Albox (Aljambra) 2018

Started by Camarotes, January 07, 2018, 23:41:42 PM

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Three Services at Aljambra in the next 11 days.

So first of all, this coming Sunday, 9th December is our normal monthly service of Evensong at 6.00 pm.

Then on Thursday 13th, at 11.00 am there is the usual monthly Communion, but on this occasion we are asked to bring donations of food, primarily as tins and packets please, for the poor and needy in the Spanish Evangelical Church in Albox that caters especially for the many South Americans in the area who are finding things very tough

And finally, our Traditional Service of 9 Lessons and Carols is to be held at 6.00 pm on Sunday 16th December.  Let's try to publicise this as much as possible to ensure nobody is able to say they'd have come if only they'd known.

In addition of course there are Services every Sunday at 11.00 am in both Mojacar and Llanos Churches, a crib service in the morning at Llanos on the 16th and a Carol Service there at 6.00 pm on Tuesday 18th.


Tomorrow, 8th November is Communion at Aljambra at 11.00 am.

Then Sunday 11th, being Armistice, and a very special one at that, there will be two services.  The first is the main Centenary Armistice Service attended by Albox and Zurgena Branches of the Royal British Legion at Arboleas Church at 10.30 am to allow last post at 11.00 am sharp.  This Church is in the town of Arboleas, across the old bridge over the rambla with plenty of parking in the rambla.  There is vehicular access to the Church itself for disabled, but as parking there is limited, we would ask that drivers, where possible drop passengers off and then return to find parking elsewhere.

The second Service on Sunday 11th is the usual monthly Evensong at Aljambra at 6.00 pm.


This coming Thursday, 25th October, sees the next Communion Service – the Dedication Service - at 11.00 am at Aljambra, followed, on this occasion by lunch hosted by Janet Yerrell, for any who'd like to stay for this.  Only request is that any who hope to stay for lunch should let either Janet or myself know (if you haven't done so already) so she can plan catering.


Communion Service this Thursday 11th October at 11:00

Evensong on Sunday 14th October at 6.00 pm


There will be a service of Evensong this coming Sunday, 9th September at 6 pm at Aljambra, plus, on Thursday 13th, at 11 am is a Service of Holy Communion, taken on this occasion by Alan Bennett.


This coming Thursday, 30th August, being the last Thursday of the month, sees a Service of Holy Communion at Aljambra at 11.00 a.m., but in view of the heat, we will not, on this occasion be staying for a meal afterwards.

Our next meal at Aljambra will, in fact be after Communion on Thursday 27th September, which being Harvest Festival, will be a bring and share, thanksgiving lunch.


Being as it's the second Thursday of the month there will be a service of Holy Communion at Aljambra this coming Thursday (9th August) at 11.00 a.m. and a Service of Evensong on Sunday 12th at 6.00 p.m.


Last week of the month again already, which means that on Thursday we will be having our regular monthly meal after the Service of Holy Communion, this month hosted by Cath and David Price.  So the Service is due to start at 11.00 on Thursday 26th July and all will be welcome to stay for the meal, though it would of course help with catering if you were able to confirm that you expect to join us for the meal.


Since we're approaching the last week of this month, it will be no surprise to learn that this coming Thursday, 28th June, being the last Thursday of the month, means there will be a Service of Holy communion at Aljambra at 11.00 a.m., followed by a social lunch, which on this occasion is a bring and share lunch.  So if you're planning to attend and haven't already added your name to the list, please let me know to assist in catering and I can then confirm what items are most needed for the lunch.


There will be a service of Evensong at 6 pm this coming Sunday, 10th June at Aljambra, and then next Thursday, there will be a Service of Holy Communion at 11.00


This coming Thursday being the last day of May, we'll be having a Service of Holy Communion at Aljambra at 11.00 that morning, followed by a social lunch, hosted this month by Janet Yerrell.  So if you haven't already told me, could you please let me know if you'd like to stay for lunch so that Janet can have some idea how many she's catering for.  As usual there is no charge for this meal, but of course any donations will be gratefully received.


This coming Thursday, 10th May sees our regular Service of Holy Communion at Aljambra, starting at 11:00; whilst on the following Sunday, 13th May, being second Sunday of the Month, there will be a Service of Evensong at 6.00 p.m.  Be lovely to see you at one or both of these.


The next service of Holy Communion at Aljambra is this coming Thursday, 8th March at 11.00 am.  And then on Sunday 11th there will be our usual monthly service of Evensong at 6.00 pm.

It would of course be good to see you if you are able to attend either or both of these services.


As this is a very short month, next Thursday, 22nd February, being the last Thursday of the month, is the Eucharist at Aljambra at 11.00 a.m., followed by lunch.

This month Cath and David Price are hosting this meal, so, if your name's not already on the list, could you let either them or me know if you hope to be there please, so they know how many they're catering for.


Various services/events over the coming week.

First, there is to be a Service of Holy communion at Aljambra at 11.00 a.m. this coming Thursday 8th February, which will be taken by Fr Alan.

Then, at 11.00 a.m. the following day, Friday 9th February our new Priest, Rev Canon Vincent Oram is to be licensed at the Church in Llanos del Peral, just up from La Vida.

Then our new Priest will be leading the service of Evensong at 6.00 p.m. on Sunday 11th February at Aljambra, so a really good opportunity to meet him.

And finally, for now at least, there is to be a Pancake Day social at Aljambra on Tuesday 13th February, from 2.00 p.m for a couple of hours.  Tickets cost 5€ and can be obtained from John Cooper 608 237 302


This coming Thursday, 25th January, is our next Service at Aljambra, being a service of Holy Communion at 11.00 am, at which the Celebrant, provided he's sufficiently recovered from the bug he had last week, will be Rev'd Peter Potter.  Being the last Thursday of January, this Service will be followed by our regular monthly meal, so if you hope to stay for this, and haven't already signed up, then it would be appreciated if you could let me know so we can organise catering accordingly.

I should perhaps also mention that our new Priest, Rev'd Canon Vincent Oram is due to be inducted as Priest of this Chaplaincy at 11.00 am at Llanos Church on Friday 9th February, and would ask that we all remember him and his wife in our prayers over the coming days as they prepare for this new challenge.


This coming Thursday, 14th January, there will be a Service of Holy Communion at 11.00 am at Aljambra, led by our Locum, Peter Potter, so hope to see you there.

Also next Sunday, 14th January, at 6.00 pm there will be our monthly service of Evensong


Services at Aljambra follow a pattern of Evensong at 6.00 pm on the 2nd Sunday of each month, with Communion Services at 11.00 am on the 2nd and last Thursdays of each month, with a lunch usually being served after the Service on the last Thursday.

For services at other times, there is a service of Holy Eucharist most Sundays at 11.00 am in both Mojacar and Llanos del Peral.

To get to Aljambra drive up Av Lepanto from the traffic lights opposite the BP Garage in Albox on dual carriageway, past Campo de Futball on right and Mercadona on left.  In 600 yards the road narrows and a short distance later when faced with a No Entry sign (suicide corner), turn RIGHT, then keep STRAIGHT ahead at next junction.  Keep on this road forking LEFT at The Corner Shop, then crossing Rambla Hortichuela, past some new houses, and fork LEFT immediately after crossing Rambla Honda, following street lights and signs for Aljambra.  Mind the speed hump!  Aljambra Chapel/Community Centre is about half a mile on the left, with a car park just past it.