Fitness Instructor needs venue. Can you Help?

Started by Julie A, January 14, 2011, 11:31:18 AM

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SOL Yoga Centre

Go and see Sarah at GLOW beauty salon in Albox, just down from the post office, I seem to remember her telling me that she has a large space that might be suitable for what you are looking for.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart.
Helen Keller

I am supporting Operation Christmas Child 2012.


If you go and see Brenda or Barry at Le Bistro which is in Albox under Bank Andeluz on the rambla they may be able to help you as I know they have been trying to get more things going in the bar.


Try Bar Hilario opposite the Ayuntamiento in Arboleas, they do free dance classes as well so may be interested in your classes too! You can also talk to Maria about the bar, she runs the Ferreteria by Bar Campillo and her partner owns the Bar Hilario.

Julie A

hi Michaela Ann

thank you for your response.

I current run my class with the understanding that my customers make a purchase at the bar; a coffee or something. This way it's a win win situation for myself and the bar owner during these tough economic times. If I were to go to Girasol I would have to pay hall hire and it wouldn't functional that way.

Michaela Ann

Julie A

Hi all,

I'm a Fitness Instructor in Rumores, Albox. I'm desperately looking for a New Venue to hold a New Class for my ladies, the Royal British Legion and any other new customers that would like to attend. I currently have a class on a Thursday morning but need another session in the week.

Does anyone know of a possible venue?

Please can you Help?