Arboleas Community Forum

Arboleas Forum Gardening Section => Gardening Forum => Topic started by: judi bk on January 24, 2009, 07:34:22 AM

Title: Need a climber that isn't rampant
Post by: judi bk on January 24, 2009, 07:34:22 AM
I have a honeysuckle in a pot in a wooden box thing with a trellis at the back.  It has struggled but we disovered that if we put it on the front patio so it was under the awning and in the shade at midday it did OK.  We have built on the front patio and the only place for the box trellis thing is going to be in full sun.

I have a nice semi shade spot where I can plant the honeysuckle so can anybody suggest a plant thet will do well in the box trellis thing.

It needs to be OK in a pot, tolerant of sun and I want it to be fairly easy to confine within the bounds of the trellis.  Considering bougainvillia but think it might gallop away.  Would like some scent as it will be near the kitchen window.
Title: Re: Need a climber that isn't rampant
Post by: Karen4 on January 24, 2009, 09:11:44 AM
I could nearly guarantee you that any plant I got you would not be rampant in any shape or form - I can't seem to get ANYTHING to grow more than a few inches! Maybe I should leave my garden alone for a year or so and see what happens! Oh, forgot - my roses grow and bloom like mad even though I don't touch them - maybe that's the secret!  :lol: