Albox (Aljambra) 2017

Started by ChurchofEngland, December 31, 2016, 15:16:27 PM

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Another busy week ahead at Aljambra.

So to confirm, we have Evensong on Sunday 10th at 6.00, then communion at 11.00 on Thursday 14th and finally our Service of 9 lessons and carols on Sunday 17th December at 6.00 pm.

I hope I may see you at one of these, but if not then I trust you have a very happy Christmas.


There will be the regular service of Communion at Aljambra this coming Thursday, 30th November at 11.00 am, which will, being the last Thursday of the month, be followed by a meal, hosted on this occasion by Janet and Peter.  So, if you're hoping to be there, and unsure if your names on the list, could you please tell either them or myself to ensure the catering goes smoothly.

And it's a busy week for our Church as we're having the Annual Christmas Fair in Mojacar on Saturday 2nd December, starting at 9.00 am, which is important not only as a social occasion but also for ensuring we have the funds to continue.


Armistice Service this morning was very moving, attended by Maura Hillen from the Ayuntamiento and a very good number of members of Albox Branch of the Royal British Legion. After the service one member of the congregation was sufficiently moved to propose to his girlfriend, and she accepted!  A day they should remember!!


Next week looks to be one of our busier weeks at Aljambra.  We start with the usual communion service on Thursday 9th November at 11.00 am.  Then, on Saturday 11th November, we will be holding the Armistice Service in conjunction with the Albox Branch of the Royal British Legion, starting at 10.30, to ensure we are ready for the silence at 11.00.  Finally, on Sunday 12th, Remembrance Sunday, we will be holding our usual Evensong at 6.00 pm, during which we will be welcoming Tallia Sophia Pitt into the Church in Holy Baptism.  It would therefore be great if we could make a special effort to be at that very special service if at all possible.


As usual we're having our Monthly communion and Meal this coming Thursday, 26th October at 11.00 am at Aljambra.

Whilst all are welcome, and, knowing Len and Janetta, who are hosting the meal this time, I'm sue there will be plenty for everyone, it would nevertheless help with planning if you could let me know if you expect to be there but haven't previously put your name on the list.



The Service this coming Thursday 28th September at Aljambra at 11.00 am will be our Harvest Thanksgiving Service, as communion, led on this occasion by Canon Alan Bennett and followed by a bring and share lunch.  And a real thanksgiving of course will be having Fr Alan back with us again, feeling so much better and stronger.

As a part of our thanksgiving, Janet has prepared some leaves for a thanksgiving tree, on which, for a donation of just 1€ we can write our own personal prayers to be dedicated by Fr Alan at the service.

And finally we'd ask everyone to pause at 12 noon on Monday 25th and join in prayer for our representatives Pam and Val at the Diocesan Office in London as they meet to select a new Priest for this Chaplaincy.


Just a reminder that Rev Ian Eglin will be celebrating communion at Aljambra this coming Thursday at 11.00 am.  Doesn't time fly!!  It seems no time at all since we were welcoming Ian and Caroline back as Locum, but this will be their last visit to Aljambra this year, and they will be greatly missed.

Also, in preparation for our harvest service on the 28th, Janet Yerrell has made a number of artificial leaves on which we can write messages of thanksgiving or prayers, which will be hung on a tree, to be blessed as a part of our harvest celebrations – a donation of €1for Church funds being suggested.

Hope you are well and look forward to seeing you again in due course.


I hope you've remembered that there are five Thursdays in August this year, so there isn't a Service at Aljambra tomorrow, the last Thursday this month being next week, 31st August.  So, next Thursday, 31st August, there will be a Service of Holy Communion at Aljambra at 11.00 am, taken on this occasion by our locum, Ian Eglin, who was here at the same time last year.  Lovely to have him and his wife, Caroline back with us, but being August, there will not be a meal after the service next week – you'll just have to chat over coffee.


Don't forget the service this coming Thursday, 27th July at 11.00 am.

This will be a service of extended communion as Fr Alan is still undergoing treatment at Almeria/  Being the last Thursday of the month, the service will be followed by lunch, hosted on this occasion by David and Cath.


There will be a Service of Communion by Extension at Aljambra tomorrow, 13th July at 11.00 a.m. as Fr Alan is still undergoing treatment at Almeria and we are still at present without a Locum


Just to confirm we'll be celebrating Evensong at Aljambra this coming Sunday Evening, 9th July at 6.00 p.m.

