Arboleas Community Forum

Arboleas and Surrounding areas Message Board Sponsored by SPANISH PROPERTY CHOICE => Arboleas General Chatter - Sponsored by => Topic started by: NormanM on April 24, 2014, 11:21:55 AM

Title: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: NormanM on April 24, 2014, 11:21:55 AM
Now that I have your attention, I happened to have to use the gents in a Zurgena bar today.  Stuck inside the WC  (yes, right inside) was a photo of a woman.  I have to say I was totally disgusted.  If that is what the proprietors think of womankind,  then they need to get a grip.  When I mentioned this to one of the owners, her attitude was "Well you're the first to complain about it, and it was here when we got here", and when I pressed her about it she said "Well I'll talk to my husband"  No commitment to do anything about it.

So ladies, and gents if you feel that is acceptable to have photo of a woman as a target to urinate on or worse, that's fine.  If not, let the bar proprietors know.

As far as I am concerned, I won't be back

I guess Felipe would object to me saying which bar it is, but if you want to know, pm me.
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: pannica on April 24, 2014, 12:04:10 PM
According to my wife most men must look up while peeing thats why theirs drip all over the seat  :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: steveconway24 on April 24, 2014, 12:06:30 PM

A company that was on the Spanish version of Dragons Den.

The point of the stickers is that they are dark, for example the womans top, when you pee on it goes transparent and you can see the boob's. Its an attempt to get blokes to pee in the bowl and not all over the floor.
I've seen them now in various bars around this area, some are naked women, some dart boards etc.
I though it was an amusing gimmick, even if a bit childish, but I can't understand why its upset you so much Norman?

And theres a bar in Hijate where they have naked men stickers in the ladies toilets the wife has just informed me, stuck in the front side of the bowl.
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: NormanM on April 24, 2014, 12:13:23 PM
A dartboard - fine.  And this one is not dark at all. If you don't get it,  think about this.  What does it say to some 6 or y year old lad about where women belong?

What is says to me is that it's ok to portray women as targets for urination.
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: sapper on April 24, 2014, 12:23:36 PM
This is a liberated age dont be a prude
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: steveconway24 on April 24, 2014, 12:26:02 PM
OK Norman.

Boobies are amusing to six year old boys! (and older!) and I'm sure the little fellas will be happier not standing in a pool of p1ss.

But we will all be vigilant for blokes trying to pee on women in the middle of Mercadonna because their mind has been washed after taking a leak in a pub toilet.

Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: casanaranja on April 24, 2014, 12:31:29 PM
For goodness sake Norman, lighten up and get a hold of yourself....
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: Lesley and Pete on April 24, 2014, 12:49:24 PM
There is a bar in Arboleas with a woman in the gents urinal and a man in the ladies loo pan - only a bit of fun & nothing to get hung up about.

Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: Not_Asking_Much on April 24, 2014, 13:09:37 PM
Liberated age?

There's nothing 'liberated' about pissing on an image of a woman. I'm surprised to see so much support here for that concept.

The subtle message is appalling, and obviously it's being delivered to boys and men of all ages. Are all the mums on here happy with that?

There are plenty of café/bars around, and to me this is a good enough reason never to return to that one.
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: Badged01 on April 24, 2014, 13:11:48 PM
Simple solution, Just close your eyes and dont look at her when going :) Then get the mop and clear up the mess .......
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: Not_Asking_Much on April 24, 2014, 13:15:19 PM

My solution would be somewhat different, and they can definitely clear up the mess!

Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: NormanM on April 24, 2014, 13:52:16 PM
I'm not prudish, or hung up.  Just grown up.
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: Lynne on April 24, 2014, 13:57:56 PM
I can't believe that people would find this acceptable. The world is going crazy and getting worse by the minute with attitudes like that.
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: Hawkeye1 on April 24, 2014, 14:08:00 PM
I don't think I will ever pee again
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: sallyb on April 24, 2014, 14:19:34 PM
The mentality of men sometimes leaves me at a loss for words. How would you feel if the picture was of your wife.
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: byrney on April 24, 2014, 14:52:15 PM
The gents toilet in one of the shopping centres in Murcia (can't remember whether Condominium or the Ikea one) has a series of females above the urinals looking down at you whilst in full flow.

They have an expression of utter disdain and, worryingly, their eyes follow you wherever you go.

I was absolutely traumatised - even after the fiftieth vist......
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: Cielos on April 24, 2014, 15:48:34 PM
Perhaps some posters on here didn't read Norman's post thoroughly?

