Another question

Started by unclebob, September 01, 2010, 10:42:16 AM

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Quote from: Roger on September 02, 2010, 09:27:58 AM
I appreciate that people will be confused whether I am help Desk or PSA. So am I.
Just one more thing we have to sort out.

Perhaps now is the right time to move away from the help desk and concentrate on the politics.  :tiphat:


Jabba makes a valid point.
Historically, the Spanish public accepted their politicians warts and all, and made little or no argument against them. This appears to have changed, and continues to do so, especially with a youth unemployment of well over 40%. Politicians are in for a rough ride, particularly from the youth of Spain. They are not used to being critcised or questioned, however, they had better get used to it in this new 'austere' environment.
It won't just be the Brits who are seeking answers.

jabba the cat

All i know is that this Major is under investigation by the police so for that reason only he and his party have got no chance of my vote
If any one cares to look after my interests as well as hundreds more caught up in this situation and nightmare then they have a  
good chance of my vote.
This Major has shown me over the years he has a problem with us Brits and the Spanish now have a low opinion of Majors now.
Honesty is the best policy only time will tell.


We all need to keep a sense of proportion.
It is very early in September and things take time to re-start after the August break. Meetings to arrange, discussions to take place.
We are still a long way from the elections and there will be plenty of time for clarification of policies.

The Help Desk will try to do what it has done, give people advice and information.
Of course it is very difficult not to become political, when the problems and the solutions are political.

As for the PSA. We will soon involve ourselves in an open debate here and face to face with the people of Arboleas.
I hope that other Parties will do the same, although I very much doubt it.

I appreciate that people will be confused whether I am help Desk or PSA. So am I.
Just one more thing we have to sort out.


Roger is a declared candidate for the next election. To all intents and purposes he represents the PSA party (for the Brits anyway). If it makes people happy, I will reference my questions to the PSA, however it is logical that Roger will reply (and in fairness he generally does). The PSA are not part of the helpdesk (I assume), so that should not create any difficulty.
In the absence of other parties expressing their views, the PSA are the only ones who can be quizzed (and that is a point in their favour). If the PSA did not want to be quizzed, then they should have done what other parties have done and kept quiet. Allowing their 'intentions' to be published, again opened them up for questioning.
People can moan all they like, but political parties and declared politicians SHOULD be questioned. Just because there are no others who are publicly declared on this forum is not my fault, and if and when they do, I will be among the many who will be asking them questions.


Look, this board is supposed to be for discussing political issues not for having a pop at each other. Can we not get back to some proper debating and stop all this silly bickering?  Lock the topic and start again is what I say.  But without being critical over what people are asking.  With the two people that were asking the same irritating questions now gone we should be able to get some sensible debate going instead of banging on about the help desk. Just hope that some of the parties will join in the debate otherwise it will be all one sided.  We need to know what the others are planning too.


Quote from: Mercurian on September 01, 2010, 20:02:17 PM
Come on folks.  Please, please, please don't let's start bickering again.  The folks who were going on and on about Roger are no longer on this forum so can we have some good debate now?

Removed by forum moderators


Oh dear Bob, I am quite happy to debate with you but not with childish comments.  You cannot put words in my mouth, I only stated the obvious so I will say no more but I stand by what I said earlier. 



The rules are quite clear
QuoteIt is imperative that for this board to work members MUST stay within the forum rules therefore - no personal attacks, abuse or insinuations. Keep to these rules and there will not be a problem.

Slanging matches between candidates will be instantly removed

Personal attacks on candidates, or other members,  will result in a ban

If A does not agree with B then fine, if A does not agree with B and posts abusive remarks about B then the mods will edit it and make sure everyone knows why.

ALL political parties are invited to use this board to put across their independent manifestos for the coming elections in May 2011.

You don't have to be on the voting register to express your opinion within these guidelines


I'm sorry if I missed it, but the apology was NOT for saying it was none of my business.
I am still asking the moderators to tell us what the hell they want us to do. They lay out the rules, we (well some of us) stick by them and we STILL get grief.
Is this a debating section or not??????? If it is then I will happily engage with linedancer on a similar level.
In my book, being told its none of my business is a personal attack.


It is clear that the more the Spanish media takes notice of the Almanzora Valley... or the tens of thousands of Brits living in Almería... or the eccentricity of several (I hope) British councillors in this province (don't expect any in Málaga)... or the protests/displays/debates we can organise, then the better for both the local economy and our rights as Europeans living in a European country.


Come on folks.  Please, please, please don't let's start bickering again.  The folks who were going on and on about Roger are no longer on this forum so can we have some good debate now?

IMO, although Unclebob doesn't live in Arboleas, he has posted some good, reasoned arguments and not been objectionable in any way.

Linedancer has apologised so can we start again?


