Channel Tunnel - Again!

Started by MELEE, July 21, 2015, 16:39:10 PM

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Quote from: Three Blind Mice on August 08, 2015, 18:26:44 PM

It could be construed that the Tory government are quite happy with the goings on re the migrant problem.

They know that your B scenario might just play out.

What then ?


We seem to agree a lot of the time in reality, we may well have differing ways to get there mind you.

The people get the government they deserve..... I'm sure somebody said that before  :whistle:

And I don't take most of my ideas from RT, it would be one, along with many, many others, just the other day I watched a cracking docu about Goldman Sachs, it wasn't on RT, tho it could have been, and it was quite an eye opener on how they control the governments of the western world, and a major part of the crisis with the migrants are their doing.

Until the people wake up and smell the corruption and spin, and actually take back their right, it's :head for some time.

I along with you wish there was a solution to the problem, for all involved, the good people of the UK, Europe, and the migrants themselfs, but I honestly can't see one.

its never going to happen,we have just seen the Greek people rail roaded after a democratic vote to basikly.... go bust.... print there own currency again and re build.... but the WORLD bankers.... stopped it.

although im not re engaging on this channel debate ,I think the UK EU  job is Xed ,because there is no body I know that is happy abought folks coming into the UK ,................. ie racists,non racists,church goers ect.

Very intresting EU  times  :tiphat:
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Goldman Sachs, Fat cats, fine example :tiphat:

Three Blind Mice


It could be construed that the Tory government are quite happy with the goings on re the migrant problem.

They know that your B scenario might just play out.

What then ?


We seem to agree a lot of the time in reality, we may well have differing ways to get there mind you.

The people get the government they deserve..... I'm sure somebody said that before  :whistle:

And I don't take most of my ideas from RT, it would be one, along with many, many others, just the other day I watched a cracking docu about Goldman Sachs, it wasn't on RT, tho it could have been, and it was quite an eye opener on how they control the governments of the western world, and a major part of the crisis with the migrants are their doing.

Until the people wake up and smell the corruption and spin, and actually take back their right, it's :head for some time.

I along with you wish there was a solution to the problem, for all involved, the good people of the UK, Europe, and the migrants themselfs, but I honestly can't see one.


In reality, it aint the politicians that's gonna mug me, or beat the crap outa me, it aint the politicians that steam on the underground, or threaten me with hell and damnation if I'm unlucky enough to be in the street when sharia law is being handed out to passers by. Every one of my nieces and nephews have been attacked or robbed by foreign thugs, one young lad, several times, but never once by an English thug. The politicians are to blame, but I can't see them on the streets, plenty of local politicians though, check out Tower Hamlets, a place where we have to integrate.
It's OK being Loving and kind about them, but we, or our kids are the ones that can't get decent jobs, or decent housing. We're the ones on the downward track, not the migrants. The plain and simple fact is, there's just too many. :tiphat:       


So just out of intrest then posters......

what do you all think the outcome of this mass exedus will be,ie

 A) Will the UK  let everybody in Thats wanting to cross the channel after been told to do so by the EU ,ie all EU countrys taking there share of folks

 B ) will it Split the UK voter .......... from the EU.

my moneys on  B


Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


"When you have the flu, do you treat your symptoms, or go and get rid of the cause.
Enough said, too late when your already sneezing."

PhilipJLloyd the problem is that many people THINK they have the flu when in reality whatl they have is a cold. Interesting allegory though.

Three Blind Mice


I agree with you 100%, problem is, it has and is happening, it's too late.


You know as well as I do that taking stuff to cure the symptoms doesn't work  :tiphat:


Quote from: Three Blind Mice on August 08, 2015, 15:10:11 PM

You shouldn't feel that way, end of.

But to blame the migrants is wrong, they are just a symptom, they are not the cause.

This has been my beef all along, the blame lies elsewhere.

At the end of the day it's all about what can be stolen from these countries.

