Galasa Permission

Started by mustang, November 07, 2017, 09:26:51 AM

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I was never fond of  remarks  but now that they have become platitudes  im a much happier bunny.
now where did i put my dictionary ?


Quote from: Floss on November 12, 2017, 09:58:50 AM
Quote from: raysun on November 07, 2017, 15:55:53 PM
More like a childrens playground than a sensible  discussion.
my dads bigger than your dad.!!

Thats seems to be the norm now on here. :c023:

As are insincere platitudes!


Have twice filled my pool from the hose without permission, no fine from Galasa so I too think the fine was for something else.


Quote from: raysun on November 07, 2017, 15:55:53 PM
More like a childrens playground than a sensible  discussion.
my dads bigger than your dad.!!

Thats seems to be the norm now on here. :c023:


Quote from: byrney on November 12, 2017, 09:47:59 AM
As I said before Chisme, the "fine" was for filling his pool from empty from the mains, without first seeking permission.  You are correct though that it is very boring.

You're simply repeating your previous hearsay!

I suggest that if you want to make a point, you should show us the evidence.


As I said before Chisme, the "fine" was for filling his pool from empty from the mains, without first seeking permission.  You are correct though that it is very boring.


are we still alright to have a shower ? 


Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


You quote illegal use during a drought, Haven't you  and all pool users realized that we live in a Desert and we have been suffering from drought for the past 10yrs.
I would like to see pools banned. They are not a necessity to life and and they are just a blatant waste of the meagre resources in this region.


Quote from: byrney on November 11, 2017, 23:31:39 PM
Thanks redcar and raysun for validating my post that says Galasa can, and does, fine people.  Read the post Chisme please and then apologise for effectively calling me (and my neighbour) a liar.  I wait with bated breath.

Byrney, I do not understand the relevance of the postings you've quoted! What were those fines for: using a hosepipe during an official drought, emptying sewage onto the highway, or swimming naked in a public reservoir? Sorry but this is getting a bit boring. The points are, as far as I'm aware:

  • there is no law against the construction of swimming pools;
  • there is no law against the use of automatic pool fillers;
  • there is no restriction on the use of hosepipes, except during periods of drought;
  • there is no restriction on the general use of water, except during periods of drought;
  • while the charging system for water usage is heavily weighted against high consumption.

So why on earth would Galasa want to fine people for putting the water, which they're paying for, into perfectly legal swimming pools? If people have been fined, presumably it's for something obviously illegal like using excessive amounts of water during a drought or creating pipe bypasses to their water meters: and none of us would have much sympathy with them in those circumstances!


Thanks redcar and raysun for validating my post that says Galasa can, and does, fine people.  Read the post Chisme please and then apologise for effectively calling me (and my neighbour) a liar.  I wait with bated breath.


Is the approx price of a regrout a top secret. Why the pms, i know that it has been done beside me for 800  and it depends on size ,how much damage etc but its not a secret is it ?? And yes redcar the can have you fined  and it has happened.
Time for my cocoa now


REPLY to chisme about how can galasa fine you,they have the power to do it no court case they have lays on their fined 1380 euros the max they could fine google the power they have before you RANT your thoughts and how you are always RIGHT


Quote from: gingernut on November 08, 2017, 14:43:56 PM
Anyone had there pool Emptied,Re-grouted if yes what is the going price.

PM'd you.  :08:


Anyone had there pool Emptied,Re-grouted if yes what is the going price.


Galasa man with leak detector and earphones walking up Calle Sherezade his morning.  Several pools been regrouted in the road and filled from mains so expect they think must be a leak!  The Spanish couple at the bottom of the road got all the emptied water in their front area so they weren't very happy either.


Quote from: Glenmavis on November 08, 2017, 09:38:25 AM
I'm sorry I meant to say my first bill was €8 and the second and third bill are the ones that are high I  think  galasa must know that 600 and 700 hundred € is a bit extreme

I think you're assuming some human intervention in your personal billing process! I suspect everything is automated and your first two or three bills are insufficient for the system to establish your mean and standard deviation of usage. You'll have to give it time to function correctly. Meanwhile you can only regularly check the readings on your meter to ensure there's been no further leakage. I do hope you don't get any more nasty bill shocks.

Galasa's staff would not have time to look at individual bills, they're too busy answering the telephone and replying to emails from people seeking unnecessary permission to fill their pools.....

