
Started by sleepy john, February 01, 2017, 08:36:14 AM

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sleepy john

Fellow forumers, I originally posted this topic hoping it to be light hearted. It has gone off topic somewhat. We don't really need discussion as to the rights and wrongs of Mr President. :29:


sssa  :clap:

Common sense should and will prevail...........we can but dream !

Most politicians don't or won't understand the concept of common sense !



socialist/communist regims killed more than 120 million (conservatively) people in the 20th century.
mao,starlin,bolshevicks,kymer rouge,north korea, name a few, and now the "liberal" left aligns itself with islam,a totally intolerant religion,that punishes freedom of sexuality,religion,and political thought like the catholic church did in the middle ages,normally with a death sentence.
anyone still bainwashed enough to support the leftist ideals must be loco or mentally ill and probably on psycotropic big farma meds.

prosperity,freedom of expression,speech,private property,the right to defend oneself and family,above all....common sense should and will prevail


jabba the cat

Quote from: zilnor on February 05, 2017, 10:36:36 AM
Jabba.   :clap:
Double standards


Well thats only part of the article a good read by him not always my cup of tea but spot on with the hypocrisy shown by leaders in the European Parliament.

Didn't see them marching anywhere near Rotherham. :67:



Fing is,people are getting exactly what they voted for with Trump,he told everybody in the run up and on election day,how it was going to be...America First,lets hope he has a big enough Army & police force,coz  it looks like there are going to be a few un happy bunnys world wide and at home.

as for EU  Oban,he had it right,if the races carnt mix because of relgion ,its no good filling europe up with trouble,just stop engineering wars in far off lands and folks will probably be happy to stay in there home states.
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Jabba.   :clap:
Double standards !

jabba the cat

From a Article by Peter Oborne a British Journalist.

Most egregious is the hypocrisy of the leaders of many EU countries, including Angela Merkel and her cheerleaders among the British liberal elite. Their hypocrisy turns my stomach.
For the truth is that their anger over the new President's ban is outrageously two-faced.
Let me spell out the facts. Many European politicians treat migrants — and, in particular, Muslims — more disgracefully than they are being dealt with by Trump.
For example, Hungary's Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, wants to build a 'massive' fence to stop refugees crossing into his country from the East. He calls migrants 'a poison' that Hungary 'won't swallow'.
Why hasn't he been subjected to the kind of chorus of opprobrium from those European liberals who greeted Trump's move to tighten America's borders?                                                                                                                                                                   Why have fellow EU leaders not shunned Orban as a racist and a xenophobe?
Instead, he is seen as a valued colleague and friend. His Fidesz party is in the same political grouping in the European Parliament as Mrs Merkel's Christian Democrats. They work together at European summits, planning a common strategy.
Yet this man is much more bigoted than Trump. But do we ever hear talk of banning Orban from travelling to Brussels? :67:


Too right Barney and Zilnor.....the socialist (read anarchist activists) only accept democracy when they have their way. No peaceful argument or reason from them. Also very convenient memories too, they forget how bad every socialist government has been for the last 70 years in the U.K.


Well said Zilnor and Barney.


Correct Liz.

I assume our posts will meet with a deafening silence from fellow Forumers who have now realised the error of their 70s/80s/90s ways.....


And where were all the  protestors on the streets when around 16 Muslim states banned Israelis from entering ? Double standards or what ?


Labour's anarchic "rentamob" mate!

Started in the Thatcher era and allowed to gather momentum ever since.

Heaven forbid, but I reckon that looking at comments on here, some Forumers may well have even been a party to the disgraceful scenes happening now which they now regret.

Hey ho.


Strange fing when you fink about it. For the last couple of weeks we've had loadsa people out on the streets all over the world (according to the media) and even more out protesting about trumps travel ban. I don't remember huge crowds doing the same when people in France, Germany and Belgium were murdered by the score? or after other atrocious events of a similar nature. Just an observation like.   


Makes a change from Brexit.


Umm, no, but its what the people want to hear and its what Trump wants, its win, win, win.

sleepy john

I was wondering. Can anybody remember the last time there was a news bulletin without Donald Trump being mentioned. :beer: