Professional Knife Sharpener Required

Started by Samwam, September 07, 2012, 20:45:38 PM

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the shop in Mojacar is very much recommended.

Also for other stuff: I did try 3 ferreterias to get a copy of a certain key, and it did not work
They (in Mojacar, very good description of the location) were the only ones that managed: and no good: refund!

If you have to wait: coffee +OJ + water + bolleria + saladitos in the nearby bar at 1.50 - can´t miss it!

The lady of the knife/key-shop takes her time and the efford to explain all, tells you the prices - fair and honest people !


Whet stone arent as good as getting a new edge but on the knife.

Smooth whet stones and steels are very good at keeping a sharp blade but it would take a lot of time to re-egde a knife, if you want a sharp cutting edge.

Most shoe/ key cutting shops sharpen knives but be careful as it only take a small chip to ruin a good knife. I had this done before back in the UK and the man refused to replace my knife.

Best way to avoid getting the knives re edged are.

use a steel before and after every use and always clean the blade after using a steel
never use on metal table tops
never leave a knife in a draw with other items it can hit.



Why not buy a whet stone from Longo's for €2 and do it yourself ?


Key cutter shop in Mojacar ~ other side of road to main Centro Comercial ~ cross the road going from roundabout up to pueblo and there is an area of shops and banks with a road running behind the buildings away from the sea with more shops and offices and a parking area.  Locksmith/knife sharpener is there ~ very good, very helpful.


Does anyone know where I can get my Chef Knives sharpened please.