UK 14 Day Quarantine Rule

Started by MAZ4929, June 26, 2020, 12:33:39 PM

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In Skegness there used to be Leicester week when their businesses closed they would all head for Skegness in the B&B’s.......probably cheaper to go to Benidorm these days. I’m sure the East Coast Town is mightily relieved. I live around 10 miles from Leicester but have never been there.....that’s not going to change either. It has the largest % of non white ethnicity in England at 49.8%. The infection figures although known by area have not been reported by ethnicity. The Mayor has asked for those figures so they can trace where and why the cases are increasing. The City has been told they cannot open businesses on July 4th as per other areas. It’s not enough. They should be locked down again and stopped from moving about.



Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


I think in the more remote places in Spain like Almeria you won’t be as badly affected. There does seem to be a better class of tourist than in Benidorm for example. It’s those places anyone with any sense will avoid. I’m also sure that the GC and Policia will ensure anyone in Almeria will be following the rules.


Every country which has relaxed restrictions have had localized spikes in infections.

Locally this has been detected in Malaga, Granada and Algeciras.

Control has now been transferred to each regional government and some have re-imposed a return to phase 2 in some areas.

Fortunately Spain seems to have a very good system of control and monitoring, with an established (but as yet not perfect) track and trace system which has been in place for some time.
The Government has stated, with the almost unanimous approval of Congress, that the new normality will continue indefinitely, certainly until next Spring.

Let’s hope that they can keep things under control, but there has to be a doubt when UK tourists arrive.

As for comparisons with the UK, remember that the UK has 4 times as many new daily infections than Spain, and has lifted restrictions quicker and with less control.

Spanish schools are due to re-open in September.
But officials have acknowledged that this will be impossible unless the requirement for social distancing is removed, because there is simply not enough space in schools to allow all pupils to return and maintain any social distancing.

We all know that children can be carriers of the virus without symptoms, and can therefore pass it on to classmates, who can pass it on to parents and grandparents.
And anyone who has been inside a school will know that social distancing can only work if there is a limit to one third of normal pupil intake at any one time.
It is no good the UK Government stating that all schools must totally re open in September but also saying that social distancing must be observed. The two are not possible.

I regularly read information from the Spanish officials and see on the TV the statements from the UK.
It is clear that no-one knows for certain how best to proceed.
But what I see from the UK are mixed messages and confusion from the top.
“Go out, shop till you drop, and have a good time and enjoy the good weather.”
“Oh and by the way, be alert and maintain social distancing”.
And the UK police have no powers and have insufficient numbers to control anything.
The police are even publicly saying we will not arrest people who break the law.


I hope you all stay safe over there, coz they're on their way to infect you, courtesy of and gov.spain. Their economies come first.
The numbers of deaths are on the up already here and I'm sure they'll be helped along by planes full of ex Bournemouth/Southend beach enthusiasts, desperate for a suntan.
I think you're all lucky to live in an isolated place like Arboleas, where you're not so likely to be infected by crowds of holidaymakers.
Our worry is when they all come back after catching it out there during their well earned break.


July and August will have to be carefully monitored. Hopefully you won’t get too many infections brought in.
If he is in Mojacar I’ll definitely call in. I haven’t seen him since Kalevala in 2016 if my memory serves me right.


Quote from: Lynden on June 26, 2020, 14:34:37 PM
Will do Tets. Is your lad still performing or is he too busy these days?

7 days a week app  lawyering at the min ,first gigg back will be Mojacar mid July,not sure on September yet ,personally if the figures go back up ,i think they will part lock down again ...hey ho .
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Will do Tets. Is your lad still performing or is he too busy these days?


Quote from: Lynden on June 26, 2020, 14:05:44 PM
Quote from: Tetley on June 26, 2020, 14:01:12 PM
Quote from: Lynden on June 26, 2020, 13:57:05 PM
I can’t believe a U.K. gov department has actually done as it should. It must be a first Maz.
Luckily I have the luxury of being able to quarantine but I think it will be a moot point in a week or so. It looks like the quarantine rule will be ditched for many countries including Spain.
Tets I’ve already booked and I’ll be on my way to a bar near you very soon.  :grin:

Thanks for the heads up,if yer could put the dates up when yell be here,then us locals can mebee by a few jigsaws and stop in  ...... :laugh:
Keep yourself indoors for the whole of September....I can’t give you a full itinerary as that would spoil my fun 😉

spot on thanks,il do last week of August and first week of October as well.... :))

check yer passenger spaces ,apparently illegal  Imigrant folks are trying to  escaping Brexitania...... :laugh:
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Quote from: Tetley on June 26, 2020, 14:01:12 PM
Quote from: Lynden on June 26, 2020, 13:57:05 PM
I can’t believe a U.K. gov department has actually done as it should. It must be a first Maz.
Luckily I have the luxury of being able to quarantine but I think it will be a moot point in a week or so. It looks like the quarantine rule will be ditched for many countries including Spain.
Tets I’ve already booked and I’ll be on my way to a bar near you very soon.  :grin:

Thanks for the heads up,if yer could put the dates up when yell be here,then us locals can mebee by a few jigsaws and stop in  ...... :laugh:
Keep yourself indoors for the whole of September....I can’t give you a full itinerary as that would spoil my fun 😉


Quote from: Lynden on June 26, 2020, 13:57:05 PM
I can’t believe a U.K. gov department has actually done as it should. It must be a first Maz.
Luckily I have the luxury of being able to quarantine but I think it will be a moot point in a week or so. It looks like the quarantine rule will be ditched for many countries including Spain.
Tets I’ve already booked and I’ll be on my way to a bar near you very soon.  :grin:

Thanks for the heads up,if yer could put the dates up when yell be here,then us locals can mebee by a few jigsaws and stop in  ...... :laugh:
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


I can’t believe a U.K. gov department has actually done as it should. It must be a first Maz.
Luckily I have the luxury of being able to quarantine but I think it will be a moot point in a week or so. It looks like the quarantine rule will be ditched for many countries including Spain.
Tets I’ve already booked and I’ll be on my way to a bar near you very soon.  :grin:


so if yer going to a uk beech with every bxgger down the street    after yer travels.....leave yer phone at home....on answer phone  or buy a burner phone same as Red has on blacklist....... 8)

looks like MI 6 & the Spookes teams  are going to be busy judging by Bournemouth beech  :shocked:

Rite back  ti the marble cutter, over & out  dears, afternoon all  :afro: x

(ps if yer telly licence has run out as well ,when yer was away,best shut curtains ,just in case yer ends up wi Spookes  team on a home visit  peerin through winders ..... 8)  )

the form ...
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Excellent news.

Let us hope this genuinely is the case.


Heads up for any of those thinking that the UK quarantine rule is unenforceable and telling there families that they won't have to have take more time off from work should they come over and visit you this summer.

The brother of a member of our staff has recently returned to the UK from Italy. He was 6 days in on his quarantine period when he was contacted by telephone. He was asked was he at the address he had submitted together with a number of other questions. At the end of the conversation he was told that the signal received from his mobile phone was showing that he was actually 37 miles away from where he should be. He has been issued with a £1000 fine and his details will be passed to CPS as he may now face prosecution for lying about his whereabouts.
What is important is not only to attain victory for democracy, it is to retain democracy.
Nelson Mandela.