Should Camron Resign Yes or No

Started by Tetley, April 10, 2016, 08:53:20 AM

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he hasent got a tax problem ,he has a decision making probplem..... and  as our number 1 UK decision maker ,he aint looking to clever,plus he is on the verge on imploading the EU with an avoidable Brexit..... another wrong call.

he has to go.

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


I don't understand why people are gong on about him being able to reduce potential IHT bills. We would all do it, it's perfectly legal. Just using the nil rate band.
Admittedly he has not handled his previous off shore dealings very well. But all within the law, and he paid tax on the gains
Just accept he is very rich and so is the family. Not much I can do about that, but I'm not jealous.
There are far more important issues in the world to sort out.
Would you want your tax affairs made public. Many people in Spain would certainly be found out! Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!
Vida. Disfruta el viaje.



Quote from: Challenger 383 on April 10, 2016, 19:41:35 PM
He has disgraced himself by his own stupidity, and inability to read the situation, if you want to blame anyone for his predicament, blame his advisers, the left didn't cause his plight, nor did the right or ukip or anyone else, these may be pouring oil on hot coals but none were the cause.

Simply put he should have kept his trap shut in 2012, and none of this mess would have arisen, again poor judgement.

It is his money Challenger 383, his responsibility!! His advisers may have given him bad advice, but it's his decision to take it!!


Tetley's right, While all the austerity, cut's for disabled, near collapse of the NHS, also his preaching and publicly lambasting others that it's actually immoral not to pay their taxes in the UK, and he's been at it all along, legal, yes, but immoral. Bit like sticking your d**k in a pigs gob I spose, if I done it, Cameron would probably say it was a filthy thing to do :whistle: mind you I aint partial to a bit of pork :thumbsdown:
I wonder how much taxes were save by these schemes? and if just one hospital could have been built with the proceeds?

Also right 383 :clap: 

Challenger 383

He has disgraced himself by his own stupidity, and inability to read the situation, if you want to blame anyone for his predicament, blame his advisers, the left didn't cause his plight, nor did the right or ukip or anyone else, these may be pouring oil on hot coals but none were the cause.

Simply put he should have kept his trap shut in 2012, and none of this mess would have arisen, again poor judgement.


Only the living suffer


Fing is.... people carnt get treatments on the NHS...... and the dick is going to blow 9m on kitchen pedal pin fodder  papers,we expect them to lie & cheat

,however,when your going though the "first lords of the uk money door every day  ",closing pits,possible closing steel works,YOU HAVE TO BE  101 %  ON THE MONEY ,and not act like a fart in a space suit as he has done.


if he stays,the Brexit will be HIS  X up,and its going to cause yer all a lot of added complications as an ex pat,were non existed before,the bloke is an educated elite blood line Dick  :hole:
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Definately YES for various reasons, where did he find 9 million for his refo. propaganda when he can't find it for the NHS, and the taxpayer is also paying £58,000 a year for his wife's fashion guru. I say enough is enough.


Yes he should go!!

With the shocking disclosures regarding his Fathers financial affairs, and also his Mother gave him two separate ''gift'' sums of £100k each in order to avoid inheritance tax, show he was fully aware and involved in these tax avoidance scams!

I find it morally reprehensible that the man who tells the country that it needs to tighten it's communal belt, is secretly shuffling money around to defraud the UK tax system.

The Prime Minister MUST not only be honest but be seen to be honest!

He had financial skeletons in his closet, and he has had many opportunities to divulge them prior to this scandal! But he didn't!. That leaves only one viable conclusion, he tried to swindle the nation!

The only honest thing left for him to do is to resign! But lets face it, honesty is in very short supply in Government these days!!


I feel that it's a case of , wait and see , he has too much to just resign for doing something that all politicians do , I.e. Looking after number one , and let's face it , those in the left of politics , are only socialists untill they come into some serious cash , and when that happens all their socialist tendencies go out the nearest window and they suddenly become very protective of their new found wealth and become conservative in their way of thinking.


He IS damaged goods I agree, he is also a liar and a cheat

Challenger 383

Tetley he's seriously damaged goods,  the fact he was caught wanting with his replies has tarnished his decision making in a lot of people's minds, it won't matter if he goes now or after the refo, though it might be more prudent if he went before for obvious reasons.


