Started by Three Blind Mice, September 02, 2015, 15:23:45 PM

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Quote from: zilnor on September 14, 2015, 18:07:15 PM
My stepson , who has Asperger's Syndrome  and a rare physical disability , has a theory that humankind has got too clever for it's own good, too greedy , too power hungry and all nations will blow each other up with nuclear weapons or any other weapons. It will bring total destruction and the surviving few will have to start again, beginning with inventing the wheel. Perhaps the ideas of those  people with psychological/mental health  problems are not so far-fetched.  :wave

I  recon he is on the money   :tiphat:  im convinced that this EU Putin lark is only the start..... The West / EU,China Russia are all having little local difficultys and as for the Muslim world with Brother chopping  & burning & chemical,ing brother......... perfect storm.......

hey ho....  8)
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


My stepson , who has Asperger's Syndrome  and a rare physical disability , has a theory that humankind has got too clever for it's own good, too greedy , too power hungry and all nations will blow each other up with nuclear weapons or any other weapons. It will bring total destruction and the surviving few will have to start again, beginning with inventing the wheel. Perhaps the ideas of those  people with psychological/mental health  problems are not so far-fetched.  :wave


There is only one thing that can save us now!!!
Time for the asteroid to hit!
Have another mass extinction, cleanse the world of all the loonies and if the human race makes a comeback  :wave 
Make sure we never have any religions again!!


Getting back to the topic heading, the idea of showing pictures to create sympathy for refugees, has backfired in my opinion, it's probably caused the opposite effect. The pictures of the "so called" refugees has created a huge anti Islam, anti immigrant, anti EU, and just about anti everything backlash, and not just in the UK. :tiphat:


Quote from: webejamin on September 09, 2015, 22:52:17 PM
Quote from: macc on September 09, 2015, 19:08:25 PM
I think she could be Melee in disguise webe.

Don't use my post to aid your arguing with MELEE macc, bit childish really :tiphat:
Thats a bit of a stupid statement Webe, you think i am arguing with Melee. She thinks one thing, and i happen to disagree, where is the argument in an opinion :lol: :lol: I never argue with Melee. She is what she is, you know that, as does everybody else, and i liked when Zilnor said, in support of Melee of course, Maybe women like Melee and myself would be prepared to fight to protect our children. The word maybe says it all really. "In your head webe" please point out where i am arguing with anybody.

Challenger 383


Quote from: Ches on September 09, 2015, 22:49:24 PM
Spain to take 15,000 migrants according to news this evening

Apparently Albox has been asked to take 200 ,but the Sryan  folks have asked if they can hang onto there boats wile they settle in....  just in case :lol:
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol



I watched the EU debate or whatever it was this morning, I can't believe some of those dullards sucking up to Junkyard and in turn Merkin. Old Nigel and another bloke said it how it was :clap: The more I see of that parliament the more I'm convinced we should be rid of the EU :tiphat:    


He is webe - and my initial reaction to his post re conscription was right


Quote from: macc on September 09, 2015, 19:08:25 PM
I think she could be Melee in disguise webe.

Don't use my post to aid your arguing with MELEE macc, bit childish really :tiphat:


Spain to take 15,000 migrants according to news this evening


Well theres one thing folks,were a mixed flock from all walks of life,and we certainly manage mixed veiws and a debate.

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Pamela Geller is apparently well known for her anti-Islamic views. Perhaps somewhere between the far right and the far left we might find some truth.


Zilnor, surely you only mean 20 years younger. :lol:
Nibbler :clap:


I think she could be Melee in disguise.


