No more British coal !!

Started by PhillipJLloyd, December 18, 2015, 06:30:47 AM

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Quote from: sleepy john on December 18, 2015, 13:00:42 PM
I'm somewhat confused. Less than a week ago, all the nations in the world held a conference and agreed ways of limiting climate change (used to be called global warming). They seemed to conclude the answer was to cut down on greenhouse gases, principally carbon dioxide. Can some educated person please explain how shipping coal half way round the world reduces the production of greenhouse gases.
It don't SJ, but don't half make them fat cats LOADSAMONEY, and that is what it's all about :merrychristmas:

sleepy john

I'm somewhat confused. Less than a week ago, all the nations in the world held a conference and agreed ways of limiting climate change (used to be called global warming). They seemed to conclude the answer was to cut down on greenhouse gases, principally carbon dioxide. Can some educated person please explain how shipping coal half way round the world reduces the production of greenhouse gases.


Quote from: Nosun on December 18, 2015, 11:51:48 AM
A sad day indeed. I can't begin to imagine the feelings of those lads and their families, especially at this time of year, even though this day has been coming for a long time.


the UK  will be back to bowes & arrows if it dosent stop putting Hard Salt of the earth Skilled men on the Dole in the steel & coalworks.

Thatcher and the state took on the unions,however since Thatcher we have had both socalist,lib dem and tory govs,they have had  the tecno to burn coal clean and havent invested,all these political types all xxss in the same pot once they get elected..... ie there owne.

ive just bought a 79/80 British Leyland Red Robbo MG  to preserve a bit mor British manufactering history.

sad day for them lads,especialy with only 12 weeks lick it and stick it money.....befor x mass

more fodder for the state machine .....
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Well said Webejamin.

Problem is power companies are now private, and as a business make business decisions, but as in this case, the result is at the tax payers expense !!


When you consider any cost to the taxpayers in dole, social security, council tax benefits, local business losses, the effect on younger generations and any other effects caused by the closure, like long term unemployment and no income tax being generated, is it really worthwhile importing coal?
I suppose it is for the power companies, importers, shipping companies, Russian and US mining companies involved, and it's just possible that one person owns the lot somewhere down the line. Did it cost that much more to mine British coal? I doubt it, and whatever happened to a thing we used to have called loyalty to Britain? or does that only apply to the plebs?
Another thing while I'm at it, do we really believe that China and the likes are going to suddenly stop burning fossil fuels to make the world cleaner after the latest deal done by most nations? I don't for one minute believe it. But I do believe that some "fat cats" are going to get even fatter out of the deal  >:(  :merrychristmas:


Surely its not that simple, more families on benefits, no money coming into the area, local businesses suffering, etc. But of course this has been happening for years, with every other industry as well.
This country has gone from being a world leader in industry to now relying on everything being imported.
We give millions away on foreign aid, spend millions on immigrants coming in, millions on benefits, etc without any of this money actually ending up producing anything.
How cost effective is that col80.


Quote from: PhillipJLloyd on December 18, 2015, 07:42:58 AM
My point is, until the power stations close, why are we now at the hands of imported coal. The country seems to be very keen to give money overseas in various ways, but not willing to support British industry, and the families involved.
Also do people really think you can power a ever expanding country with a few wind farms and solar panels and nuclear power stations owned by the Chinese.

If you were watching BBC Breakfast this morning it was explained that it is now much cheaper to bring in coal from Russia, Czechoslovakia etc than mine it in the UK.Old King Coal has abdicated !


I worked at kellingley when I left school .  and feerybrige C  power station had a few year contracting there. And that is closing next year


My point is, until the power stations close, why are we now at the hands of imported coal. The country seems to be very keen to give money overseas in various ways, but not willing to support British industry, and the families involved.
Also do people really think you can power a ever expanding country with a few wind farms and solar panels and nuclear power stations owned by the Chinese.


It doesn't actually mean no more British Coal - as of last year there were 26 Open Cast Mines in the UK.  However, the future for coal is limited as it is one of the dirties sources of energy.