Oh, and I never mentioned illegal immigrants the other day  :tiphat:

And like everyone else, I do not have an answer, cos there ain't one.

When you have the flu, do you treat your symptoms, or go and get rid of the cause.
Enough said, too late when your already sneezing.


TBM. Webe, does feel the way he feels and so do 1000's of other Anglo white Brits. It may be perception or whatever, but the underlying feelings are there. Go around some of these areas in London, the Midlands and parts of the North and witness how integration just doesn't happen Now that does need addressing and soon..  sunrun

Three Blind Mice


You shouldn't feel that way, end of.

But to blame the migrants is wrong, they are just a symptom, they are not the cause.

This has been my beef all along, the blame lies elsewhere.

At the end of the day it's all about what can be stolen from these countries.

Oh, and I never mentioned illegal immigrants the other day  :tiphat:

And like everyone else, I do not have an answer, cos there ain't one.


Can't see much differ TBM, only that I see it all from where I am and where we are now. What shoulda happened, didn't, and what has happened, has.
When I go on a bus or train (seldom) or drive into East London (often) I am always aware of how foreign it is, and am always relieved to be out of it, yet it's my family home, why should I feel that way? :tiphat:

Three Blind Mice


I didn't single you out, you addressed me and told me that I needed a reality check.
I beg to differ, my grasp on reality is 100% A Ok, it obviously differs from your sense of reality, but like you say, maybe I shouldn't judge you, maybes just a bit of retaliation on my part for you judging me.


This is where we differ.

Prior to 9/11, the middle east had it's troubles granted, but there was nothing like what is going down today, the ME is a disaster area, the oppressive regimes in Iraq, Libya, Syria were bad, but the countries were stable, the population in those countries didn't in the main want to leave, Libya especially had a very high standard of living for the majority of the population, most had jobs, they were well educated, there was little poverty etc, the same could be said for the other countries, now they have desended into total anarchy, this is a direct result of the west bombing the **** out of them, to deny this is delusional, IMO, the facts are there for all to see, if you want to seem them that is.
Now, when I look at the US of A, the main instigators of the bombing, I see a nation that has poverty on an industrial scale, I see an oppressive regime that is turning more into a police state by the day.

Why do they have the right to invade these countries and topple a stable nation, they don't, but they did, and they are the cause of the problem today, nobody else.

I own a house on the West back in Luxor, have done since the early 2000s, but due to the influence of outside agencies agitating the muslim brotherhood, the country has gone to the dogs, I wouldn't dream of returning there today, my wifes cousin lives in our house, he married an Egyptian, but he still fears for his safety, but as his wife and children can't leave, he can't, or won't.

I am in no way defending the oppressive regimes that ruled these countries, but some people really need to look at what has gone before.

Every action has a reaction, and what is happening today is a reaction to the action.

But the blogs will carry on bleating about illegals and the like, well, their governments whom they voted for caused this.
Karma sure is a bitch.



Lets get this into perspective

We are looking at this through western European eyes

As with a lot of these countries they are worse off after our intervention than
before under a so called repressive regime.

So why don't we (British) stop meddling, we're not a colonial country any more romping round
the world bringing the natives democracy & religion

That's what got us into this mess to start with

Charity begins at home look after us & ours

:head :head :head :head

Rant over


Rules are made for the obeyance of fools & the guidance of wise men


Thing is, when you look at Syria for instance, they say it was an oppressive regime, but I don't remember thousands of people trying to leave it, unless of course I missed something. When the civil was broke out, if I remember rightly, there was talk of Cameron assisting the rebels, until he got his arse kicked by his own Tory MPs. Now of course he's committed our forces to helping Assad :whistle: in a roundabout way. OK Assad might be a bit of an ar******e but compared to this IS bunch, he's a pussycat. Same goes for Libya, Cameron again, buddy up with the French to let the Genie out.
Now look at us, thousands of people, mostly young men of fighting age, trying and succeeding to get into an already overcrowded UK, while the EU look on and do nothing.
We can't pay our cops, firemen, nurses to do their jobs now, let alone if, or when, we fill up with even more migrants. Is it any wonder that some of us get the hump over it and say a few things that might offend others?
If some of these southern European countries had handled their economies better and been less corrupt in the past, maybe they would be in a better position to cope with this disaster that's occurring now. :tiphat:  


