Exploding Figs!

Started by musicdonna, September 18, 2013, 17:32:11 PM

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That's just the problem, Ginger they're not.  They're definitely under-ripe.  Before they ripen they split, then the flies get in...! 

Maybe I should try Gardeners' Question Time- but the Forum's more fun!

Byrney, that is just not helpful!!!


The fig that you eat is actually the flower of the fig tree, which is why when very ripe it bursts open from the base, ie the flower opens.  With green figs they are ripe enough and sweet enough to eat as the skin just starts to yellow, and perhaps show cracks, and the fruit starts to turn downwards.  We had a glut this year and finished picking last week having left the few remaining hard green figs to the birds and wasps.  I know there are several varieties, as with many fruits, and all have a slightly different season, so perhaps yours is a later one than ours.  At least if it's starting to open/split it should be ripe and sweet.


Try them without the cereal then.... :lol:


Haha!  I wouldn't be so stereotypical!  I think ours might be a different variety (Reina?) as I had a couple in their pre-exploding state on my cereal this morning and it was really quite an unpleasant experience!


Donna, strangely enough we bought a fig tree last week (it had quite a lot of green "unripe" figs on it).

They started exploding like yours did and I just thought I'd upset it by dragging it here from the garden centre.

However, just before planting in its new location I finally decided to read the label (typical man!) and found out that it is a green fig tree and the fruit is actually ready for eating.  Delicious.  :clap:


Our figs are under-ripe and spitting before they ever get to maturity-.  Does anyone know why, please?  Do we need to do anything to stop this happening?  This is their third year and it's getting worse year on year.

Thank you,