I asked me Turkey neighbour to find out about the bloke and the drowned family. He says reports in Turkey are that he was working for about a year in Turkey and was completely safe, but decided to risk his family on an inflatable, then make his own way to Greece. He could have just put them all on the ferry.
Just hearsay of course, but I'm surprised the media haven't picked up on all that yet, or are they just too embarrassed? Maybe the Turks have only read the same report by Pamela Geller (who the **** is Pamela Geller?)  :tiphat:

Challenger 383

There you go Karen duped  like every other sucker, just ask the poor Greeks how they feel, it's  just a daily riot the locals are living in fear of their lives,  have you seen the video of Hungarian  police trying to feed these people on the train?  The savages just throw the stuff onto the rail tracks, as for another video have no idea if these refugees  refused the Red Cross food parcels because they had a Christian  sign on the wrapping, but it wouldn't  surprise me.


Zilnor you are so right, I would fight like a bloody tiger for the safety of me and mine, Jihad bloody John and his band of murdering ****  wouldn't know what hit them




Putins Armys going to sort it,there in there now anyway..... and no body will be kicking them out..... leave the UK  kids on there I  Phones

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


No kind of conscription is really any good, but how else do you defend your self from another conscripted army. There's a bit of a difference between a bloke that wants to go to war, and a bloke that doesn't, but goes anyway when he's called up, but they're all cannon fodder for the fat cat elite. I never met many blokes or women, that thought it was a hoot being called up, but most accepted it and made the best of it if they could. There were some that made better lives for themselves through what the learned in the forces, but for many, especially in peacetime, it was two years of hell, when they could have been doing something far better.
I remember a bloke up the road who was in the army, but was always on the run. One day I was calling for his little bruva, and the redcaps were at his door, his mum was saying she didn't know where he was, like a true patriot I piped up that he was in the Eastbrook pub :o We ran after the van to the pub and there was the biggest punch up going on. He spent most of his time in the glasshouse. Funny enough, I was never blamed, but I still have twinges of guilt :-[ Well, not much. Me and his little bruva were great mates for years after and his big bruva wound get p***ed with us in the Eastbrook ;D    


Yes Macc I do know that conscription is compulsory for men. Maybe women like Melee and myself would be prepared to fight to protect our children. If the UK had not gone to war in 1939, we would all be living under the Nazis. Their ideology was as twisted and inhumane as today's radical Muslims. They want to rule the world, like Hitler wanted to rule Europe.
How would you stop any of your adult children from going into military service , if they wished to ? Lock them in their bedroom, send them to the naughty corner ?  :lol:


That,s why i said, would have made Zilnor, past tense, and no i wouldn't agree with conscription and join up, and i would never let my children go to war. You say, perhaps you would join up. It,s called conscription, you do understand, there is no choice for men when conscription is enforced.


Melee   and me are too old to be conscripts. We both feel strongly about the threat of radical Islam in our country and if we were forty years younger and conscription was brought back to keep the UK safe, perhaps we would join up. Would you Macc ?


you and Melee would have made absolutely great conscripts Zilnor, wouldn't you agree, or am i being sexist.


Macc, a history lesson for you. Conscription was for all classes.
A very small minority of the upper classes managed to avoid it . My husband did his two years in the RAF immediately after the second war. He was involved in the Berlin airlift. He said it was a great mix of men from all walks of life, including an Earl's son and an illiterate apprentice tailor from the east end of London. My husband tells a lovely story of how the tailor made shirts for the Earl's son in return for lessons in reading and writing. It  seems the aristocrat was more impressed with the quality of his hand made shirts than he was with the tailors learning abilities !


Bit of irony and sarcasm in the first bit, but true in the next, I fink ???




'brilliant idea for the lower classes' you pompous prig - I don't suppose you would object to ' the lower classes' saving your bacon


Quote from: macc on September 08, 2015, 20:44:16 PM
I agree, conscription, brilliant idea for the lower classes, and the cheapest way to replace the dead in war time, but on the other hand if you want things sorted out quickly and without war, conscription should only apply to the offspring of politicians and the top 1%.
I'll go along with that one :tiphat:


I agree, conscription, brilliant idea for the lower classes, and the cheapest way to replace the dead in war time, but on the other hand if you want things sorted out quickly and without war, conscription should only apply to the offspring of politicians and the top 1%.

