Personal Information Abuse

Started by 6.57 Crew, August 18, 2010, 23:56:31 PM

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As far as i was concerned , all information held comes under the data protection act.


As it is a "pseudonym", it can hardly be  "invasive of a person's privacy" now can it!!!!!
The "angelic duo"


oooooooo somebodies tired!!!



I'm sorry but I'm not normally a trouble maker, but............

I was also concerned about how my email address had been obtained, as its hidden on this forum & when I checked 1st thing this morning it was also hidden on the limaria forum ( which I've not been on for well over a year,, and have  never posted on there at all).

Having sent Levante Radio an email to politely asked where they obtained it, nice reply saying the limaria forum!!

Having just been back on to check, the profile setting page has changed from this morning & there is no longer a box to tick to say that you want your email kept hidden, VERY strange, it was def there this morning, as it confirmed what I thought that I had ticked it to keep it hidden

What on earth is going on!!

It seems to me that someone maybe trying to hide their tracks

Also, if I were 6.57crew, I would be extremely disappointed that some one felt it perfectly Ok to release me other pseudonym, does this not come under the agreement that yo are not allowed on this Forum will post something that is
                                      "invasive of a person's privacy"


tkevin47 ILLIA

Damien, I fail to understand why you could justify revealing a pseudonym could be considered a breach of the data protection act ! On the otherhand, if a posters real name was revealed then that could be considered a breach. So in that regard I think you are wandering off the point.


Yes, if you do sign up to any site of course you agree to the Administrators of that site being able to access any necessary information they may need to identify you or the source of the posting, even if it is only your IP address. Which in itself isn't a lot of good if the posting is being made from an Internet Cafe.

I would though be very concerned if the information was available to the moderators generally.

I would personally not be all that happy about the reply from chelseaphil:

Quote from: chelseaphil on August 19, 2010, 07:46:07 AM
E.57crew.  You are also registered on the Limaria forum but as El Gordo, although you have never made any posts on there.  Your email address on that forum is visible to people that use it. This is where Steve probably got your email address from.

It is probably fair enough to make the point that the person concerned is a member of another forum and even possibly the point they post under another name, however I question whether or not revealing the forum they post on and the name they post under contravenes the Data Protection Act? Also, what is the relevance of how many times they have posted?


So apologies are in order then for all the allegations? 

If you sign up to any e-mail service or any forum you give permission for your IP address to be accessible to the provider/business/forum administrator.

Levante Radio

As I do not have a listing for you in my database under E57.crew I am at a loss as to how you received an email from Levante Radio. 

But now that it has been posted that you are El Gordo on the Limaria forum. I notice that is a name I do have linked to an email address I have in my listing.  Which is why you received the email in the first place.


We and other forums all use IP addresses to filter out those people that are registering with multiple usernames. Unfortunately for us, the majority of members have the same IP address. But that makes it a little easier to filter those that are not on the common internet networks. 

Several people have recently been identified as setting up secondary usernames. Found out by checking IP addresses when they register. This was something that was suggested by several members last year when a well known builder from Cantoria kept registering on the forum with multiple names. We have simply continued with that practice.


I agree with you on that score Geminis

It's the monitoring of IP addresses I don't like

If someone is posting offensively then fair enough, but it's without cause, except at the whim of (some) of the mods


If people do not want their details made public, don't sing up for anything.... simples!!!
The "angelic duo"

6.57 Crew

Perhaps Steve King would like to state where he got his information from.

Chelsea Phil. I don't trust you and dont think i ever will. Too many strange things have happened on here whilst you were a moderator


Quote from: damien on August 19, 2010, 08:04:18 AM
I find it very worrying that the Administrator of this forum very much appears to be tracking members and keeping an eye on which forums they belong to what names they are signing in as and what postings they are making!

In fact I will go so far as to say, that if it is that easy for them to do this, then it conjures up a sorts of scenarios of abuse.

Maybe an explannation is due?

I agree completely Damien - I am a member of various other forums based in both Spain and the UK, but have not noticed the "tracking" that seems to go on here!

A serious question:

Just how safe is our personal information on this forum?

Levante Radio

This is the first line of the newsletter we sent out.

Firstly, we would like to state that this is a monthly newsletter that we will be sending out.  As this is this first one we would like to apologise if you do not want these emails. If this is the case please reply to the email stating UNSUBSCRIBE.  You will not receive any further newsletters.

Steve King


Quote from: chelseaphil on August 19, 2010, 07:46:07 AM
E.57crew.  You are also registered on the Limaria forum but as El Gordo, although you have never made any posts on there.

Nothing wrong with admins keeping an eye on who is on where in case of problems, but I do feel it is bad form to publicise such information, especially where that user uses a different ID.


Claire is right,whenever I get a PM it always appears on my email.
I must have been lucky as I've never received any comms which weren't expected.
Nibbler :lol:


Quote from: AndyH on August 19, 2010, 08:16:08 AM
Sending bulk uninvited emails is spamming, pure and simple. There should be a specific "opt in" before anything is ever sent AND an easy to use "unsubscribe" feature if you change your mind and no longer want to receive the advert/newsletter/whatever.


I also Received said email!! There is an opt out in there!! Easy peasy !!

I thought it was very good although there should of been some naked ladies on the page, now that would of grabbed my attention!!  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I would rather get info via email/websites rather than flyers/papers etc as its very green!! Im all for that !

Bob "saving the World" M  :lol:


Sending bulk uninvited emails is spamming, pure and simple. There should be a specific "opt in" before anything is ever sent AND an easy to use "unsubscribe" feature if you change your mind and no longer want to receive the advert/newsletter/whatever.



Sure I own the Limaria forum. So I am not doing anything wrong. Just pointing out that it is so easy to get email addresses from somewhere else. Places that people forget that they have joined in the past.  Satisfied? Oh and just so you know, I am not a moderator on here any more.


I find it very worrying that the Administrator of this forum very much appears to be tracking members and keeping an eye on which forums they belong to what names they are signing in as and what postings they are making!

In fact I will go so far as to say, that if it is that easy for them to do this, then it conjures up a sorts of scenarios of abuse.

Maybe an explannation is due?


E.57crew.  You are also registered on the Limaria forum but as El Gordo, although you have never made any posts on there.  Your email address on that forum is visible to people that use it. This is where Steve probably got your email address from.


6.57 Good Morning

Having consulted our high powered Legal Advisors (Who don't charge us, just a free ad on our bike number plate's) We (Me and my Passe par Tout, S :wave, as the current Forum Devil Incarnates have been advised to issue the following statement'

"It weren't us' !


PS This statement has our full permission to be copied and published on any other forum by any third party for the purpose of removing us from the investigation ! Hope you get it sorted Mate !


I got two too but they came through the PM system thus ending up in my email inbox as message received from Arboleas forum

6.57 Crew

A few days ago i received an e-mail from Levante Radio (Steve King).
This e-mail was supposedly a news letter from Levante Radio.
My question is...Who gave this person my e-mail address?
It seems to me that someone on this forum is abusing the trust put in him/her. Was it for monetory gain?
Whether or not this person advertises with this forum does not give anyone the right to give out my personal information.
Before anybody asks my e-mail address is hidden