Started by Pinkgolf, July 18, 2018, 10:06:51 AM

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A good cross section of questions .  I enjoyed the evening.  Looking forward to the next one


We thought the questions were good...... :cheesy:


Thank you for your kind comments.....we try our best to find questions to suit the age range and topics for all apologies if this one was "slightly off" !!!
Will try harder next time lol.
Don't forget to keep an eye out for the next date.....should be sometime in September after the summer break.
The money raised from this last one was enough to purchase 6 bags of feed.....brilliant.
Thank you all so much.


Yes, a great quiz again! Thank you for your efforts.  👍


Thanks for  a great night , easier questions next time please


Many thanks to those of you that came along to the charity quiz night last evening at the New Trinidad in aid of CESF HORSE RESCUE. Again, the winning teams donated their prize money back to the charity..... wonderful.
We managed to raise 60€ from everyone at the quiz itself plus another 40€ from the collection box on the bar. As the advert says..."Every little helps" !!!
We are having a short break from the quizzes now for the summer, but will start again, probably in mid-september. I will post on here the date for the next one then.
Once again, many thanks for your support.....the horses in the care of CESF HORSE RESCUE definitely appreciate it !!!!