Surely one way to stop the flow of these migrants (not proper asylum seekers) is to make it too expensive for them to come in the first place. Instead of navies picking them up in the Med and taking them to Europ, doing the people smugglers job for them), return them to Libya. Pay Libya a fee per migrant to look after them on their return and put them in a camp somewhere. Then they will have to pay again and again to try and cross the Med. The money these migrants have will quickly become exhausted and word will get back to where they originate that it is too expensive.


TBM - I am neither a racist nor a migrant - I live in the country of my birth and the birth of many generations of my family - I do not want my country over run with illegal immigrants - NO MATTER WHERE THEY COME FROM.
You must have read all the posts on this topic but chose to pick mine out to insult - it was no more inflammatory than any of the others - and less so than some.

And to quote YOU 'I haven't, like some, resorted to name calling' - is calling someone you do not know from the man in the moon racist not name calling, it is very insulting.   You need to think before you commit your fingers to the keys.

Freewheelin Franklin

Quote from: Pompey Blue on August 08, 2015, 11:10:00 AM
Quote from: webejamin on August 08, 2015, 08:52:16 AM
Maybe it would be better if the world took action against these oppressive regimes, or where a ruling gov. can't cope with some of these fanatical insurgents, but coz there's no money in it, they won't >:(


Best thing I have read within this topic, instead of threatening mass murder ( and people moan about the gang of 7 talking bollards, hope bollards is okay Phil ) why not try complaining about the root cause without the underlining Racism

Pompey Blue

Quote from: webejamin on August 08, 2015, 08:52:16 AM
Maybe it would be better if the world took action against these oppressive regimes, or where a ruling gov. can't cope with some of these fanatical insurgents, but coz there's no money in it, they won't >:(

Man cannot live by bread alone, there should be a beverage involved.


Maybe it would be better if the world took action against these oppressive regimes, or where a ruling gov. can't cope with some of these fanatical insurgents, but coz there's no money in it, they won't >:(


Today I read an article in The Independent . It is not my newspaper of choice. The  health worker had spent time in Sicily, where  many refugees land up. He was traumatised by having to deal with the human cost of people trying to escape repressive regimes
Example ; family of dad, mum, year old baby, had paid 2500 euros to an unscrupulous boat trafficker to leave Syria.
When asked if it had been worth it, his reply was " I know we may have died, but it is better than staying and being persecuted in our home country .
The world should be taking action against the evil people who control " people trafficking " .


TBM, I agree with felipe I don't think anyone is referring to you when trolls are mentioned. You, like the rest of us, have an opinion, and we all express them in different ways. I have always respected your opinion even if I don't agree, but I think it's unfortunate that some trollish types decided to get involved, ruining the whole thread, but they virtually happen and we have to virtually live with them. :tiphat:


TBC, I do not think it is you that is being called a troll, there are two others that hold that mantle. You have, for a very long time contributed to discussions on the forum.

The problem is that calling people a racist on the basis of a post that some see as letting off steam, if a bit OTT. Racism is a very delicate thing, and to accuse someone of being one, when they are not, only adds to inciting retaliation.

You have differing opinions on how to deal with the immigration issue in Calais and as far as I am concerned more than welcome to post them.  The general consensus from what I can see is not that people are being racist, but they are simply wanting an end to illegal entry of non EU people to the UK. Yes, they may go to stating extreme measures, but I doubt any of them really mean that they want to see them all blown up.

Three Blind Mice


Would it have been Ok if I had ommited the "out and out" bit before the racist bit ?

You can't just be a wee bit racist, it's sort of saying someone is a wee bit pregnant, or a wee bit dead...........

