Time to Hit Back!

Started by NormanM, March 13, 2011, 10:18:57 AM

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Quote from: NormanM on March 22, 2011, 17:59:38 PM
No problem, Norman M. I have used your link to write to the President of the Junta. I will suggest to our members tomorrow Friday, that they answer via your page which is more transparent than writing to the President. I will also write to Sra. Cruz.
Saludos,jaxm (for Crispin)Aye, Crispin, but still never a word from you about the recent remarks of Senora Cruz.  Even the PSOE Alcalde de Arboleas has spoken out. Why not nyou and your party?


Hi Crispin

It seems like you are prepared to do a debate. Those are good news! I haven't seen anything on here from PSOE; the mayor wrote on portalmanzora once, but then disappeared. No news from the PP either. Like I haven't been around too much since Ángel came into power, I don't have as much information as I would like about his team.

What I do know, is Cristóbal. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately for Arboleas, he is the only local politician in the valle. I'm very interested in your team to see if there are any new people for the job. It will also be very interesting to see who Cristóbal has with him this time.

After all the problems with legalities, I think the most important thing is to have people in your team to find a solution and the influence and relations with the Diputación and La Junta to get things done. Could you let us know your ideas?



Aye, Crispin, but still never a word from you about the recent remarks of Senora Cruz.  Even the PSOE Alcalde de Arboleas has spoken out. Why not nyou and your party?
From Normam


Hola Rodri,
Thank you for your very thoughtful comments. I am also glad that debate has started well before voting day. At least us Brits are good for making Arboleas people aware of some of the opportunities available under a democratic system. I am Crispin Welby, a politican of the Ciudadanos Europeos Party. I will not be a candidate for Mayor. Our Party is electing the complete list of 11 candidates this Friday 25th. May. I will happily revert with more details about us and our manifesto after the members have had their say. I could also write about myself. I'll finish for now and read the link which you suggest.
Saludos a todos,
Quote from: rodri on March 21, 2011, 11:37:33 AM
Hi Callum,

You have to remember that they are "politicians". However, I do find it positive that Roger and Crispin are giving their ideas and opinions. This is very good for local politics, as traditionally we never really knew much before the "campaña", and that is in the same month as the elections. It does seem from his posts that Roger has found out a lot, considering he's a foreigner. Again, this is a good thing because it shows that the British are finally being informed and not just being lied to. Crispin hasn't said much yet, but if he is going to be candidate for mayor, I suppose he will inform of his intentions later.

I think it is important for other towns to have capable British people on their listas. I've heard that the PP in Partaloa will, Zurgena too. It is extremely important however that they understand the local politics and not just be vote winners.

For more information, I recommend you go to your local town council and find out about the planning situation. They are public documents, so they legally should let you see them. The same with the "presupuestos" (budgets?).

Regarding Arboleas, I have this link where you can read about the plan to build thousands of new houses in Los Llanos. I don't know if the current mayor is continuing with this project. It also mentions the agreement between the town hall with Cristóbal García Granados as mayor and the Junta to build legally. I remember the ecologists hated Cristóbal for it, but it was a legal agreement.




Roger - thanks for that post.  Ir was short clear and finally, set out in a way thateven I now understand the situation - I think!
From Normam


""Are there still plans to make a new town in Los Llanos""

Who will buy the houses and  live in this new town  ?
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Hi Roger,

It seems you know your facts.

I have a question for your team:

Are there still plans to make a new town in Los Llanos? Considering this may be the case for the delay in the "modificaciones puntuales" (changes in urban boundries more or less), as a "arboleano", I would like to know if the PSA favor it.

In my opinion, if it weren't for this too ambitious plan, the British in Arboleas wouldn't be part of "guilty party" that Josefina talked.


I am sorry if you see things I have said in a negative way Callum. It is usually because people seem to try to paint a bad picture of the way things were done under Cristobal and the present Mayor is claiming that it is all Cristobal's fault.
The truth is very different.
I remember the position in 1998 when I came here and Cristobal was Mayor.

Each urban centre was allowed to expand by 80 metres to incorporate the first stages of the new housing development. The Junta approved this.
Then in 2001, under subsidiary norms, each urban centre was expanded more, and these plans were approved by the Junta.
This expansion accounts for most of the new housing developments, which are legal because of the plans which Cristobal prepared.
This is why Arboleas is in a much better situation to other towns.

Cristobal retired from politics in May 2003.
Unfortunately the modifications to the urban plan, which Cristobal had prepared, were not submitted to the Junta in 2004/5 as they should have been. However housing was still allowed on this land, the housing which accounts for the illegal builds.
It is true that a few houses were built on rustic land at the end of Cristobal's tenure as Mayor, because a builder anticipated the modifications which were on the table but not implemented by the new administration.