A picture of a woman IN the actual toilet bowl - that's how I am reading it

Surely no one thinks this is ok and just a "bit of fun"

Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: bigbaz on April 24, 2014, 16:02:25 PM
u lot need the water turned off or another demolition or something, u r obviously bored at the mo

dont worry, some catastrophe or other will turn up soon, maybe t.bags will go up in mercadona or summink
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: steveconway24 on April 24, 2014, 16:34:18 PM
You'll be saying these are wrong soon!....

Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: Not_Asking_Much on April 24, 2014, 17:26:11 PM

Quote from: sallyb on April 24, 2014, 14:19:34 PM
The mentality of men sometimes leaves me at a loss for words. How would you feel if the picture was of your wife.
The mentality of SOME men, I think you mean... Bear in mind that the lady of the house (bar in this case) doubtless has to clean up (women's work) AND knew only too well about the misogynistic sticker. (she knows her place clearly)

So sad in this day and age.

Quote from: bigbaz on April 24, 2014, 16:02:25 PM
u lot need the water turned off or another demolition or something, u r obviously bored at the mo

dont worry, some catastrophe or other will turn up soon, maybe t.bags will go up in mercadona or summink
Only an illiterate idiot would buy them in Mercadona.

Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: ramblarider on April 24, 2014, 17:28:44 PM
I agree with NormanM. It sounds pretty sick and twisted to me. Not in the least bit "funny". About as "funny" as a holocaust "joke", in fact.

Sadly a sign of the times. Crudity, offensiveness, bigotry and sheer stupidity being presented as acceptable. It isn't.
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: jodee on April 24, 2014, 18:00:24 PM
Quote from: bigbaz on April 24, 2014, 16:02:25 PM
dont worry, some catastrophe or other will turn up soon
famous last words = some dogs just turned up in a rambla ::)
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: NormanM on April 24, 2014, 18:07:33 PM
Right? Wrong? Steve, I don't know.  It's just childish lavatory (literally) humour.  But how WOULD you feel if it was your wife's picture in the loo?  Or your daughter's?   There again, maybe I don't need to ask, do !?

BigBaz - not bored.  Just disappointed.  Some folks' sense of humour is about the same level as their intellect, apparently - in the gutter.
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: G and T on April 24, 2014, 18:12:14 PM
NormanM, I am with you, and although a local resident, I do not know this bar, but well done for speaking out.

Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: hartcjhart on April 24, 2014, 18:42:24 PM
the Mary Whitehouse fan club are alive and well in arby land,

lets ban pg3s, womens boobs on drinking mugs,shocking,
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: ramblarider on April 24, 2014, 19:18:35 PM
If you really don't get how wrong this is, just mentally substitute an image of say, a black person.....or someone in a wheelchair?

Now try again. Still OK?

I'm sure for some on here it probably still is... but thankfully, most people will make the connection.
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: whitey852 on April 24, 2014, 21:59:34 PM
I arrived here on 1st Feb, that picture has been in the gents of that bar since then, I think the previous owners put it in. It used to cover the ladies chest with a blue top and the hot urine revealed the ladies breasts, it has been hit so many times the blue top no longer works. I actually found it one quite novel, and two good that I don't go into a toilet, for some reason with no urinal, to find the area never had "splashes" associated with men who have nothing to aim at! I don't see a problem with it personally, a bit like in days gone by when they used to put plastic flies in urinals to aim at, especially when I am now mainly in flip flops!!
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: Santana Fan on April 24, 2014, 22:34:35 PM
A list of my pet hates:

1) Misogyny
2) A man in flip flops
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: Karen4 on April 24, 2014, 23:08:05 PM
I don't think it's a bit funny either. Put a big "X" instead if you want to see how good your aim is. Or, let's put pictures of pre-school age children in there and see if you still like it. Or, best of the lot, pictures of your mother...still able to pee now or are you having difficulty getting the flow started? What's wrong? Can't manage to hit your mother in the face in full flow? It's a stupid thing that is neither funny nor clever, and  think everybody knows it.
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: Alcar on April 25, 2014, 00:30:30 AM

It is not very often that I post on the forum, I will send a private PM  if I think it will be helpful,  but with this topic,  I have to agree with normanM,  I have been in two bars in the Arboleas area that have a man transfer in the bowl of the ladies toilet,   I do not like it at all, makes me feel uncomfortable and I am not prudish at ALL,  when I asked the bar owners about this ( being a lady's toilet )  I was told they where put there just in case a man used the toilet to remind them ( where to aim )   do not see the point in the men's toilet if it is of the same concept, ( have not been in there ) just do not like the concept at all and if it is meant to be funny ( sorry but I do not see that side at all )

Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: NormanM on April 25, 2014, 07:17:55 AM
Hartcjhart - it is NOT about censorship.  If you get your jollies looking at page three girls, that's fine by me.  Or by drinking out of a mug with a picture of someone's boobs on it.  That's fine by me too. Maybe that's as close as you can get to a real woman, poor chap!

