Be Aware!!!!

Started by 1234, January 20, 2013, 14:31:49 PM

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Quote from: cantabrian on January 22, 2013, 17:07:02 PM
HOW many of you lot on this forum cared about a sell by /best before date when you were youngsters ? Did we become ill,because something was a bit old, NO !! Most  forum members had never heard of this sell by junk idea,i know of a person that EVEN throws his cans of beer away if they are a day over the LIMIT !! Nice boy ,i take them off of him !

You are right though. They are out there & breeding . What was the headline the other day. " 50% of food is thrown away ". Says it all really.


Quote from: cantabrian on January 22, 2013, 17:07:02 PM
HOW many of you lot on this forum cared about a sell by /best before date when you were youngsters ? Did we become ill,because something was a bit old, NO !! Most  forum members had never heard of this sell by junk idea,i know of a person that EVEN throws his cans of beer away if they are a day over the LIMIT !! Nice boy ,i take them off of him !

When I was a youngster I relied on "mi mum" to sort those things out. I just ate what was put in front of me. (well most of the time)  ;D



Cantab,in the words of Michael Winner."Calm down dear"
Nibbler :tiphat:


HOW many of you lot on this forum cared about a sell by /best before date when you were youngsters ? Did we become ill,because something was a bit old, NO !! Most  forum members had never heard of this sell by junk idea,i know of a person that EVEN throws his cans of beer away if they are a day over the LIMIT !! Nice boy ,i take them off of him !


 i think all four english shops do a fine job as for things going out of date people shoud be more aware and check as mistakes do happen and i am sure they will sell cheaper if you still want the item and ex english supermarket stock that they all sell i am quite sure it is legal and above board then of course if you have the cash to buy branded goods you donot need to sauce the exsupermarket stock which are half the price


Come on you lot how many of you can honestly say that you check sell by dates all the time I know I don't.1234 if I were you I should just let them all get on with it.I could see what you were trying to do but in some cases you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Nibbler :tiphat:


My thoughts on the subject are:

* The post has served some good in bringing everyone's attention to the need to check dates on produce
* Yes the poster should have checked the dates on the produce but in fairness most of us probably don't
* The shop should have a policy of regularly checking dates to make sure this sort of thing doesn't happen
* The poster should have given the shop the opportunity of putting right their mistake.



The original post really should not have been made unless they were prepared to say where they bought the goods . All of the 3 English shops that were open Sunday have by implication been tarred with the same brush through no fault of their own . Either we check dates on things we buy or we don't , cant see any difference where we shop same thing applies , just as likely to have been in a Spanish shop as an English one .

I think the poster just wanted to get it off their chest and i have to say i would feel the same if i had bought it but i would also feel at least partly responsible for not checking 1st , my guess is the shop in question will be only to happy to refund or exchange to avoid any further posts that might next time actually name them .
If you see someone without a smile give them one of yours .


There are four in Albox, Pricebusters, The Corner Shop, Eurowise, and Sol Supermercado.

I believe Sol Supermercado dont open on a Sunday.


4 in Albox. Pricebusters, Eurowise, Corner shop and the new one just up from the front of Mercadona.


What is the other one Burnie?  I thought there was only 3 in Albox. And one of those does not open on Sundays.


Just an observation, there are 3 English shops open on a Sunday in Albox.


Elle Sid

Really?!?! ........

Elle Sid

Quote from: 1234 on January 20, 2013, 14:31:49 PM
IWhat has annoyed me is that I wasnt informed of the product being out of date 

Isn't your anger is more at yourself for not noticing the dates? You were "informed" because the date was there plain for you to see before you purchased

Caveat emptor


Out of date stuff in the UK is expensive to dispose of , cheaper to give it away which is what some supermarkets do after trying to offload it within stores at discounted rates while they have a chance  .

I think we have to recognise the distinction between Best Before and Sell By dates , larger companies are not so prevalent in selling out dated stock for several reasons . Primarily they have their reputation to consider and they control their stocking levels more precisely they can also afford to absorb the loss from larger sales volumes so it represents a smaller percentage of waste .

Many posts in the past have stated they dont mind out of date stock and some knowledgeable ones have even stated that there is very little difference with some products , all down to personnel choice really .
If you see someone without a smile give them one of yours .


well alot of their stuff is out of date or near it ,I know for a fact when they buy shipments from other countries alot of the  products are nearly out of date so they get them even cheaper, but as we say if they have things people want that is how it is ,  :head :head


Quote from: wicking2006 on January 21, 2013, 08:44:11 AM
I think I am right in saying it is illegal here to sell out of date goods.
I know an english shop had massive problems with the guardia due to this
and theirs were massively reduced.

