Arboleas Community Forum

Anything to do with Pets => Animals Lost or Found => Topic started by: Karen4 on June 11, 2014, 16:55:24 PM

Title: Found - cat.
Post by: Karen4 on June 11, 2014, 16:55:24 PM
A tabby cat has appeared at our house today. Long legs, very thin but no signs of ticks, fleas etc. Very affectionate, loves being stroked and is following Peter round as if he is god. Anybody lost this cat?
We will NOT be keeping it, under any circumstances - the last one we had got hit by a car and died in my arms - not going through that again. Also we like to just lock the house and head off on the spur of the moment so this little animal needs to find somewhere else to live! Lovely wee thing, if nobody has lost it or wants it we shall have to make alternative arrangements....
Oh yes, it's a male. Very definitely male. Very, very definitely and quite impressively male.
Come and get it before we send it on its way!
Title: Re: Found - cat.
Post by: 3M on June 11, 2014, 19:11:55 PM
Where abouts do you live? Our tabby male hasn't been home since Monday. Any chance you can post a photo?
Title: Re: Found - cat.
Post by: Karen4 on June 11, 2014, 19:25:54 PM
We're in Los Carrascos, PM me your email address and I'll send you a photo. He is a lovely wee thing with a beautiful face and green eyes. Thin and long legs, very affectionate and obviously used to people and a bit desperate to get into the house!
I really hope he's yours!
Title: Re: Found - cat.
Post by: Karen4 on June 11, 2014, 19:48:59 PM
3M I was trying to put the photos on here but I can't get them to load in spite of using shrinkpic so I will email them to you if you send me your email address - or to whoever else might be interested.  I really hope he belongs to somebody who is desperate to get him back as he won't be here after 24 hours!
Title: Re: Found - cat.
Post by: 3M on June 11, 2014, 22:21:37 PM
Ours has got yellow eyes. And we're in El Prado. I guess he's just been locked in somewhere.

Hope you find his owners!
Title: Re: Found - cat.
Post by: Karen4 on June 12, 2014, 08:33:43 AM
Sorry it's not your cat. It's still here this morning but will have to be moved on today as it's not going to be living here! Any ideas as to what we can do?
Title: Re: Found - cat.
Post by: Karen4 on June 12, 2014, 09:18:50 AM
The cat has now been taken home....let's hope he stays there! Thanks Brenda!
Title: Re: Found - cat.
Post by: Suej on June 12, 2014, 09:39:57 AM
Good news  :clap:
Title: Re: Found - cat.
Post by: ginger on June 12, 2014, 11:22:31 AM
Might help to stop him wandering so much if his owners had him neutered.
Title: Re: Found - cat.
Post by: Karen4 on June 12, 2014, 11:32:45 AM
They'd just got him and hadn't yet had a chance to get him to the vet. However, it looks like he will be much LESS obviously male in the very near future!
Title: Re: Found - cat.
Post by: polo on June 12, 2014, 15:13:42 PM
I don't think we actually own this cat, we fed him a tin of tuna and gave him water, he then said thank you very much by disappearing. We had no internet for 2 days and only saw Karen's post this morning, felt sorry for him again and went to pick him up.

As my daughter said - he didn't really hang around long enough to have his bits removed!

He has now had more tuna and dried cat food and hasn't gone yet.

If he stays around tomorrow he will be going to the vet to get checked out and sorted.
Title: Re: Found - cat.
Post by: Karen4 on June 12, 2014, 17:09:10 PM
 :lol: If my OH wasn't here I might have happily kept him, but while I'm definitely a cat person he is not, in spite of the cat following him everywhere! Because of our lifestyle we choose not to have animals now - well, that and the fact that the last cat I had here died in my arms after being hit by a car, and the OH's dog was taken away without his knowledge and given to someone in England. 
No children, no animals and no ageing parents means we can be entirely selfish with our time now.
Title: Re: Found - cat.
Post by: polo on July 07, 2014, 19:08:50 PM

He stayed around - I think he knew what side his bread was buttered. We called him Billy, he is now Billy No B*lls!

I am not sure if he will be here tomorrow as he is very unhappy tonight, but hopefully he will be. He is very soft, placid and good natured. Of course I said he wasn't coming in the house, but of course he did, I am washing the throw on "his" chair every other day. The vet said he is about 3 years old, he was only the size of a kitten, he isn't now.
Title: Re: Found - cat.
Post by: Karen4 on July 07, 2014, 19:54:35 PM
He's a lovely cat, and so friendly. If it hadn't been for Peter I would have gladly kept him! Glad he's doing so well!