best route to Bilbao

Started by cactusqueen, October 11, 2013, 08:51:08 AM

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I always go up to Murcia, A30 to Albacete, join A31 and stay on that towards Madrid until it meets the A3 and continue on to Madrid. Exit A3 at Km 34 onto the R3 signed for Madrid and on to the M50 around Madrid follow signs for Burgos. Join the A1 and keep following signs for Burgos. At Burgos take the AP1 toll road and follow signs for Bilbao. When you reach the A8 as you drop down into Bilbao the ferry is well signposted. The ferry port is actually in Santurtzi so don`t make the mistake of following signs into Bilbao centre.

This route has more service areas than taking the A23 from Valencia to Zaragosa.

Depending on how far they wish to drive there is a nice hotel at Cabrera just north of Madris at Km 57 I think it is or another nice hotel at Milagros at Km 147 on the A1 just south of Burgos. From Milagros to Bilbao in a car should be about 2hr 30 min.

Hope this helps.

Jimbo :tiphat:
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I'd go up to just past Valencia, take left to Zaragoza & on to Vitoria, then Bilbao.

Shorter route would be Left at Albacete turn-off at Murcia , then on to & bypass Madrid, then to Burgos, Vitoria, Bilbao.
No idea about hotels.


Friends returning to the U.k. this weekend by car to Bilbao which route would be the quickest and could you recommend any Hotels on that route if they need to stop off
would be appreciated. First timers.!