Either a racist or not.

And a few posts today, and all through this thread, and many other threads, are as racist as them come, advocating blowing them out of the water, Dearie Me, you could get into serious trouble for saying stuff like that, or agreeing with it, and for allowing it to be posted.

I may be many things, but a Troll is not one of them, I never realised that a troll was someone who disagreed with the mainstream, it seems so on here, looking for the trolls in the mirror springs to mind.

I have given my point of view, nothing more, nothing less.

I have had the jibes from a few posters for having the audacity to have a differing view point, I haven't, like them resorted to name calling, it says more about them than me IMO, but, the irony of migrants living in a foreign land, wanting to stop migrants entering another land, it will sail over the top of their heads.

And if you really want to sue me MELEE, bring it on, no publicity is bad publicity, anything I can do to highlight racism, I will, all day long.

Screen shots are a wonderful invention, are they not  :whistle:

Have a nice day people, I sure will :tiphat:


Quote from: sparkiemike on August 07, 2015, 10:20:44 AM

simple solution patrol the water off of north Africa with boats or drones & sink the migrant boats
before they get anywhere near Europe.

Make it an African problem, don't let their problem become ours

The word will soon get round the prospective migrants that go on a people trafficker's boat to
Europe you will be sunk & die.

Job done



Agree 100% :clap: :clap:


Some more than others  :drinks:


All these remedies are OK, but where will we get our cheap labour from? I mean, we don't want to go back to the bad old days in the 60s 70s 80s and 90s when the bloody plebs were earning too much money do we :o Buying their own houses, free health care, actually owning cars and TVs, holidays abroad :o And, to round it all off, they were bloody happy, (well some were, some of the time) :whistle:
No, we've got to get a grip on things and allow them in, even if we seem to be trying hard to stop em, well, we are all in this together, aren't we? :tiphat: 


Quote from: sparkiemike on August 07, 2015, 10:20:44 AM

simple solution patrol the water off of north Africa with boats or drones & sink the migrant boats
before they get anywhere near Europe.

Make it an African problem, don't let their problem become ours

The word will soon get round the prospective migrants that go on a people trafficker's boat to
Europe you will be sunk & die.

Job done






simple solution patrol the water off of north Africa with boats or drones & sink the migrant boats
before they get anywhere near Europe.

Make it an African problem, don't let their problem become ours

The word will soon get round the prospective migrants that go on a people trafficker's boat to
Europe you will be sunk & die.

Job done


Rules are made for the obeyance of fools & the guidance of wise men


They don't know what bills are though do they because it's the bloody tax payer that picks them up


How about.....a bit of Cliff

Summer Holiday


or this one which would scare half our own scroungers to death.....Lunchtime Lewis....Bills: Lyrics: I got BILLS I gotta pay So I'ma gonn' work work work every day!

;D ;D :o :o :o :o
The 3 rings of marriage...........engagement ring, wedding ring & suffering!!
You only need 2 words to keep a marriage happy......Yes dear....


Looks like we've got a new Olympic runner then. A Sudanese bloke was caught after running over 30 miles through the tunnel, he almost got to Folkestone. Not bad for a 40 year old ;D Will he get asylum?  :tiphat:

The song for this one is obvious, so I won't :whistle:

Just read the independent version and it says he walked, for once I prefer the Mail version, coz it's more kind of adventurous, kind of stuff films are made from. :tiphat:


I hear you knocking, Dave Edmunds  :lol:

Freewheelin Franklin

How about a bit of compassion,

We are the world.... Michael Jackson


Back where you belong by 38 Special,,, perhaps
and then
No,No,No by Destiny's Child
followed by
Let me in by Grouplove
and then
We're all right now by John Hiatt


Country roads, take me home ..... to the place I belong .....
Sorry could not resist and no I am not racist. We cannot save the world . Our island is small by comparison and has finite resources. There are too many people to cope with as it is.