RAcism against british increases

Started by Saffi, July 14, 2011, 06:25:12 AM

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Not a pleasant thougt, but be honest and accept it is happening everywhere in the world.  Think of the amount of abuse Eastern Europeans, Indians, Pakistanies, Africans have to endure in the UK.  You are different, you are a target and when things are tough in a country, it is worse.  Shouldn't be, but..... *&"

Queen Clare Shirley

Did anyone approach her , tell her that you had the room for another 10 minutes?

Racisim is a world wide spread problem we also have it in Great Britain and in my experience some of the biggest racists are the minority groups who are availing themselves of our great british hospitality.

I have been the victim of racial bullying in school over 22 years ago , I was battered and bruised once and in my pathetic attempts to tell the teacher were fruitless, after a year of this bullying I finally broke, hitting out like a cat, (scratching the boy quite badly) Every child in the class apart from the two bullies backed me up and nothing happened to me, they were suspended over the incident, the two boys faces I can still picture and like any other mother my greatest fear is the same will happen to my two girls. However they have had training from beating up Dad so I hope they will stand up for themselves if something does happen.

One incident in itself is not enough to give up, I now always fight the problem whatever it maybe, someone says CHANA ( not round its a torrevieja word) I ask them why? Luckily enough I havent encountered many problems since then, A couple of altercations where I was in the wrong place at the wrong time (friends problems that ended up being mine)

Next time stand up for yourself, I have found that if you stand up to someone they tend to back down.

ILLIA RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arrived Torrevieja 5th November 1988


Corrupt? yes! I think we can all see that 'generally' a lot of the ruling system here can be corrupt, but the lady you speak of is ....I BELIVE.... in the minority here, her remarks were appalling, but she had shown her true colours the week before shouting, being abusive, and totally unreasonable, and then yesterday to rip the electrical equipment from its socket showed that she is a little, shall we say, unbalanced! I think you will find people like her all over the world. In the most part I find the locals very reasonable, lets face it most of them know that without the income from us they would all be much worse off in this area. You should try not to let this one incident blur your vision, many here are lovely people, she is just not worth getting upset over.  
Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life


Well if stating the truth and that which is plainly obvious to all is racist I do 100% agree........and happy to be called a racist if it means speaking up for decency and honesty - look at the farce of alleged free elections in mojacar, not to mention everywhere else.....and it is not just on individual it is endemic and accepted, tolerate, dare I say it apparently encouraged by the majority of spanish voters, you only need to read spanish forums to see that.



Hi Saffi

I don't know whats happened but your post is racist & stereotypical of Spaniards

one which i agree with but racist all the same

Rules are made for the obeyance of fools & the guidance of wise men


I just donĀ“t see why we should put up with being told to go back to our own country just for expecting basic decency - what right does a spanish woman have to barge into an english dance class, remove the music system etc 10 mins before that class is due to finish because she wants to use the room?  Not her house, premises arranged with Town Hall, just an arrogant xenophobic racista.....



Whats happened Saffi? Someone chucked an english roast dinner over your car or something  :lol:

If you dont laugh you will cry.  :wave


Increasingly it seems the spanish are turning on the british and making racist comments.  Clearly they like to live in third world corrupt style so long as no one expects them to behave decently, keep their word and actually tell the truth instead of lying through their teeth at every opportunity. 

For the first time I am seriously considering just signing my house back to the bank, a loss of at least 100k even in this market and leaving