The other important task which should have been implemented by the new administration was an upgrading of the infrastructure to make the town suitable for the population increase from 1700 to 5000. Also to make good any missing infrastructure in order to consolidate the urban areas as required by the new law (LOUA) which came into force early in 2003.
This was not done and hence the situation we now find ourselves in which we are being told that all house owners may have to contribute to this.

The reason Cristobal has decided to return to politics is to sort out the urban mess.
Obviously if the correct action had been taken 7 years ago it would have been much easier, and many people would have been spared the heart ache.
In the PSA we have discussed the problems in great depth over many months. We do not underestimate the problems but we are convinced that we can sort them out.

On the subject of the comments  by Josefina Cruz, Cristobal is preparing a detailed and considered response to the issues raised and how it may affect Arboleas.


ARBOLEAS: Information Meeting, Museo Pedro Gilabert TUESDAY 22nd at 11.00

In line with our policy of advocating transparency with regard to planning matters AUAN has agreed to participate in a further information meeting in Arboleas to provide our own independently researched perspective on the matters to be discussed which include:

•   The mayors response to the comments of Josefina Cruz.
•   The results of the Inventory for Arboleas which AUAN has now reviewed.
•   The promised 'decreto' which AUAN will discuss with the Junta de Andalucia this afternoon in Almeria.

The major portion of the meeting will be given over to YOUR questions and is open to everyone including the other political parties as before.


Hi Callum,

You have to remember that they are "politicians". However, I do find it positive that Roger and Crispin are giving their ideas and opinions. This is very good for local politics, as traditionally we never really knew much before the "campaña", and that is in the same month as the elections. It does seem from his posts that Roger has found out a lot, considering he's a foreigner. Again, this is a good thing because it shows that the British are finally being informed and not just being lied to. Crispin hasn't said much yet, but if he is going to be candidate for mayor, I suppose he will inform of his intentions later.

I think it is important for other towns to have capable British people on their listas. I've heard that the PP in Partaloa will, Zurgena too. It is extremely important however that they understand the local politics and not just be vote winners.

For more information, I recommend you go to your local town council and find out about the planning situation. They are public documents, so they legally should let you see them. The same with the "presupuestos" (budgets?).

Regarding Arboleas, I have this link where you can read about the plan to build thousands of new houses in Los Llanos. I don't know if the current mayor is continuing with this project. It also mentions the agreement between the town hall with Cristóbal García Granados as mayor and the Junta to build legally. I remember the ecologists hated Cristóbal for it, but it was a legal agreement.




rodri, what a refreshing post. It's a pity that would be party leaders cannot some out and state similar to you. Please enlighten us to any other useful information you may have.  It is far more already than all the back biting that Roger and Crispin are more concerned with.


Hi everybody.
I would like to congratulate you for your forum, and how you denounce the problems that are happening in the area.
We have a forum called portalmanzora on which we give our opinions, I recommend you all join and be heard in Spanish.

I find Sra. Cruz's comments extremely insulting to the British, and it gives us Spanish an a very bad reputation. Millions of euros have been put into the local economy and the villages of the "Valle del Almanzora" are full of a lot of rich people. I recommend you post it on portalmanzora.es, I'm sure you will get a lot of Spanish interest. The majority of the local Spanish population are totally against what the British are suffering, and we also have similar problems.

People like Josefina Cruz are ruining people's lives, our reputation, and I'm personally losing faith in the political party I have always defended and voted for.

However, I'd like to highlight the fact that from a more local Spaniard's point of view; the responsible parties are the different town councils. It is their jurisdiction to carry out town planning in a legal way.
They come up with every possible excuse to not sort things out; "the law is too strict, the Junta this and that...", but it is their responsiblity, NOT the Junta's.

It seems that a lot of local voters still do not understand the importance of the Normas Subsidiarias (Town planning laws) that were established in Arboleas with Cristóbal García Granados as mayor. I have recently spoken to a family who has moved to Arboleas from Madrid, due to the fact that Arboleas was a pioneer in town planning; not only in this area, but in the whole of Spain. In my opinion, the PSA should be promoting this fact a lot more than they are doing.

I have no faith in this "miracle decree" and I am sure that even if it comes into effect, it will not change the responsibilities of the town councils. If they haven't yet "regularised" their situation by completing (or even starting!) their PGOU, it is due to personal and private interests. Rustic areas must be urbanised in stages; it is impossible to do what Zurgena are intending to do. But then, which areas do you urbanise first and which do you leave rustic? It's what we call in Spanish "conflicto de intereses"; the town councils don't have what it takes to include some areas and leave other areas out, so they pass the blame to the Junta and expect them to wave their magic wand. At the same time they lie to thousands of people promising impossible things. They know the law and they know exactly what they have to do. Unfortunately for all, they don't have the guts to do it.

