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Started by webejamin, August 18, 2019, 18:33:03 PM

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There will always be debate and decisions on opinions, and VAR will not stop that we are only 2 weeks in and I have already seen a couple of decisions that could be open to debate and Man C have had 2 decisions (I am not a supporter) that have gone against them one last week when they took a line from the arm pit to the line that made them offside and it was millimetres really for me debatable, and this week Due to a rule change if the ball touches the arm accidental or otherwise and this results in a goal a foul is given and goal disallowed.
This was the case this weekend cross played in defender and attacker go for the ball in close proximity the ball goes between them and in opinion touches both of their arms lands at the attacker feet and he scores goal disallowed .
In this situation it is the stupid rule change that is wrong and not VAR . Strange that if it hits the defender accidentally no penalty is given.
I have to agree with Webjamin VAR is being taken to far and will finish up spoiling the game


I know there are some things that VAR can help with, like "did the ball cross the line?" but more often than not the game is stopped for several minutes while whoever does it, tries to work out if there was an infringement or not to the nearest nth, even then it's often a matter of opinion.
I think they should have left the game alone and let the ref get on with it, but that's just my opinion.


The players who don't like it are the ones who cheat and can't now get away with it anymore.
You can't always control who walks into your life...but you CAN control which window you throw them out of.


Its certainly changing some results. and some of the rule changes is not helping VAR


Anyone got an opinion on VAR use in football?
I'm fed up with it already and with all the new rules the game isn't the same.