What you fail to understand is how this puts women in their place - as target for urine in a toilet.  Get it now, or are you still unsure?  Answer the question that Karen posed, then.
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: jabba the cat on April 25, 2014, 07:36:39 AM
I dont have a  problem I cant see that far down its just a blur to me:lol:
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: Cielos on April 25, 2014, 08:17:58 AM
Quote from: ramblarider on April 24, 2014, 19:18:35 PM
If you really don't get how wrong this is, just mentally substitute an image of say, a black person.....or someone in a wheelchair?

Now try again. Still OK?

I'm sure for some on here it probably still is... but thankfully, most people will make the connection.

Unfortunately RR, I think some on here would think the above ok too and just "a bit of fun"
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: sapper on April 25, 2014, 08:32:44 AM
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: NormanM on April 25, 2014, 10:08:11 AM
How did you know where to go sapper?
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: sapper on April 25, 2014, 10:44:18 AM
Saw the protesters with placards and the long queue outside, easy bit of detective work really !!!
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: NormanM on April 25, 2014, 11:04:40 AM
I say, Holmes, old chap - what a deduction!
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: Karen4 on April 25, 2014, 11:45:17 AM
I think he's taking the p.....
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: sapper on April 25, 2014, 12:08:13 PM
me take the P noooooooo
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: byrney on April 25, 2014, 12:50:54 PM
We have had the discussion on here many times about what we as individuals find acceptable and what we don't.

We must recognise that people do have completely different "senses of humour", and that must be a good thing, not bad.

Religious beliefs, background, and age have a lot to do with it.

I am sure that a lot of older people on here have done things in their past which their own parents and grandparents would find totally unacceptable.  For better, or for worse, that's how the human race has developed into what it is today.

However, there is a time and a place for "toilet humour", and I agree with the OP that a public bar is not the time, OR the place.

Having said that, it would not stop me going into that bar if I liked it for other reasons.  I have stopped trying to have "principles" if it adversely affects me. 
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: steve.p on April 25, 2014, 14:20:31 PM
whooooosh, a rather large bottle of Chill Pills required I think!!!!!! :tiphat:
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: hartcjhart on April 25, 2014, 15:56:38 PM
Quote from: ramblarider on April 24, 2014, 19:18:35 PM
If you really don't get how wrong this is, just mentally substitute an image of say, a black person.....or someone in a wheelchair?

Now try again. Still OK?

I'm sure for some on here it probably still is... but thankfully, most people will make the connection.
what if it were jesus,old codger,etc etc,
but it isnt,now I have not seen the image so cannot say if it is a 'real' woman or CGI,but I think you and others are getting on a high horse for a very trivial thing,If the woman(if it is) wants to complain then fair enough
and Norman this answer is for Karens post as well,
Whitey well said
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: mercab on April 26, 2014, 10:49:20 AM
Yesterday evening I went out for a meal in Alfoquia , it was the best fish and chips I have had in Spain and being an ex trawlerman, this is praise indeed.  As one does, I went to the loo and on opening the door I staggered back in shock!  Was this site before me the object of the uproar?  It can't be, I thought, I wasn't in zugena, and it was not a photograph that faced me but a cartoon type picture approx 5cm x 8cm of a bare breasted woman, the type of which can be seen on the bottom of Chinese tea cups and liquor glasses!  How could this possibly have developed into a black person, a person in a wheelchair, or a pre school child!!    I see someone has said that they would not frequent this bar again - but he has - to say that he is raising a petition against the watery naked lady and that he would raise hundreds of signatures How SAD that there is not enough going on in the world for people to be interested in.I left the bar full of happy locals thinking that they are better of without the moaners on here not going in.If you want good fish and chips this is the bar I will keep you all posted when we try the other meals.
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: NormanM on April 26, 2014, 12:13:42 PM
I said I would not revisit - and I have not.  Nor have even considered a petition.  The bar owner his perfectly within her rights to put pictures of women wherever she wants, but I simply think that using them as an aiming spot for a urine stream is simply degarding. If yopu feel it's OK, it's your problem!
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: caddickt on April 26, 2014, 13:34:56 PM
How many times do you need telling Norman, the people who have the bar lease now, did not put that very small picture on the gents toilet it was there when they moved in a few weeks ago, I have been going in that bar for years and it has been there for quite some time.

