Started by Rtis, March 20, 2018, 17:49:48 PM

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The main thing is that once you have got it you can sell your house.


Amanda Oakley

The terminolgy does differ.....
A "Licencia de Primera Ocupacion" or "Habitacion" or "Utilizacion"is a Licence of 1st Occupation, Habitation or Utilisation and is issued for properties / buiildings built on Urban Land
Unlike an AFO which is specific for RURAL properties.......
Amanda Oakley
ALO Services (Zurgena)
Conveyancing and General Legal Services
Tel 950 449179 / 667 994682


We have heard of someone applying for a habitation licence on a property with an occupation licience  but a utilization licience was then mentioned instead.
Has anyone else gone through this and heard I of an utilization licience ??

Amanda Oakley


AFO stands for Asimillado Fuera de Ordenacion and is a Certificate issued by the corresponding Town Hall, for a Residential Property built on land that is now classed as Rustic / Rural
It in essence "acknowledges" the existence of the property and is required on the properties built without planning permission as they are outside of the Urban Planning zone and can also be a requirement for "old" properties on rustic land as well.

If a property has an AFO, it can in the main, only be maintained and not added to.

This is the simple explananation and I hope it makes sense.
If more info required, please email me.
Amanda Oakley
ALO Services (Zurgena)
Conveyancing and General Legal Services
Tel 950 449179 / 667 994682


This subject has appeared before, but, can anyone actually Fully explain what it is and why is it needed ?