Traffic light on road from motorway

Started by expatpat, June 01, 2017, 21:19:52 PM

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Quote from: ColinC on June 14, 2017, 16:11:19 PM
If you pass the 1st speed limit sign below the speed limit marked ..they don't go to red!

Yes they do!  The one on the westbound side of the road do not work properly.  However, the lights on the eastbound side of the road do seem to be ok (i.e. if you are doing less then 60 the go to flashing amber)


Actually, they do still turn red irrespective of how slow you are going at first light, although they are not meant to. Have tried numerous times, anywhere between 40 and 60 and they still turn red. Me thinks they're not working correctly.


If you pass the 1st speed limit sign below the speed limit marked ..they don't go to red!


Just gave a Spanish mate a lift to Albox from HO and stopped at the red light (being a well conditioned Brit). He told me to ignore the light and the huge truck behind us. You choose.

Amanda Oakley

As a regular user, the signs go from national limit to 80 then 60........... lights are "triggered" before you get to them and are not set to detect the correct limit !!! Have put this to the test on numerous occasions and can reduce to 40km at the 80km marker and then down to 30km or less at the lights...... the sensors do not work ........... have tested the theory that the car behind, could be "speeding" but this does not work either!!!!

Outcome............ proceed with caution or if going from Arbiland to the Coast, use the Concepción / Ballabona road ............. Bliss !!!!
Amanda Oakley
ALO Services (Zurgena)
Conveyancing and General Legal Services
Tel 950 449179 / 667 994682


Has anybody noticed, read, and translated the sign before the bridge approaching the lights? Reading the previous posts obviously not. I'm itching to, but I'll say no more. At this time of night a couple of scoops too many.


We always stop, previously followed two Guardia Civil motorbikes and they both stopped, agree we do get a lot of stick from other drivers, leaning on there horns etc, but hey hoh !


exactly Harley, there are no markings on the road to signify where, or indeed if you have to stop at all.
The whole stretch of road is confusing, speed limits go up and down like a yo yo (sat nav) and the physical signs are inconsistent.


I was told as long as you are within the speed limit you do not have to stop as there is NO white line across the road to stop at.

I might wear the trousers but my wife tells me which ones to put on


Quote from: Greggers on June 02, 2017, 14:54:14 PM
But orange isn't a signal to go either, green is. The lights don't ever show green. I always stick to 60 km/h all along that road. The lights always turn to orange when you are say about 1 metre from them so technically it is impossible to go through them when they are on red. Pointless system really.

Isn't it a flashing amber light, which I understand means proceed with caution and give priority to pedestrians?


But orange isn't a signal to go either, green is. The lights don't ever show green. I always stick to 60 km/h all along that road. The lights always turn to orange when you are say about 1 metre from them so technically it is impossible to go through them when they are on red. Pointless system really.


Thank you everyone  a couple of days ago the lights were red and I slowed down, the fruit lorry behind me didnt and the driver gave me a full demonstration of his airhorns. Then the lights changed to flashing orange allowing me to pull away, hence my question here.



Quote from: packard on June 02, 2017, 13:02:07 PM
I agree with Shadeseeker. Plane on runway, boat in water, car on road anywhere in the world, red means "do not pass" Of course we all know you can dice with the lights coming from the motorway at your peril.Would the people who believe them advisory take the chance if the Guardia were there. I think not.
To contradict previous statements that the lights change if you slow I have seen a line of cars waiting for the red light to change when approaching from Albox direction on more than one occasion.

Totally agree, go through the Red light and risk being stopped by GC. The lights are there for a reason as previously mentioned.


I agree with Shadeseeker. Plane on runway, boat in water, car on road anywhere in the world, red means "do not pass" Of course we all know you can dice with the lights coming from the motorway at your peril.Would the people who believe them advisory take the chance if the Guardia were there. I think not.
To contradict previous statements that the lights change if you slow I have seen a line of cars waiting for the red light to change when approaching from Albox direction on more than one occasion.


Quote from: RedEyes on June 02, 2017, 11:47:43 AM
Quote from: shadeseeker on June 02, 2017, 10:49:47 AM
Sorry but as far as I am aware,red means stop in any language and some folks have been fined for not stopping when the light is red.

Agreed, but those of us who are familiar with these stupid lights know they will change from red as you go through them.  If you approach at a slowish speed, they will change and you will go through on the orange.

They are purely and simply "Traffic calming measures". For reasons already stated.


Quote from: shadeseeker on June 02, 2017, 10:49:47 AM
Sorry but as far as I am aware,red means stop in any language and some folks have been fined for not stopping when the light is red.

Agreed, but those of us who are familiar with these stupid lights know they will change from red as you go through them.  If you approach at a slowish speed, they will change and you will go through on the orange.


Sorry but as far as I am aware,red means stop in any language and some folks have been fined for not stopping when the light is red.
'tis better to remain silent and appear an idiot than to open your mouth and forever remove all doubt! (translation from Ancient Wisdom of Confucius)

Queen Clare Shirley

When I learnt to drive four years ago My driving teacher took me to Huercal Overa and as we approached the lights I said so what should I do here, he said go through so I did, its to slow folks down.
ILLIA RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arrived Torrevieja 5th November 1988


Quote from: Sueandandyb on June 01, 2017, 22:10:03 PM
We was told when we first came here some 10 years ago that someone got run over there& the lights was to slow the traffic.

That's correct.   However, they have never worked in a logical fashion.  What should happen is they blink orange until a vehicle approaches at over the permitted speed (60km/hr) at which time they should go to red.  Also, if someone stops a couple of metres away from the lights, when they are red, they will never change!

The net result of all this is that the locals just go through them.  Just about the only people who take any notice of them are strangers to the area.


2 School children were killed there crossing the road,

the lights are a pain,because if you do stop yer normaly get a wagoon up yer arse kicking off,i normaly slow to 50 ,if theres nothing behind me i stop,if there is a wagon behind me i go through on Red,as id rather pay 200e than get a 40 tonner in the rear seat......

this is why the cops speed check the road ie because of the childrens deaths.
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


We was told when we first came here some 10 years ago that someone got run over there& the lights was to slow the traffic.


Think the lights are advisories..never understood them myself but only a few stop when red, and as soon as they do they go back to flashing orange..I just drive through there at 60 clicks as its a speeding trap area, normally they sit just past the Cuckador turn going towards motorway and stop you in big layby where the roller is so be warned...


Can anyone tell me what the traffic light on the road from the motorway is for as no one appears to stop when it shows red