Get a life Norman, I am sure you never going in the bar again will not ruin the place but to be honest I think you have actually increased their trade with your small minded comments - It is a great bar serving good food and providing much needed entertainment for people in the area.

Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: casablanca on April 26, 2014, 13:44:40 PM
It's getting serious in Eastern Ukraine, getting a bit concerned!
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: brucie1 on April 26, 2014, 14:01:34 PM
i think the mods should check if norman m is a relative or personal friend of the new owners of BAR as they will soon need extra staff to cope with the publicity and extra trade     :redcard: :lol:
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: Tetley on April 26, 2014, 14:12:25 PM
Apparently Ruppi Murdock has got a pic of Tosh Blair in his bog..... ;D
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: webejamin on April 26, 2014, 14:44:43 PM
When I can't go, I put a picture of Maggie Thatcher down there, always works a treat :rofl:
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: olly on April 26, 2014, 14:48:53 PM
Well today I saw the model whose picture appears in the aforementioned bars, and decided to ask her if she knew about how her photo was being mis-used.
Well, at first she seemed a bit flushed, and said it looked like her career was going down the pan, but when I explained to her how popular she had become, she was moved to tears when she realised that all her hard work hadn't gone to waste after all. :whistle:
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: webejamin on April 26, 2014, 14:50:02 PM
Quote from: olly on April 26, 2014, 14:48:53 PM
Well today I saw the model whose picture appears in the aforementioned bars, and decided to ask her if she knew about how her photo was being mis-used.
Well, at first she seemed a bit flushed, and said it looked like her career was going down the pan, but when I explained to her how popular she had become, she was moved to tears when she realised that all her hard work hadn't gone to waste after all. :whistle:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: NormanM on April 26, 2014, 14:54:09 PM
OMG, I've been rumbled!  No such thing as bad publicity.  Oh, and Caddick, I think if you take a moment to check my original post, you will find that I stated the proprietor told me that it had been there when they took over.  Do try to read things more carefully, there's a good chap.  I agree that fom your point of view it is small minded of me to raise this issue.  Women have their place, don't they?

Have to laugh, though.  I wonder how many our members would have been screaming their heads off it had been a picture of Ryan Giggs, for example.  Probably hundreds.  Can't have people weeing on a picture of a footballer, now, can we?  Or if you live in Belfast, maybe an image of the Pope, or King Billy, depending on which side of the divide you are.  I wonder if the factory that produces these does one of Jesus or other religious figures?  Or King Juan Carlos?  Or Queen Elizabeth?  N-oooo.  I thought not.

I DO have a life, thank goodness it's different to yours.   But thanks for your concern.
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: old codger on April 26, 2014, 15:09:47 PM
It's at times like this I really wish I were still there. What I want to know does she spit or swallow ??????? O.C.
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: musicdonna on April 26, 2014, 15:31:24 PM
Quote from: hartcjhart on April 24, 2014, 18:42:24 PM
the Mary Whitehouse fan club are alive and well in arby land,

lets ban pg3s, womens boobs on drinking mugs,shocking,

When basic respect for and honouring of each other ceases to exist, you can be pretty sure that society is on a downward spiral.  Thank you to all those men and women who have expressed on the forum the deep disgust I also feel at this action.  If that makes me/ us members of the MW fan club, so be it. 

Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: NormanM on April 26, 2014, 16:38:18 PM
It's at times like this I'm glad you are not. Your posts on here suggest that you really are a bigoted, sad, disgusting excuse for a male.  Get your mind above your waist for five minutes.
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: alanjune on April 26, 2014, 17:04:37 PM
love it in our toilet :romance:
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: NormanM on April 26, 2014, 19:22:50 PM
Just where you belong!
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: steve.p on April 26, 2014, 20:15:47 PM
Can't believe all this is for real, not enough Chill Pills available, makes the crisis in the Ukraine seem totally insignificant.
Some over large egos at large I think.. :clap:
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: old codger on April 26, 2014, 22:44:32 PM
Quote from: steve.p on April 26, 2014, 20:15:47 PM
Can't believe all this is for real, not enough Chill Pills available, makes the crisis in the Ukraine seem totally insignificant.
Some over large egos at large I think.. :clap:

