Prostate Cancer Awareness Charity Bowling Day

Started by felipe, December 05, 2016, 12:06:31 PM

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Sadly I'll be out of the country but as this subject is very close to my heart I wish you all the very best for the day.
Nibbler :bravo_2:


There is no reason why not. I am happy to make teams up with a bunch of billy no mates. Who know, you may well become good friends. That is really what the day is all about. Making people aware of prostate cancer but also to make new friends. Bowling is great for that. So anyone taht wants to bowl but is not in a team just drop me a PM and I will sort it for you.

Since I started bowling 4 years I now have a whole host of great people that are great friends. All of whom have shown that great friendship during the last year.


can you only enter as a team, maybe there are people who would like to enter as an individual, how about trying to make misfit teams up for those of us who are billy nomates, like me, lol



They should be playing from about 3.00pm. They are playing free of charge. A great gesture by the band.


What time are you expecting the band IMPULSE please.



12.30 the bowling starts for the fiorst group. Then 3.00pm for the second group. Doors open at 12.00


Felipe, what time does it start please as a couple of folks have queried the time as it says 3pm on the poster is this right ?


For all those that wish to learn more about Prostate cancer here is the Prostate Cancer UK booklet. It contains a wealth of information that is vital to a man´s health.


Can you let me have your phone number please as this lady lives in Puerta Lumbreras and she wants to book a table.
thanks lynne

ps I have just put a post on my  facebook and will also put it on Walk for Life facebook.


Hi Freddie, yes we want as many as possible. 10€ per stall. all goes to the charity.

We really do need people to start entering though. Last year we had about 50 member of the public entering.


Hi, I have been asked if you will be having craft stalls this year and if so, how much.   :happy-new-year-toast:


Now the season festivities are all but over.  Why not start thinking about putting a team together for the Charity Bowling day.

You can enter by contacting me via the forum with your team names and contact details. or via Amigos Bowling Centre who will give you a form to complete.

It will be on Sunday 5th February 2017. We aim to surpass this year´s total of 2672€ and hit 3000€

Full details are here or here
Please ask the staff for a form. Our target is 150 bowlers in teams of 3. The general public will bowl against each other and not against any of the league bowlers.

Great prizes for the winning team. Entry is only 7€ for two games of bowling and free entry into the raffle. T-Shirts available for 7.50€ S, M, L, XL,XXL


We now have the following businesses that are sponsoring some lanes.

The Corner Shop Albox,
Sol Supermercado
The Garage (4 lanes)

If any other business would like to sponsor a lane please get in touch.

Also, anyone wanting to bowl but does not have a team we can sort that for you. Bowling is a fun sport among friends, so why not join in the fun and help raise much needed funds for Walk for Life.


THANK YOU  FOR ALL REPLIES, Don't think there is anything wrong but I will book myself in the new year.


Although my husband had no problems, I nagged him to get a PSA test done as a precaution. The test came back a little high 4.65, and he was referred to HO hospital. He was monitored for a year with the PSA levels decreasing. The consultant decided the levels were not coming down fast enough and he was referred for a biopsy. This detected cancer. Initially it was proposed that the treatment would be to insert radio-active pellets into the prostate to kill the cancer. However, a MRI showed the cancer was in both sides of the prostate. Radiotherapy or surgical removal were the two options. My husband opted for surgery. Now he is cancer free though being monitored regularly. I cannot stress enough, how important it is for you guys to get checked regularly even if you do not have any symptoms.


Rtis, if you are registered with a doctor go in and ask for a blood test. They will do this yearly for you to detect any problems. Make sure that you ask them to do a PSA test as well and they will, free to all registered.


This is why we are holding the charity day. To try and get the message across as to just how important it is for ALL men to get one of the tests done.

Let us hope that we can get many many local people joining in the fun day. It is not only for raising money for Walk For Life but the awareness of Prostate Cancer.

So come you lot, get a team together and join in. :):):)


Quote from: Rtis on December 07, 2016, 17:33:13 PM
Interesting reading, this blood test,is it a free request for male pensioners,do I contact the clinic in albox , thanks for all normal replies!
The general blood test (PSA) for prostrate cancer is an indicative result and not  conclusive . If you are having any problems in this area, certainly have the PSA test followed up by a further examination. I had mine done in the UK last week.  :tiphat:


Interesting reading, this blood test,is it a free request for male pensioners,do I contact the clinic in albox , thanks for all normal replies!


You may want to look up MEN UNITED, a group set up for the promotion of info on Prostate Cancer.
Bill Bailey is one of the patrons. I belong, and wear their badge proudly. It's amazing how many people ask what it is and then are surprized when I tell them.
Nibbler :tiphat:


Thank you so much Felipe for bringing this to people's attention and for supporting Walk for Life, without our wonderful supporters we couldn't assist the many people we do at a time when they need it.

If you or a friend need our assistance please either call on 608762748 or send a pm to me and I will arrange a meeting to discuss your needs, all information discussed is kept private and confidential.


Walk for Life


This is exactly why we are organising the bowling day. To bring awareness of how important it is to have the test done.

So please, get a team together and come and have some fun. The winning team gets a fabulous trophy each to take home for the year.



yes most important only by chance going to a well mans clinic I was diagnosed with prostrate cancer

I was lucky good outcome

don't be embarrassed or apathetic about enquiring about a PSA test it could save your life



Rules are made for the obeyance of fools & the guidance of wise men


Yes Phil, very important to get regular tests. I get mine done with my usual blood tests through your GP, my one in Albox. Two of my friends got tested and were found to have prostate cancer and after treatment are both well and leading normal lives.


As most of you will be aware, we organised an Oral Cancer Awareness charity Bowling day at the Almeria Tenpin Bowling Centre earlier this year.

Following on from its great success we are in the process of arranging a Prostate Cancer Awareness Charity Day in aid of Walk for Life. Again at the Almeria Tenpin Bowling Centre.

It will be on Sunday 5th February 2017. We aim to surpass this year´s total of 2672€ and hit 3000€

Full details are here or here

Application forms will be available at Almeria Bowling From Wednesday this week. Please ask the staff for a form. Our target is 150 bowlers in teams of 3. The general public will bowl against each other and not against any of the league bowlers.

Great prizes for the winning team. Entry is only 7€ for two games of bowling and free entry into the raffle. T-Shirts available for 7.50€ S, M, L, XL,XXL

Information on Prostate Cancer here

We are going to enquire about the possibility of having the PSA test available on the day for a small fee. This may or may not be practical. Watch this space.

A simple test or the finger can result in saving a life. So guys MAN UP AND GET IT SORTED!!
