medicine list - non-refundable

Started by Louise, July 18, 2012, 18:15:57 PM

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Quote from: ES on July 18, 2012, 20:55:21 PM
The loverly Dr Teresa would have loved kicking all the brits out of the surgery with a cheery, eat more fruit and veg and walk for one hour a day and no you can't have medicine.

as I said: I´m not from the UK, and I´m surprised how the Spanish sometimes react when they find out....sometimes from  :vomit: into  :romance:

very strange.....

they are going dowm the hill and blame foreigners, so we can only give eachother the support  and intell that is possible!


before July 1st, if you had the medication on prescription from the medical center, you only had to pay 40% of the cost (or they were for free for pensioners on the red prescription papers...even special diaper creme for babies if they were on your account as a pensioner...I give the most weird example)
Now they are off the list: coughing medicins, pain killers with codein, treatment for psoriasis, migraine, diarhea....
I am not a UK citizen (I come from another EU country, where the system has more similarities to Spain as the UK has....)

But you are right: if they give you prescriptions for the medication on this list, you pay the full cost at the farmacy, and if possible (with special private insurance or double insurance in your home country, you can get a refund (sometimes, with loss of franchise amount)

Just make sure that if you pay for them at the farmacia, you ask an invoice with your name on it + the puchase ticket.

If you moved over here and had a health condition that needs follow up (e.g. dialysis), special documents from NHS can cover this, but this is beyond my the early days this was called form E112 (I think)

If you came here as a permanent resident and you become ill there HAVE to help you with the medical assistance. The payment for medication is determined by the country where you stay (and this recently changed)
Don´t forget: Spain has been fined for this in Brussels about 4 times I think for not following the international convention there is in the EU....
Need I say more? Sometime they are very helpfull, but in some cases we´re left on our own, without knowledge nor guidance into their system.



The loverly Dr Teresa would have loved kicking all the brits out of the surgery with a cheery, eat more fruit and veg and walk for one hour a day and no you can't have medicine.


Sorry hyacintho,  wake up, smell the coffee, and dream on.  Living the dream, wake up to the nightmare, this country is going down the pan,  The only problem is that the corrupt lot has and is dragging us all through the mire. 


I'm afraid that in my ignorance I don't quite understand what you mean by non-refundable. No medicines were ever refundable to my knowledge.

Do you men these are no longer available on prescription therefore you have to pay the full price for them?

If so then there is the very slight possibility that you may just be able to reclaim the cost off the NHS in the UK but only in very special circumstances such as there being a reciprocal agreement as they have for say people on Dialysis.


-Tratamientos para el exceso de secreción gástrica:

Compuestos de aluminio, combinaciones de complejos de aluminio. Es decir, antiácidos como el Almax.

-Tratamientos del estreñimiento:

Laxantes generadores de volumen, laxantes osmóticos, antagonistas de opiáceos (receptor opiáceo periférico).

-Tratamientos antidiarréicos:

Preparados con carbón antipropulsivos (loperamida). Lo que dejaría fuera medicamentos como el Fortasec.

-Tratamientos de la migraña:

Tratamiento clásico de migraña leve, alcaloides de Ergot (cornezuelo).

-Tratamientos del deterioro congnitivo asociado a la edad:

Vasodilatadores periféricos (vicamina, vinburmina, buflomedil, naftidrofurilo), piracetam, pirisudanol, ésteres de deanol, extracto de ginko folium.

-Tratamientos de hemorroides:

Corticoides (flucinolona, beclometasona). Lo que afectaría a cremas como el Synalar.

-Tratamientos de varices y hemorroides:

Bioflavonoides (diosmina, troxerutina, hidrosmina, rutosido escina). Es decir, pastillas como el Venoruton.

-Tratamientos de la dermatitis del pañal:

Cremas con bajas dosis de miconazol (derivado del imidazol).

-Tratamientos de la psoriasis:

Extracto de calaguala.

-Tratamientos de virosis tópicas o superficiales:

Idoxuridina, tromantadina, aciclovir, podofilotoxina, imiquimod. Quedarían por tanto fuera tratamientos para dermatosis, lesiones de la piel e infecciones víricas. Algunas importantes, como los codilomas acumulados, una enfermedad de transmisión sexual producida por el virus del papiloma humano, que se trata con podofilotoxina o imiquimod.

-Tratamientos de inflamaciones de origen traumático:

Antiflamatorios no esteroideos tópicos (etofenemato, piroxicam, ketoprofeno, diclofenaco, ácido niflumico, suxibuzona, indometacina, aceclofenac, fenilbutazona, bencidamina mabruprofeno, desketoprofeno, piketoprofeno, fepradinol). Esto afectaría a cremas como el Voltarén, Fastum o Calmatel.

-Tratamientos de la ansiedad leve:

Extracto de passiflora y crataebus, oxitriptan.

-Tratamientos de la sequedad de vías respiratorias superiores:

Mucolíticos (acetilcisteína, bromhexina, carbocisteina, mesna, ambrosoli, sobrerol). Un gran grupo, indicado para el tratamiento de resfriados.

-Tratamientos de la tos:

Alcaloides del opio (codeína) y derivados (noscapina, dextrometorfano, dimemorfano, dihidro codeína). Muchos jarabes, como el Bisolvon, tienen como base el dextrometorfano.

-Tratamientos de la sequedad ocular:

Lágrimas artificiales con carmelosa como agente humectante.

-Tratamientos de la inflamación reumatoide leve:

Diacereina. Productos indicados para la atrosis de rodilla.

-Tratamientos de dislipemias leves:

Triglicéricos omega 3. Indicados para afectaciones leves de los triglicéridos (como el Omecor).

-Tratamientos sintomáticos de la congestión nasal asociada a gripe o resfriado:

Fármacos simpaticomiméticos (pseudoefedrina, fenilefrina).