Yes Stevey Boy we gone from Ukrainal to Urinal crisis O.C.
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: hartcjhart on April 27, 2014, 01:31:10 AM
Quote from: musicdonna on April 26, 2014, 15:31:24 PM
Quote from: hartcjhart on April 24, 2014, 18:42:24 PM
the Mary Whitehouse fan club are alive and well in arby land,

lets ban pg3s, womens boobs on drinking mugs,shocking,

When basic respect for and honouring of each other ceases to exist, you can be pretty sure that society is on a downward spiral.  Thank you to all those men and women who have expressed on the forum the deep disgust I also feel at this action.  If that makes me/ us members of the MW fan club, so be it. 


sorry but get a life, this is a cartoon caricature not your mother,honestly I* despair
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: NormanM on April 27, 2014, 07:15:04 AM
Steve - how can you suggest that Old Codger's ego is over-large?  "Get a life" is a common suggestion on this forum - it usually comes from those who don't really have one, and therefor have to snipe!
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: Cuddlybill on April 27, 2014, 08:38:26 AM
They have these in the loo's in the Blue Oyster Club, but they are pictures of Hogs, Bluebouys & Big Baz........................

Put me of my martini bianco

CB.. :vomit:
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: webejamin on April 27, 2014, 09:36:50 AM
Oooooh CB, you are awful, but I like you  :-*
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: steve.p on April 27, 2014, 10:01:09 AM
For clarity, my comments were not directed at OC, but rather, those who are unable to consider or accept that some-one else may have a different opinion and respect that opinion for being so, without resorting to personal insults. Rattle and pram come to mind.  :wave
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: NormanM on April 27, 2014, 15:58:17 PM
Steve, nobody questioned anyone's right to have an opinion, until you resorted to the "over-large ego issue".  What you see as an "over large ego"is just an opinion.

In my opinion, at least.
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: hartcjhart on April 28, 2014, 01:36:06 AM
and what about this

poor fishy wishies
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: johnhc on April 28, 2014, 04:38:59 AM
I have to agree with Norman,  the decline in moral standards in recent years has been terrible.
As a recent example one of my neighbours twin 21 year daughters came to stay with him for a week yesterday.  Not only are they sunbathing topless round the pool but they are doing it completely starkers. If I balance on the left edge of my patio table,  hang on to the top rail of the gazebo and lean out at an angle of 43 degrees I can see them quite clearly from my garden.
Disgusting! (Painful too-I fell off the table 3 times yesterday).
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: Lynne on April 28, 2014, 07:42:43 AM
 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: jabba the cat on April 28, 2014, 08:15:51 AM
Johnhc with all the way with you on this but then the ending love it next time they come out you can borrow my ladders, :tiphat:
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: byrney on April 28, 2014, 08:26:07 AM
Where do you live JHC?  Errrr, just out of interest..... :whistle:
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: webejamin on April 28, 2014, 09:28:03 AM
 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: Tetley on April 28, 2014, 12:31:32 PM
looks like this is going to a new level............. ;D
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: webejamin on April 28, 2014, 12:58:43 PM
It's getting better, yes ;D
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: byrney on April 28, 2014, 19:12:55 PM
Yep. There was a great danger of the topic going down the drain.
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: webejamin on April 28, 2014, 19:37:42 PM
It was bound to get dumped sooner or later, better to flush it out now :tiphat:
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: steve.p on April 28, 2014, 20:18:28 PM
Could be going Low level, since the chains' gone, and I thought it was all going to go down the pan..
You've got to love a sense of humour.. :lol:
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: Tetley on May 03, 2014, 10:54:50 AM

My lads band played at the bar last night,it was a great gigg,and it was also great to see Brits and diffrent nationalitys mixing and enjoying themselfs ,there is a lot of hard ship localy wether it be lack of work or illigal homes and it was nice to see folks enjoying them self,it reminded me of the early days here.


( the food was great as well   :) )
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: webejamin on May 03, 2014, 11:29:31 AM
Tetley, did you go for a wee? and how was it for you? :whistle:
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: Tetley on May 03, 2014, 11:36:52 AM
Quote from: webejamin on May 03, 2014, 11:29:31 AM
Tetley, did you go for a wee? and how was it for you? :whistle:

Jams i never got chance   :o.............besides i have had a special water proof  gigg suit made  :alien:,so yer can wee in yer pockets when busy and it dosent show............. :rofl:
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: webejamin on May 03, 2014, 11:56:21 AM
 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: freddie on May 03, 2014, 12:05:49 PM
love it tetley x
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: olly on May 03, 2014, 14:54:08 PM
Careful Tetley, you'll have the Pickpockets In Spain Societies (P.I.S.S.) union after you, for breach of health and safety rules.
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: irish-red on May 03, 2014, 21:43:59 PM
A touch of the Billy Connelly's Tetley! Brilliant sketch.

Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: Not_Asking_Much on May 03, 2014, 21:48:28 PM
So very sad to see that the usual Arboleas Forum 'gang' have trivialised and vandalised this thread about the important problem of misogyny in this day and age.

There was, IIRC, a post from Felipe a while ago about thread vandalism here, asking for some respect to be given. Maybe I imagined it?

I'd happily show my posts on this (and any other thread for that matter) to my mother, my wife and my daughters. Would you lot?

I somehow doubt it!
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: hartcjhart on May 04, 2014, 15:58:36 PM
Quote from: Not_Asking_Much on May 03, 2014, 21:48:28 PM
So very sad to see that the usual Arboleas Forum 'gang' have trivialised and vandalised this thread about the important problem of misogyny in this day and age.

There was, IIRC, a post from Felipe a while ago about thread vandalism here, asking for some respect to be given. Maybe I imagined it?

I'd happily show my posts on this (and any other thread for that matter) to my mother, my wife and my daughters. Would you lot?

I somehow doubt it!

I would do, but I dont know your mother/wife/daughters
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: Not_Asking_Much on May 04, 2014, 16:08:27 PM
You're highly predictable with your juvenile responses lads.  [yawn]

Is there a topic you WOULD consider important enough not to vandalise then? Do you take anything seriously in life?

I feel very sorry for your womenfolk and family. Assuming you have any, that is.
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: lmj52 on May 05, 2014, 10:58:27 AM
I am seen to be a racist/bigot/homophobic/vandal,

Sums it up quite accurately :whistle:
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: nibbler on May 05, 2014, 14:28:33 PM
Why not get the owners to put a picture of a man in the women's loo. I'm sure that would go down well :whistle: :whistle:
Nibbler :tiphat:
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: olly on May 05, 2014, 17:49:59 PM
Nibbler, there is one of a man in the ladies toilet in the bar that's in Arboleas, so my wife tells me, but no- one seems to be objecting to that one.
I wonder why?
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: Tetley on May 05, 2014, 17:59:28 PM
Quote from: olly on May 05, 2014, 17:49:59 PM
Nibbler, there is one of a man in the ladies toilet in the bar that's in Arboleas, so my wife tells me, but no- one seems to be objecting to that one.
I wonder why?

Olly yev saved us all      :clap:  .....................equal rights for the Hellmenthora  wee,ers   :rofl:
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: nibbler on May 05, 2014, 18:09:13 PM
I can see a business opportunity here. Stick on images of all the people we dislike we could pee and c*** on them all day, just the way some of them do to us.
Nibbler :tiphat:
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: Tetley on May 05, 2014, 18:18:30 PM
To be honest what a buisness idea that is for e bay.............. waterproof adesive stickers for the bog ,think il orders a uk bank buster" Gordon one"

no more boom and bust.......................... :whistle:
Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: Not_Asking_Much on May 06, 2014, 22:36:41 PM
Well kiddies, it appears you have a completely unmoderated forum here, so you get to be puerile as much as you like.

No tantrums though, when mummy says "bedtime".  :'(

Title: Re: A topless woman in the gents toilet!!!!
Post by: byrney on May 06, 2014, 22:38:36 PM
My, how this thread has developed.

I think that where a topic deserves some dignity, then the majority of members do so.

For example, I don't recall much hilarity on topics surrounding the demolition of homes.

The problem (?) with a public Forum is that people from all walks of life can contribute - probably much to the disapproval of some people who would like to put everyone in a box and control them through various methods such as political correctness, health and safety, equality etc etc.

The Forum is a place where those of us who may have been supressed from saying what we feel throughout most of our lives suddenly find that we can let off a bit of steam.

And no doubt unwelcomingly for some of you, tell it as it is warts and all, whilst injecting a bit of much-needed humour and comaraderie which has been knocked out of us by those of you who feel the need to personally attack individuals for daring not to conform.

However, where a topic is raised which cannot be treated with any degree of seriousness (the new Murcia airport, the much heralded Theme Park, the Albox By-pass etc) because of the political shenanigans/posturing, then expect the cynics/realists amongst us to sieze the moment.