To the people of Arboleas, I would recommend you find more out about the importance of the Normas Subsidiarias; you can see how things were done, are being done and compare. You can check the press, speak to specialists or try and find the man himself (Cristóbal). He seems to be getting around a lot lately.

To the people of other towns, I would recommend you put as much pressure as possible on your local town councils. The "elecciones" are just around the corner, and we have to make the right choice.



You can't always control who walks into your life...but you CAN control which window you throw them out of.



Vida. Disfruta el viaje.


Has anybody had a response?


Hola Norman,

Corrected a few mistakes and changed a few things.

I find it strange that none of the "local politicians" have supported it...

Estimada Doña Josefina Cruz,

Hemos leído sus comentarios sobre las casas ilegales en el Valle del Almanzora, en los que dice:

""Es evidente -ha asegurado- que cuando se ha construido de forma ilegal en lo que respecta a nuestra legislación, los gastos serán a costa de aquellos que han construido sin las autorizaciones pertinentes en suelo clasificado como no urbanizable".

"Sea cual sea su origen, aquellos que promueven una casa ilegalmente, que contraviene la normativa incurren en una falta de respeto a lo que significa nuestra legislación y nuestro territorio."

La verdad es que está muy claro quiénes son los culpables de esta situación.  La causa son las acciones (o falta de ellas) por parte de los Ayuntamientos del Valle, de las empresas que construyeron las casas ilegales,
los abogados y en una mayor medida, los funcionarios de la Junta de Andalucia (como usted), quienes deberían haber aplicado la ley.

Es increíble que crea que la culpa es de los ciudadanos británicos que han comprado (totalmente de buena fe) estas casas ilegales.  Su comentario es un verdadero insulto hacia todos los Británicos que han elegido vivir en el Valle del Almanzora.

Entonces, le invitamos a que retire sus comentarios públicamente o renuncie a su puesto.


She's obviously working for the opposition, and doing a great job....


I'd love to know what the local mayors think to her comments - especially the PSOE ones!  Is she being deliberately dense? 


 "I find it incredible that anyone would seek to protect people who have committed illegalities."
I agree with Josie on this one....how could any government seek to protect its corrupt town halls, planners, mayors, solicitors, builders etc etc?!?!?!? She was also responsible for much of this mess given her current and past government posts....



Looks like Costa Almeria News gave Josefina Cruzifiction an opportunity to revise her comments.... she didn't


Done..... with insults!!! (Well.... they deserve it!)


and me once I sorted out what to do!

Jean & Vince
Jean & Vince Tildesley


Val Keith

Spanish Tangerine

Hi Dave, thanks for that, I'll have a go, if I fail I will pm you. Bob


            hi, light the spanish text press ctrl+c, click on the link to go to the web site . fill in the details asked for, name e-mail address etc., go to the message box. press ctrl+v and the text saved should appear press enviar button to send hope that helps if not pm me.

Spanish Tangerine

Hi, I'm like a lot of folk, don't know how. Please let me know how and it will be done. Bob.



Is this the same josefina cruz  

A bit of an iffy microsoft translation

Josefina Cruz VillalónFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Josefina Cruz Villalón


Minister of public works of the Junta de Andalucía
Currently in Office
From 21 October 2010
President José Antonio Griñán
Predecessor Rosa Aguilar


Personal data
Birth  Huelva
Party Partido Socialista Obrero Spanish

Josefina Cruz Villalón (Huelva, 1949) is a Spanish politician, Minister of public works and transport of the Regional Government of Andalusia from October 2010 and member of the Party Socialist Worker Spanish. He is also Professor of geography at the University of Seville since 1973.

He held the urban planning from 1995 to 2003.directorate general of planning and It was at this stage is reached when the law on urban planning development of Andalusia (2002).From there went on to the general secretariat of planning and urban planning in the Minister of public works and transport (2003-2004). In that year and with the Socialist victory took over direction of planning in the Ministry of public works (2004-2005) and subsequently the general secretariat of infrastructure (2005-2008) of the Ministry from which developed the Strategic infrastructure and transport Plan (PEIT) 2005-2020. Between 2008 and 2009 was Secretary of State for infrastructure in the same Ministry.

After the departure of Rosa Aguilar to take charge of the Ministry of environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, happens to occupy the Ministry of public works and transport of the Junta de Andalucía.

She is the author of several scientific publications in the field of geography.


If the President had done his work properly there would be no need to e-mail him - sorry could not resist......

John n Julie

Done twice could not get the presidents to work.
:tiphat: :tiphat:
If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all!



beverley man

beverley man