Then next Thursday at 11.00 a.m. there will be a Eucharist, quite probably as Communion by Extension as Fr Alan is still having treatment at Almeria and we do not at present have a locum


The Service this Thursday 29th June will be slightly unusual as Fr Alan will be having treatment at Almeria so won't be able to take communion at Aljambra.

However, we're assured that the Bishop has approved a Service of Communion by Extension at 11.00 am, which I will lead, using Wafers and Wine consecrated by Fr Alan last Sunday at Mojacar, so our service will be considered as an extension to that one – hence the title, Communion by extension.

This Service, being the last Thursday of the month, will be followed by our usual monthly meal, so could you please let me know, if you haven't already, if you plan to stay for the meal so we can cater accordingly.


Due to all manner of difficulties we're having to postpone the Service normally held on 2nd Thursday of each month to the following week.

There will therefore be no Service on June 8th, but instead we'll be having a communion service on Thursday June 15th at 11.00 am.

Our next service will in fact be Evensong on Sunday next, 11th June at 6.00 pm


This coming Thursday, 25th May, is Ascension Day when our monthly communion service at 11.00 will be followed by a 'bring and share' meal, so it would help if you could let me know if you plan to be there.

Also of course, the big event this week is the Flower Festival, which with nearly 50 Flower arrangements promised, is set to be quite spectacular, and we start setting it up immediately after the meal on Thursday.


Our next service at Aljambra is Communion this coming Thursday, 11th May at 11.00 a.m. – without a meal afterwards.

Then on Sunday 14th at 6.00 p.m., there will be the usual monthly service of Evensong.

And the major event for this month will of course be the Flower Festival from 26th to 28th May.


Our next Service is this coming Thursday, 27th April, when Fr Alan will be leading Communion at 11.00 a.m., which will be followed at about 12.30 by lunch, so to assist with catering, could you please let me know, if not already on the list, if you expect to be with us.


Next Service at Aljambra is the special Easter Day Communion at 6.00 pm on Sunday April 16th, to celebrate Christ's triumph over death itself.  He is risen!


March already and now in the season of Lent, our next Service at Aljambra is Communion at 11.00 a.m. on Thursday 9th March, followed on Sunday 12th at 6.00 p.m. by a Service of Evensong


Thursday 23rd February at 11.00 am sees the next Communion Service at Aljambra, which, being the last Thursday of February, will be followed by a meal, hosted on this occasion by David and Cath Price


Two services this coming week at Aljambra.  First, there's a Service of Holy Communion on Thursday at 11.00 am and then on Sunday at 6.00 pm there will be a Service of Evensong.  Both these are being led by Canon John Smith.


A wonderful and very happy occasion, with good company and good food.


And what a lovely and uplifting service that was yesterday.  We really are so fortunate to have Derek Goddard and his wife Pennie with us at present.

And yes, he'll be leading our tenth Anniversary Service on Thursday 26th, so that too should be a very positive time.  Hardly seems possible that we've been holding services at Aljambra that long.  And the celebration meal after the Service promises to be enjoyable too as we'll not only be celebrating 10 years of Services, but also 50 years of marriage for John and Ann Cooper as they'll be providing Cava and Cake for the occasion of their Golden Wedding.

And as always, there's no charge for the meal, though of course a donation would necessarily be gratefully received.


This coming Thursday, 12th January, there will be a Service of Holy Communion at 11.00 am at Aljambra, led by our Locum, Derek Goddard, so hope to see you there.

It's also ten years this month since we held our first Service at Aljambra on Thursday January 18th 2007, so our next Communion Service, set for Thursday, 26th January will also be a Service of Thanksgiving and celebration, with a lunch to follow, so please make every effort to join us for this one.


Services at Aljambra follow a pattern of Evensong at 6.00 pm on the 2nd Sunday of each month, with Communion Services at 11.00 am on the 2nd and last Thursdays of each month, with a lunch usually being served after the Service on the last Thursday.

For services at other times, there is a service of Holy Eucharist most Sundays at 11.00 am in both Mojacar and Llanos del Peral, with Monthly Services available at Roquetas.

To get to Aljambra drive up Av Lepanto from the traffic lights opposite the BP Garage in Albox on dual carriageway, past Campo de Futball on right and Mercadona on left.  In 600 yards the road narrows and a short distance later when faced with a No Entry sign (suicide corner), turn RIGHT, then keep STRAIGHT ahead at next junction.  Keep on this road forking LEFT at The Corner Shop, then crossing Rambla Hortichuela, past some new houses, and fork LEFT immediately after crossing Rambla Honda, following street lights and signs for Aljambra.  Mind the speed hump!  Aljambra Chapel/Community Centre is about half a mile on the left, with a car park just past it.