Bash and Dash Nr Arboleas Farmacia Monday Morning

Started by Not_Asking_Much, October 22, 2012, 10:13:50 AM

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...and also get ready for making your excuses for still driving a UK-plated car whilst living here for any number of years no doubt.....


Well done for noting the details and passing them on.


If it was you, grey metallic estate, UK plates, that reversed into the Spanish builder's van in Calle Barranco this morning at 0955, all of your vehicle details are with the builder ready for his insurance claim. (probably also with the Policia Local by now)

Maybe doing this and driving away quickly when the vehicle owner, his friend, and an independent witness are within sight and earshot is not such a bright idea? Despicable behaviour old bean...

I suggest you get it reported quickly, and claim some feeble excuse for driving off. It might work it might not.