Started by Roger, June 22, 2017, 10:21:16 AM

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The fact that Roger has been driven to take these steps is a disgrace and those forum members who have contributed to this know who they are and should be ashamed. Felipe also has a good idea of who they are and should not hesitate to ban them, albeit some will resurface under another name.

Like Tetley I have always hesitated before pressing the "post button" and have often changed my mind on the basis it could be hurtful or perhaps would not be received in the manner it was intended and therefore not worth posting simply to massage my own ego or attempt to portray how knowledgeable I am :-).

Roger, you have the acquired knowledge and experience to make a significant contribution to this forum, would you not reconsider please, that way the louts don't win?


Thing is..... most of this shxt has turned up since the Brexit,and yer not going to censor Brexit anger IN or OUT otherwise the forum will just bin,but there is no need to be un pleasent,i have a simple electronic world rule ,

"dont key tap anything you wouldent say to the person in person "

maybee all posters need to take it on board to make the running of the forum a bit more cooler.

be nice be happy.
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol



I sympathise with the sentiment. This forum is a great resource and an invaluable insight into people's thoughts, and the fact that it is free to use is something to applaud.

The only caveat I have with the removal of posts is that it also removes information for other users as to WHY the posts are/were unacceptable, which could create an atmosphere rather more negative than one would wish.

I don't have an answer here, perhaps others could suggest solutions? I know that I would be tempted to remove the posts and place them in an 'idiot comment folder' or something similar - rather like old US circuses/carnies having the geek sideshow attractions....

It's a tricky one for someone who doesn't agree with censorship. But I do understand the frustration you must be feeling and back your decision if it will result in a more civilised internet environment.



The thing is with Roger,he is a nice bloke ,ive had many many debates with him on here,in the early days of 2008 with his help desk attempting to sort Arboleas out with this British ley planning majic wand i thought this was un wise and we had many debates .

it seems to me that all he wanted to do was help

,wich in a lot of cases he has done

,but he also seems to be" getting flack " for situations people got them selfs into and there seems now to be a little Anger towards him,wich again to me is unfair.

further up the page and in the past he has listed guide lines to help a residencie claim,he is correct,so why people feel the need to insult him or take the pxss is beyound me.
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


I have removed several posts from this thread as I will not tolerate ANY member being abused. If you cannot have a proper debate without insulting people then leave the forum. I have been overly slack in getting rid of such people for fear of being accused as a dictator. Well that now stops.

We have over 7200 members, so losing one or two will not bother the membership; who are also getting fed with the sniping. It makes me wonder if these members are doing it deliberately in an attempt to make the forum look bad.

ANYONE found to abusing or insulting another member will be banned from the forum. ANYONE that cannot actually debate but instead posts stupid comments will have them removed and warned against it.

I want this forum to get back to what it was pre-brexit. One that people can enjoy debating in a civilised manner. If you cannot find it in yourself to debate in that way then do not bother to post.


PatSue7..."You are always so predictable in your 'information' with reference to Brexit,talk about being totally biased!!!"

I would wager that you won't do so but, would you be so kind as to follow the link that Roger supplied and copy/paste anything from the entry that displays bias, please?

Oh, and if you would be so kind as to explain precisely HOW the entries are biased and against whom, it would be most helpful.

Many thanks and regards



I agree, Roger is needed, even though IMO he's biased, you need both sides to have a good debate. My question to Roger would be :
With his 50 years in politics, as quoted, how did he and his fellow politicians on the good old " political gravy train " let the UK get into this position of  Brexit ??


I've pretty much avoided getting involved in any discussions/arguments about politics on this forum since it's one subject about which nobody EVER wins - people are always too entrenched.

However, I have valued Roger's input and insights - and believe there are many others who also silently value them - and would regret if he no longer posted on this forum because of perceived vitriol and/or negativity from a few among us.

It's a sadly ever more common feature of life that individuals can use the anonymity of their keyboards to make observations or comments that, in an open and face to face discussion, would never be said without - possibly - fisticuffs ensuing. During ToK lessons with my A level and Diploma students this was a subject that was discussed often and in depth without, it has to be said, any real solutions to the problem (yes, we did perceive it as a genuine problem rather than merely an irritation) ever being suggested.

Roger - if you do read this - I would ask you to reconsider. I strongly believe that you are needed on this forum.



I do not understand the negative comments about what is just a factual list of the issues which face UK citizens who are resident in the EU.

These are issues understood by the many organizations in Europe who are working to ensure that we are protected post Brexit.

Regarding the question about how the whole thing will end, I do not know.
My opinion is that it is more likely to be a mess with the EU insisting on what they consider right, and the UK having to decide whether to accept it or not.
Of course on this forum the EU sticking to its principles which it stated from day one will be seen as bullying, and some contributors will use it to support their mistaken view of the EU as an evil dictatorship.

Some contributors to this forum seem intent on making insulting comments without anything positive to say.
I know that this forum has been taken over by anti EU rhetoric, without the need to explain why the EU is so evil.
In my opinion the EU is the only democratic organization in the world which puts the rights of its citizens above the power of multi national corporations, and which works to improve the life of all citizens.
They protect the environment, cooperate on security, invest in infrastructure to improve the economic development of the poorer areas of Europe, actively work against political corruption in Spain and other countries, and insist that all citizens have access to a decent health and education service.

Anyway I am finally fed up with reading all the racist and reactionary rubbish on the forum, as well as personal insults.

If people want to contact me they can do so through my web site, and I can continue to publish on another forum which hopefully will remain open to sensible debate.



just out of intrest given your 50 ods years of politics

do you actually belve that the money & power thats running the UK  now will allow the Government of the day to walk   ?


do you also belive that the EU  will offer anything other than full EU Membership / EEA Membership ?

the UK  already has the best EU Deal ie

no shengen
own bank
own currency
eu rebates

so how the UK  boffins intend to better the deal..... on the Outside could be a very tall order,its a bit like Mays Article 50 threat to withdraw securuity opps..... its certainly bit her on the arse now.

And as for legal soverinty....they will still be paying but not saying into the EU  only diffrence is,the EU  will be telling the UK  parliment what laws it expects the UK  to to trade.

full jobs a UK Govi  fools errand and at some point there going to have to get off the cloud......
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


There is a lot of debate about how this will work out with a Government which has problems.
However we should focus on how this will affect us in Spain.

I have published the main issues which affect us, on the following link

This also explains what we should all do to help protect our rights