So if he stays.....we have a poacher turned game keeper as First Lord of the Money ....... no wonder no X  er get yer 3  pin plugs back Out....

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol

Challenger 383

Unfortunately I think he should, don't like the bloke particularly, but you can't have it both ways, the very reason for tax avoidance by those that can afford to do so through clever lawyers and accountants is "morally wrong" as Cameron has said, over and over again, but it was OK for him and his family to carry out this practice before he was PM, what's changed now?  The whole practice of tax avoidance is a very akward for politicians, a good deal of them do it, fat cats, (their sponsors) do it, the multinationals do it on a global scale, make it publicly legal or make it illegal, their stuffed either way.


No, better the devil you know!! That's not to say he should consider it later.
Nibbler :tiphat:



Tetley's spelling is absolutely hideous. I've got a job to understand what he's on about half the time, but deep down I know it will be something political as usual.


Quote from: casablanca on April 10, 2016, 14:46:39 PM
Quote from: webejamin on April 10, 2016, 09:44:06 AM
Yes, he should be gone by now. He's run others down for doing the same thing tax-wise in the past. It took ages to get the truth out of him, that was unusual in it's self, actually telling the truth. Prime Ministers should be squeaky clean, all we have heard is what he's been shamed into telling, I don't believe we'll learn all of it. He told others, it was morally wrong to use legal tax evasion methods, or to benefit from them, if the Panama papers stayed secret he would still be laughing up his sleeve.
The more I see of this crooked bunch, the more I like Corbyn.
There's one rule for them, and another for us, don't forget that :tiphat:

Whilst my politics are a little bit further to the left than yours appear to be, in this case I don't believe that there are different rules for us and them.

Some of us and them do take advantage of the availability of offshore investment opportunities. It is not illegal to do so it is only illegal to not declare income to the HMRC resulting from such investments. Against this background Cameron has done nothing wrong, he has been very clumsy in the way he has handled it but, hey guys we all get a bit clumsy now and again so let's save our venom towards capitalist excesses of a more serious nature, of which there are plenty.

Ian Young

My goodness some of you are getting heated, Why?  he certainly wont be paying any attention to whats being shouted on here or in the press. Its a beautiful sunny afternoon just right for some or you to sit in the sun and polish your halo's.
It wont run and run, or is it some of you hope it will run and run,  it will all be over in a few days. There is a referendum to win




Quote from: MELEE on April 10, 2016, 12:22:34 PM
Absolutely - he should a liar and a cheat

No he isnt,but he is the First Lord of the UK  Treasury,and this makes his postion untenable,due to his own bad judjement and freezing on Monday morning under questions........ all this could have been sorted by tuesday..... instead its going to run and run.

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Absolutely - he should a liar and a cheat


No. Nor do I think he should publish his tax returns.  He made a monumental error of judgement in not coming clean when first asked, but he's done nothing illegal.  It's a witch-hunt conducted by by the self-appointed political leftie Whiter-Than-White brigade and sections of the Press.  The whole system is wrong and needs a complete overhaul or complete abolishment.  Which one of us wouldn't be furious if our dead parents' names were being publicly vilified? 


 temasek the Unions are public bodies and you as a member are entitled to see what they do with your money, if you want to make an effort can look, via the net,  where the investments are made and who they financially support.
I am also certain that they are all registered in the UK not Panama or the Bahamas. They could be registered in Scunthorpe so that the leaders can hev exotic overseas holidays :biggrin: :biggrin:
No real secrets there, not like off shore funds which are set up with the explicit objective of avoiding tax.
Tetley I assume your traffic policeman is not Spanish.


The only issue is

he is the First Lord of the Tresuary and in charge of the off shore transparency drive and the UK  finances....if he was still an MP  it would ent have been an issue

its a bit like a traffic cop calling in for a pint of mild on the way home from work,athough the cop may be under the DD  drive limit ,he cannot be seen or not seen to do this.

its common sence...... He has dropped a major bullock and has to go,   :tiphat:
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Wonder where the Unions invest their money ?
And wonder if they still financially support a certain Party ?
Now THAT would be interesting.....
Lets look into some of the smiling assassins next.


