homosexuals getting married or not ????

Started by old codger, March 28, 2014, 22:41:25 PM

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Why wait up to watch then , why not keep you foul comments to yourself . We are living in 2014 not 1900


 :clap: :clap:I have no problem with two people who love each other getting married. I have a huge problem with little girls of 8 or 9 getting married off to old men - nothing to do with love. We are very fortunate to live in a society which recognises the need for equality. Otherwise it would be a bit like saying two people of the same hair or eye colour shouldn't be allowed to marry.
As long as it isn't made compulsory and is entered into by two people who love each other I can't see why it would be anyone else's business!


Quote from: sleepy john on March 29, 2014, 06:28:09 AM
I have to agree with Old Codger. Marriage has always been defined as a union between a man and a woman.

No. History contradicts you.

It would be more accurate to say it was frequently defined as a "union between a man and several women". Polygamy was in fact the normal practice for a very large proportion of human history. It was certainly so in old testament times, and persisted for hundreds of years into new testament times. It remains so in some branches of Islam, as we all know, and is also common in African societies. It is not as popular as it once was, but it is still a very widespread 'definition' worldwide.

The nature of marriage has changed a lot. It is not so long ago that divorce was unthinkable, and illegal. Now it is widely accepted.

Times change... customs and social practices and acceptances change too. As long as no-one is being forced into anything, or hurt by it, I don't really see the problem. Marriage between a man and a woman has not always been this "rose tinted" image many like to present, either.  It was often a case of families effectively "selling" their daughters to gain influence, power and wealth (whatever the daughter might think about it). Even into the 20th C., married women had few rights and were considered the "property" of the husband. A man could quite legally rape his wife with no fear of prosecution.... few today would consider that acceptable... but it was only outlawed in 1991 in England and Wales!

Like "Victorian Values" there is really no such thing as a fixed, immutable definition of marriage. It is something that evolves with society. As society changes, so does what is accepted as marriage. I once knew a lady who had two husbands simultaneously...certainly unconventional, but they were happy, cared for each other and it worked for them. I have always taken the view that such matters are really no business of anyone else and the main thing is that people are happy doing whatever they choose to do so long as it hurts no-one else. As for everyone else, pretty simple really, they should be happy other people are happy  :romance:

Beats going around miserable and full of hatred just because someone is different than you are.

sleepy john

I have to agree with Old Codger. Marriage has always been defined as a union between a man and a woman. Why are politicians influenced by the tat shown on television.

old codger

Santana Fan, I find legalising homosexual marriages disgusting and appalling but not my commenting on it here. My original post contained my view which on a free speech forum as this, I felt justified in doing. My comments were neither defamatory or libellous and not directed at any particular person.
Possibly it does not bother you to see the true values of a hetro sexual marriage being brought down to this level but it bothers me. It is bad enough that soap operas are now showing homosexuals in kissing embraces before the water shed.
Fortunately my kids were bought up when one didn't have to sit with finger poised over the off button. HOW FAR WILL THIS SO CALLED EQUALITY GO???????? O.C.
My body is in the UK but I left my heart in Spain.

Santana Fan

I think it is disgusting and appalling Old Codger

that you think like that, and worse still are prepared to put it here in writing.


old codger

Just seen an item on the news that has made me fume. At one minute past midnight tonight (UK time) the first pair of queers will be ''getting married'' in Brighton (where else)? I find the whole business of same sex ''marriages'' disgusting, it devalues all that true hetro sexual marriages stand for.
Just out of curiosity what do other people think/feel about this devaluing of standards ???? O.C.
My body is in the UK but I left my heart in Spain.