was doing, she laughed and stuck a finger up and walked away, she can also speak some English. she is having you on. Fact.


get the Bombaro's to go round daily & hose them off

that'll put em off & give em a shower at the same time

Rules are made for the obeyance of fools & the guidance of wise men


Personally I would rather give to one of the many animal charities in Albox and surrounding area, that is where my charity donations go to.

sandy b

For goodness sake, what's 50 cents from the  trolley. How do you know she's well off. The one I always give to is outside Lidls and to me she seems genuine. OK call me gullible but if it makes me feel good what the h...l


Quote from: Daffy on March 20, 2017, 16:45:24 PM
I just thank God it is not me.
I hate these holier than thou people who just think I'm alright Jack!
Ok some are not genuine but I prefer to believe that at least the genuine ones will get something.



Those that are more gullible, sorry i mean concerned, could arrange to make a regular donation to their next Mercedes by Direct Debit. Just need to confirm if they want it paying into their Spanish or Swiss bank account.