Large Black flying insects?

Started by trish, May 11, 2010, 20:52:53 PM

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Yes it's a Carpenter Bee. My Spanish neighbour says they are "Mal". So treat them with respect.
Your probably best off getting a good wasp killer spray to get rid of them.
Thats not a picture of my hand, by the way.
My neighbour and I call them B52's. (after the American bomber.)

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If your not meant to have midnight snacks, why do they put a light in fridges?
                        Pete. Oliver.

Val Keith

we have had flying carpeter ants in the woodwork in our Villa.  so be careful, keep a look out.


I had one follow me the other day, thought it was my cheap aftershave!!


Yes - does sound like a low droning noise


"probably yes    swat it to death   then staple it to the wood to show the others what will happen to them "


Is it massive black and sounds like a low flying aircraft?


they are probably carpenter beetles,harmless but will ya all ya wood lol,


probably yes    swat it to death   then staple it to the wood to show the others what will happen to them


We have noticed quite a few of these large black buzzing wasp types, some innocently going from pollen to pollen but one has been busy makes holes in the wood of our BBQ. Even when we filled the first hole in with mastic, he came back the following day to continue making a perfect hole - any ideas- are they laying eggs??? Should we still try to deter them from drilling more holes??