Perhaps you should mention it to Eroskis ? When the dates up they reduce them a few cents & plonk them in the aisle as ' specials'. They've been doing it for as long as I've lived here.


There are only two shops open on a sunday in albox that i know of pricebusters and corner shop. so which one is it? I have to admit that when buying beers for the one that thinks he wears the trousers i never check the dates on the cans. i will from now on no matter where i buy them from.


I think I am right in saying it is illegal here to sell out of date goods.
I know an english shop had massive problems with the guardia due to this
and theirs were massively reduced.


I dont want to Name and shame the shop itself as I dont want to be seen as having a vendetta, victimising, slandering, being a friend of someone else, blah blah, the point is that I was sold these goods, out of date, at the full price when I should have been informed they were out of date and and then, if i chose to buy the product it should have been at a reduced rate.

I like shopping in the English stores, and wouldnt want to loose them, but I am not happy with being ripped off, Why should one get away with it when the others reduce the prices, and have to take the loss on the chin????

It seems like its one rule for one etc etc.


APY2,  Glad you took the joke well, i thought for a moment the world had shifted on it's axis, Ha,ha.


Go back in and complain, stop being British !!!!!

CB...................Canterbrian in another life..
The 3 rings of marriage...........engagement ring, wedding ring & suffering!!
You only need 2 words to keep a marriage happy......Yes dear....


Is this same establishment that sells products from asda, morrisons etc? I aint be funny but surely this is illegal? How do you think these major supermarkets would react if they found out?!!  shame on you oh and for sure you could not afford to take these big boys on eh!


Quote from: telcaz on January 20, 2013, 16:01:10 PM
Next time you go in there, enquire as to wether they sell maps of the world, (An Atlas).

Its ok Terry im not offended , there's no way you could have known my atlas is an old one  :whistle:
If you see someone without a smile give them one of yours .


Quote from: sparkiemike on January 20, 2013, 17:13:55 PM

why not just buy spainish?



Because many of us like certain products that are simply not available in Mercadona etc?



why not just buy spainish?


Rules are made for the obeyance of fools & the guidance of wise men


Next time you go in there, enquire as to wether they sell maps of the world, (An Atlas).


We too use the English shops, what i was saying if you having to pay over the odds for English products then surely they should be in date and if not advised about, and if we loose them for not using them surely that will be because they charge over the odds that people are prepared or cannot afford to pay..
The original post stated one of the dates was July 2012, 6 months past the sell by, not from when produced and what would the shelf life be on a tin of beer, so how old is it.. 
As they say, Dick Turpin had the decency to ware a mask..


Quote from: Trucker on January 20, 2013, 15:04:48 PM
Take them back, complain, demand your money back and name and shame, only half a warning on this and the good ones are condemned to be as bad, if out of date you should be at least advised about, their price is your choice of paying..
but must say out of date goods have been sold at full price here for long enough...charging €1.50 for something with a £1 on it and then out of date as well...we are treated like idiots for wanting something English in Spain..

Well i agree with the post being only half a Warning Trucker but English shops have to have their stock transported here all the way from the UK as opposed to coming from countries much closer to Spain such as Asia or the US  :whistle:

Despite their prices i dont think there are many that dont patronise them , we do several times a week and have done so for 11 years but as we almost always buy the same things so we know the prices each charge and buy accordingly .It really is a case of use them or loose them .
If you see someone without a smile give them one of yours .


Take them back, complain, demand your money back and name and shame, only half a warning on this and the good ones are condemned to be as bad, if out of date you should be at least advised about, their price is your choice of paying..
but must say out of date goods have been sold at full price here for long enough...charging €1.50 for something with a £1 on it and then out of date as well...we are treated like idiots for wanting something English in Spain..


I know this subject has been spoke about on here before but I thought I would let you know anyway. I went into one of the English shops in Albox today (Sunday) and bought some alcohol, when I got home some of the cans were dated October 2012, and some of them July 2012!!!!! What has annoyed me is that I wasnt informed of the product being out of date and that the items were full price and not cheap at that!!!

Dont get me wrong I dont mind a bit of out of date stuff, but I do want to be informed of it and given the choice as to whether I would then buy it, and surely the price should be reduced accordingly.

I will certainly be more vigilant when purchasing products in future.