Kitten thrown from car

Started by Alidavis, October 06, 2021, 21:31:37 PM

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So very sorry to hear that. Wish they could be thrown out of a car to see what it feels like. Poor little thing, such a short life.



Sadly she was put to sleep yesterday. Really upset me. I’m not sure I even like people right now.  She was too young to even be away from mum. I’m back in England now. Thank you though


Did you get the car number? They need reporting. How people can be that cruel is beyond understanding. Sorry we can’t take it but we have three cats already and they wouldn’t tolerate another. Hope someone can help the poor little thing.



Just saw someone throw a tiny kitten out of car at roundabout into Los Carrascos. Picked him/her up. Very scared. Bleeding from nose and breathing badly. In shock. I’m leaving for England in the morning. Can anyone help or give urgent advice. Thank you