I should add it's fairly straightforward to identify whether or not you have a leak. If the dials on your meter are moving when everything is switched off (no toilets recently flushed, taps to pool automatic top up and to reverse osmosis turned off, and any water storage tank is full), then you have a leak!

You can use a lot of water through reverse osmosis: it's best to get one that has its own motor, then you can at least hear it, and do something about it, if too much is going to waste.


Quote from: Angleseyite on November 08, 2017, 09:06:14 AM
Quote from: webejamin on November 08, 2017, 08:59:16 AM
Hey!!! what about the old winter fuel allowance? you could use that to fill your pools, or don't they pay that any more? :great:

Now, Now Webe, we'll have none of that :19:
:c023: Sorry Angleseyite :57: just couldn't help it :32:


I'm sorry I meant to say my first bill was €8 and the second and third bill are the ones that are high I  think  galasa must know that 600 and 700 hundred € is a bit extreme


Quote from: Glenmavis on November 08, 2017, 08:29:27 AM
Well you lucky people Galasa didn't inform me when I had a leak my first bill was €680 and my next one should be around €700 no letter or warning the leak is now fixed but a warning would have saved me a fortune the leak was from the automatic pool filler which is now off :38:

If, as you say, it was your first bill, Galasa would have had no way of knowing that your consumption was higher than might have been expected!

The letter comes in the post with the bimonthly statement, so I guess that it's printed and issued automatically when usage exceeds some pre-programmed level: but they do need a history for your appropriate level to be determined.

Galasa also need to have the correct customer postal address! If folk do not receive Galasa's bimonthly statement, then they are unlikely to receive a high usage notification letter when usage is much higher than their established norm!


Yes they have my address and I get a monthly statement  but no warning I do a water check every week now getting a bit paranoid


Quote from: webejamin on November 08, 2017, 08:59:16 AM
Hey!!! what about the old winter fuel allowance? you could use that to fill your pools, or don't they pay that any more? :great:

Now, Now Webe, we'll have none of that :19:


Hey!!! what about the old winter fuel allowance? you could use that to fill your pools, or don't they pay that any more? :great:


Glenmavis , hosepipe connected to a tap , best way to keep control of water use into a pool I reckon


Well you lucky people Galasa didn't inform me when I had a leak my first bill was €680 and my next one should be around €700 no letter or warning the leak is now fixed but a warning would have saved me a fortune the leak was from the automatic pool filler which is now off :38:


Same here, recorded delivery from Galasa saying I might have a leak, no threats, no hassle. Paid an additional €120 for that particular period (May) no problem since. I did send them an email but they did not reply, so I took a chance that all would be good and it was, definitely cheaper than 3 tankers.


Byrney, It may have started off about permission but as always went of topic and morphed into the cheapest way to get the water.


OK nibbler,
I didn't know there was another one about
water and pools.
But I thought there was some good info given out on this thread
regarding galasa happy to supply pool water as a lot of people are led to
believe this is not the case.


No they aren't.  They started off discussing whether permission from Galasa is needed to fill a pool from empty.  There is a divergence of opinion that's all.


I didn't say they were moaning on this thread. I said they were arguing over the cost of filling a pool.
The moaning was a few weeks ago.
Please try to keep up. :bravo_2:


Nibbler , who is moaning on this thread ?



You lot with pools really make me laugh, a few weeks ago you were moaning because you had no water, Now you're arguing about the cost. I suppose next Summer you'll all be at it again. Where do you think all this water comes from. You are constantly blaming Galasa but ignore the fact that ALL pool owners are responsible for wasting thousands of gallons of water a year. Yes I know the water infrastructure is poor but pool owners don't help. The price you pay for water is minute compared to the UK.
In a few years there will be no water for either your pools or to drink. I wonder who you'll blame then.
Nibbler :banghead:


Chisme,  Thank you.  Nice to stay on subject!


Quote from: ajc on November 07, 2017, 16:38:51 PM
when i filled the pool up when i first built it , i got let down twice by tankers so filled it with mains water,
i got a letter explaining i had used however many mts2 and was charged a higher rate and it only came to 38 euros , Result !

That was good value, especially when you then got 1.6€ for £1! Incidentally I think you meant 'm3': 'm2' is a measurement of area.


when i filled the pool up when i first built it , i got let down twice by tankers so filled it with mains water,
i got a letter explaining i had used however many mts2 and was charged a higher rate and it only came to 38 euros , Result !