You are absolutely right. I can not vote in the Arboleas elections, but if you read Rogers posts, you will see that he proposes that what happens in Arboleas COULD happen in the rest of the Valley. SO I DO have an interest. If it can work in Arboleas (and I have never said it could not) it could work elsewhere.
I don't remember a 'stream of emails' asking Roger to explain the publication of the 'intentions' if I am wrong please show me the posts (please more than a couple, we are looking for a 'stream' here).
I guess what you are saying is " this is a forum for Arboleas, so p*** off". The request to the moderators will decide if that is the way we want to go.

So what happens now? I post a perfectly reasonable question on a section devoted to local polictical discussion, and immediately am personally attacked.
I asked for your decision on whether this was a debating section, and before I get an answer, its down on my head.
You made the rules, I stuck by them.
So its up to you now. What sort of forum do you want?
A quick answer would be appreciated, preferably before I get more grief from irate Arboleans who don't think I have a place on this forum.


Sorry if I offended you Bob but I don't even think you can vote in Arboleas so why so interested in their politics?  You might be better aiming your comments to the Albox parties and the mess they have created for you.  We seem to have had a continual stream of emails all asking Roger the same thing over and over and over again, sorry but it really does get boring :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Sorry if I seem to have also trodden on the toes of other but, like them, I am entitled to my opinion.



Thank you for that. Clarification.
Are you happy that this section becomes a debating section? And as long as your parameters are adhered to we ask the questions we believe need answering.


A very reasonable question Bob, which I will answer.
The Policy Summary, not at this stage a manifesto, was sent by me to some Arboleas residents, both within the Help Desk team and others who have expressed an interest, to keep them informed about the direction our discussions were developing.
I believe that it is important to involve anyone in the community of Arboleas so that we can all have a say about the way forward.
Someone chose to publish it on the Forum. That fact does not worry me, although I wonder about the motives in doing so.
We will be having further discussions internally in the next few days to produce a document which we will publish. We will then be inviting people to come and talk to us, preferably in small groups, so that everyone will have the chance to take part in preparing the final manifesto.

I hope that this explains the position.


I totally agree with Unclebob and it did'nt deserve an "oh no .... here we go again" comment. We are now in September so perhaps this eagerly awaited official manifesto from Roger may appear.


linedancer, i think that maybe you have not read the guidelines for this section. unclebob has waited for this section to be opened and i think his question is valid and that he has obeyed all of the moderators' recommendations. i did not feel that your contribution added to the discussion. yours truly daver


Unclebob, I have a feeling that the 'manifesto' which was posted on here was perhaps a draft one and not meant for general publication.  The reason I think this is that Roger has been saying for some time that he would tell us all his plans in September.

Well, we are into September now so we should shortly be getting the full story.  Also hopefully some manifestos by some other candidates so that we can read them all and make an informed decision.


Looking again. Linedancer may have a point. This section was created by you, to allow political entities to post their manifesto's.
Is that ALL it is for (you don't actually SAY), or are we supposed / allowed to question those manifesto's (as I did in my question).
If we are not allowed to question the manifesto's here, then is there a nominated place that we CAN question them, without being hounded about 'oh no not again', because I certainly will want to ask political parties about their ideas.
If this is NOT the place, then my apologies to linedancer, and I will move it to the correct section (assuming we are given one)


I thought that's what I was doing? Or maybe the person who originally posted the list of ideals?
Do you REALLY think that this is an 'Oh no, here we go again'? This was a fair question.
I did think that the moderators created this section for EXACTLY this type of question.
I really can't believe you think this is an unfair or unwarranted question.
Hopefully when other parties post their manifesto on here, we will be able to question them, the way I have questioned here.
Or are we to be a castrated forum that asks nothing of our future politicians. If thats the case, then I'm off too.

Or should I apologise to linedancer as the person who posted the original (I'm sorry, I can't find it just now).
So what did I say or do that was outside the following rules set for this section?

Maybe the moderators would like to comment. If this is the type of question which is not wanted, then I will withdraw it and not post again.

It is imperative that for this board to work members MUST stay within the forum rules therefore - no personal attacks, abuse or insinuations. Keep to these rules and there will not be a problem.

Slanging matches between candidates will be instantly removed

Personal attacks on candidates, or other members,  will result in a ban

If A does not agree with B then fine, if A does not agree with B and posts abusive remarks about B then the mods will edit it and make sure everyone knows why.

ALL political parties are invited to use this board to put across their independent manifestos for the coming elections in May 2011.


Oh no..... here we go again.  808 :head 808.  Why don't you ask Roger directly, seems the obvious thing to do.


Whilst I appear to be the only person interested in this section, I will take the opportunity to repeat the request for an answer to a previously osted question.
Some short time ago, the 'ideals' 'manifesto' of Roger Done as a member of the PSA were posted on this forum. They were fairly comprehensive, and one was led to believe they were indeed condoned by the PSA / Roger.
Can I ask AGAIN. Are they the manifesto of the PSA, if so, can Roger please confirm they are, if not then it begs the question, who posted them and where did they get the information? For all we know they were rubbish, just created by 'someone'.
A reasonable question on a thread like this.