Llanos del Peral

Started by ChurchofEngland, January 17, 2015, 20:00:18 PM

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Harvest gifts to families in Zurgena

The Town Hall were delighted to accept the harvest gifts for families in need in Zurgena. Councillor Jim Simpson and the Major, Luis Diaz took the food for distribution and were pleased that our church is happy to make this ongoing support. A huge thank you to all who contributed!

Councillor Jim Simpson has confirmed that the staff at the Town Hall made up 19 bags of food from our harvest offerings this afternoon and these were given to each of the 19 needy families on their register!


On Sunday 20th September a Harvest Prayer & Praise Service was held at Llanos del Peral lead by Capt. Edwin Bates. Church members donated gifts for the Food Bank at Zurgena. The service was followed by a Bring & Share Harvest Lunch which was enjoyed by all.


HARVEST FESTIVAL Sunday 20th September 2015 at 11.00 am - Harvest Prayer & Praise, with gifts for the Food Banks, followed by a Bring & Share Harvest Lunch.  All welcome, but please let us know if you'd like to join us for lunch.

Let's fill the Church for this Service!

If however you're unavailable then, but would like to celebrate Harvest this year, we also have Harvest Thanksgiving Services at our Churches at Albox, Aljambra (11.00 am on Thursday 24th September), which again will be followed by Bring & Share Lunch and at Mojacar (11.00 am on Sunday 18th October) also to be followed by lunch.


Today, Easter Day, Rev Pauline conducted the service. It was a Eucharist and 53 people attended. We enjoyed the fellowship of cakes decorated with Easter eggs, and coffee and tea afterwards sitting outside in the sunshine.

Visit our website at www.mojacarchurch.org/


Twenty one people enjoyed sharing in The Last Supper on Maundy Thursday. The service was conducted by Father Alan and included the washing of feet or hands.

Visit our website at www.mojacarchurch.org/


Palm Sunday Service at Llanos del Peral.


Tomorrow, Sunday 15th March, is, of course, Mothering Sunday.

The 11:00 am Communion Service will be taken by Canon Alan Bennett, with readings from Exodus 2:1-10; Colossians 3:12-17 and John 19:25-27

So come and join us for a great celebration.


This Sunday 1st March at 11.00am at the church of Llanos del Peral a service of Prayer and Praise. All are welcome, stay for coffee, perhaps a piece of and fellowship after the service. 

Red Poppy

Just on a short visit to our house and attended the Service at Llanos Del Peral near El Cucador this morning.      Greatly encouraged by the warm welcome and the numbers attending at this new venture by the Anglican Church in our area.    Great to know that this service together with those available in Aljambra (Albox) are available to all who wish to worship on a weekly basis.     Coffee and cake were also appreciated which gave an opportunity for chat afterwards.     Do go along to either the service at Llanos in the little Church there  on a Sunday morning at 11.00 a.m. or to Aljambra on a Sunday evening at 6.00 p.m.      You will be made most welcome.


This coming Sunday, 8th February, sees a Service of Holy Communion at 11:00 a.m., followed by Coffee and Fellowship afterwards.


This coming Sunday, 1st February 2015, the Service at 11:00 a.m. will be a celebration of CANDLEMAS, when the infant Jesus was presented at the Temple (Luke 22), where Simeon said "Lord now let your servant depart in peace, according to your word: for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared before the face of all people; a light to lighten the gentiles and the glory of your people Israel."


A history of the Church of England in the Almanzora Valley can be found here:-



Further information is available at the Church website www.mojacarchurch.org


Communion Service at the Church in Llanos del Peral near Cucador, just up the road from La Vida, every Sunday at 11:00 a.m

Services also at Aljambra (Albox), Mojacar & Roquetas