grapevine cuttings

Started by goodtimes, January 31, 2009, 19:36:16 PM

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Now is the time to do cuttings if you want to propagate grapes. Like roses you want to do cuttings when the plant is dormant. Take a cutting that is nice and thick, like your little finger. First prepare a small trench 5 inches deep. fill it with water. take a piece of pipe and hammer a hole about 10 inches deep in the bottom of the trench. place the cutting in it. clip the top of but so that it has 2 would be buds still above ground. water it daily a bit .. nice is irrigation and a timer.. 9 out of ten will take. next year cut the rooted cutting back, so the stem will thicken 3rd year you´ll have grape production .. good luck. If you plant a lot, sulfer them against red mite.