The Spanish Navy's new submarines screw up

Started by twojaysalmeria, July 18, 2018, 16:40:26 PM

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I really find this hard to believe but...the new additions to the Armada were found to have a minor design fault, i.e. they could submerge but "possibly" would be unable to surface again. Apparently a decimal point was misplaced.

So they fixed the problem by extending the boats, doubling the cost to around a billion euros each.

However..(you knew there'd be a however, right?) ... the craft now don't fit into their docks at Cartagena, so THEY need to be enlarged, too, also at great expense.

There are a few other things that need to be sorted as well, of course.

I've looked, but can't yet find who is to be blamed for this debacle. Honestly, you couldn't make it up.