Tetley I revise my vote, he has proved he has double standards and crap judgment so that is what makes him a regular politician!


Absolutely Yes
To be Prime Minister your affairs have to be whiter than white and DC has failed miserably in this respect. He failed to declare his holdings in the register of Interests which should have been done upon becoming an MP and has prevaricated to the extent that if he digs any deeper he may find himself in Panama


Quote from: PAULT on April 10, 2016, 10:51:53 AM
Monkee  it is the right wing press that is leading the assault and witch hunt why is this a left wing action.
I am sure that Blair will be as bad as any of them and eventually gets his comeupance.
Well done Tetley it was getting a bit mundane and boring on here
Felipe, he sold the shares before he became PM because he did not want to have to declare them as the PM , why?
He has not fought for off shore openness, he vetoed EU efforts to make the off shore offer less secrecy.
Tetley How do we  know he has done nothing wrong.
As I have said before as the investments are held off shore, the UK authorities and public cannot know what these people are up to.
So how can we be sure what has happened. The trust in Panama was moved to Ireland why not back to the UK. In Ireland the UK authorities still can not look at what has gone on.
Bear in mind there are still two other investment trust involved one of which in based in Jersey and details of the other know trust have not yet been revealed
Todays statement in the press show that he and his wife like to make arrangements that avoid tax.
The fault lies with the tax system which makes actions like his and others with "real" money worth doing.
Make all people in public life reveal all about their capital and income. I will tell all if they do.
What the hell I will reveal it here and now so there is no confusion or duplicity.
I HAVE NOTHING,the millions are all in "the wifes" name.
I have also fiddled and cheated all my life and still have nothing!
Bearing in mind that Osbourne has also been linked to off shore investments and probably the blonde *ickhead will be as well,
I think he should go and as a parting shot suspend the 23 June vote and call a snap general ellection.
That would bring the true Tories out and show who truly is not frightened about their back ground

But he has..... he has proved he has double standards and crap judgment wile been our First Lord of the UK Tresuary in charge of the  Austerity cut  country finances & leading an off shore transparency drive.........


Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Quote from: Monkee on April 10, 2016, 10:29:37 AM
Tetley,  you and a few others  are a pain in the ass.

Yes i know... :thumbsup:
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Monkee  it is the right wing press that is leading the assault and witch hunt why is this a left wing action.
I am sure that Blair will be as bad as any of them and eventually gets his comeupance.
Well done Tetley it was getting a bit mundane and boring on here
Felipe, he sold the shares before he became PM because he did not want to have to declare them as the PM , why?
He has not fought for off shore openness, he vetoed EU efforts to make the off shore offer less secrecy.
Tetley How do we  know he has done nothing wrong.
As I have said before as the investments are held off shore, the UK authorities and public cannot know what these people are up to.
So how can we be sure what has happened. The trust in Panama was moved to Ireland why not back to the UK. In Ireland the UK authorities still can not look at what has gone on.
Bear in mind there are still two other investment trust involved one of which in based in Jersey and details of the other know trust have not yet been revealed
Todays statement in the press show that he and his wife like to make arrangements that avoid tax.
The fault lies with the tax system which makes actions like his and others with "real" money worth doing.
Make all people in public life reveal all about their capital and income. I will tell all if they do.
What the hell I will reveal it here and now so there is no confusion or duplicity.
I HAVE NOTHING,the millions are all in "the wifes" name.
I have also fiddled and cheated all my life and still have nothing!
Bearing in mind that Osbourne has also been linked to off shore investments and probably the blonde *ickhead will be as well,
I think he should go and as a parting shot suspend the 23 June vote and call a snap general ellection.
That would bring the true Tories out and show who truly is not frightened about their back ground


Prime Ministers should be squeaky clean ??? I fell about laughing yesterday when John O'Connell said that you MUST be able to trust your PM. Do you mean like B.liar and Gordon Brown ??? They could not trust each other !
Then there's the other contender ... dear old Mandy ..... Enough said.
lol :wave: