Talking of poop!

Started by fidgetmidget, February 24, 2014, 20:25:09 PM

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Juan Sheet

There's at least one Human Streetpooper in our local Village and I have witnessed my neighbour happily squatting 10 Ms from his house.
Ah well, when in Rome......


Ha! Classic Dickie in evidence. Joins the boys 'humour' only to find reverse gear 6 when it is challenged. Get a backbone Dickie and stick to your guns.  :vomit:

Quote from: rt21 on February 25, 2014, 10:21:01 AM
Quote from: Marietw on February 25, 2014, 09:38:15 AM
Why do some people think this is a bit of a joke? This is a real pet hate of mine especially since a 4 year old girl in my home town was blinded after falling over in a park and rubbed her eyes with hands that got covered in dog poop when she fell.   Part of the problem is when people let the dogs off leads and then they " don't see" where the dog has pooped - out of sight out of mind!!


I can think of nothing worse than trampling in dog poo. Some years ago when we had a dog we trained it to poo in certain areas and then cleaned up the mess. I soon found that we were in the minority of dog owners who did this as many couldn't be bothered to do so. I rather suspect that fidgetmidget's post will be heeded by those responsible dog owners who already clear up after their dogs and ignored by the rest.



Quote from: felipe on February 25, 2014, 16:48:44 PM
most of the human waste in pozos is filtered out long before it reaches the groundwater.  Here is an extract from an academic website:

The soil's ability to lessen the amount of or reduce the severity of groundwater contamination is called soil attenuation.  "During attenuation, the soil holds essential plant nutrients for uptake by agronomic crops, immobilizes metals that might be contained in municipal sewage sludge, or removes bacteria  contained in animal or human wastes.
However, the soil's ability to filter contaminants is limited.  Contaminant attenuation in soils depends on water moving through the top two layers of soil (horizons A and B) at a rate that ensures maximum contact between the percolating water that contains contaminants and the soil particles.   Deep, medium and fine-textured soils are the best, whereas coarse-textured materials are the worst in terms of contaminant removal.  In coarse materials like sand, water moves through rapidly, reducing contact between the water and soil particles.

For the most part, the Almanzora valley has fine particulates and therefore slows down permeation through the soil so it will filter the contaminants.   

Ah no Phil, I'm talking about people just copping a squat and leaving it and their loo paper to blow around in the wind...I've had words with men and women about this (because of course they never do this near THEIR homes) and I get a shrug of the shoulders...until I tell them that I'll be round to do the same near their front door :lol:

The people I've caught doing this are not Brits, by the way.


OK Vespa  whatever you say must be true     Have a nice life


Cant Town Hall make it an offence by Bylaw? Cultures can change, by enforcement, such as no longer allowed to smoke in pubs/restauants. It cant be that difficult. And for those that persist on not clearing in, fine them.


This is addressed to Vespa who has a few facts wrong.   We live the closest to Minola  (that is his correct name)  Chico is NOT chained up ALL the time and for several weeks he has adopted a small puppy who turned up out of the blue, he does feed both dogs, albeit maybe not the best food and we have put a leish collar on the puppy as he is near the goats.    Both dogs were running around together this morning and again tonight, I personally think that this subject is getting a bit out of hand now, anyone interested has had their say.  Incidentally Minola is a really nice bloke


Quote from: John n Julie on February 25, 2014, 17:39:31 PM
This is what I have on  my walls. the only thing is having the cojones to back it up. I HAVE!!!!
Please feel free to use it.
John :tiphat: :tiphat:
You had me worried for a minute there John, when I saw you said "This is what I have on my walls", I hadn't got down quite far enough to see you had attached a picture, so ...... about your walls, I thought I was back in Northern Ireland in the 1970s at the time of the "dirty protest" in the H blocks of  the Maze prison!!!  :o
Good on you for the warning - I keep an eye out and I promise that if I ever see anything similar I shall pick it up and follow the person home, then give it back to them.


ALL this C--- has been going on for Thousands of years !!! WHY is it now being discussed again??? (Live AND let LIVE !!!!!!)

John n Julie

This is what I have on  my walls. the only thing is having the cojones to back it up. I HAVE!!!!
Please feel free to use it.
John :tiphat: :tiphat:
If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all!


Vespa, farmer Adam did say that the meat for eating was not affected. I can´t see him saying that if it wasn´t true ? A different situation to the awful foot and mouth situations of the past.


Hells teeth Jammim.... im shocked now..... :o so yer might as well have a number 2 duwn rambler and help cultivate it ,then thunder growth should grow over all the fridge freezers and building & household waste  ,jobby done  :handshake
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Quote from: vespa on February 25, 2014, 17:10:19 PM
Quote from: hartcjhart on February 25, 2014, 16:45:22 PM
Quote from: vespa on February 25, 2014, 08:22:57 AM
Tetley you talk out your arse and at times I can't even be bothered to read and decipher the language you use.
The goat farmer Monolo and his family have been in LH for 150 years and goats ****  is part of country life.
The English have been in LH for 13 years and piles of dog ****  put everywhere is not part of country life
its unhealthy for everyone and every thing including other animals.
If you think any different then you are a complete selfish buffoon.

does monolo pick up after his dogs
Momolo has one dog it is chained up 24/7 some one feeds it for him other wise it would be dead now.

thats sad and strange, nearly every goatherder I have seen has several dogs


Well I've been told that in the UK it all ends up in garden centres and we buy it back off em. :o Just been down the shed to ave a yaffle, to see if it's me own or not :o Mind you me tomatoes looked a bit familiar last Summer :o :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


just out of intrest,when potho firm  come and clean pothos out,were is all the potho stuff disposed of ,a special poo prossesing plant  or.......elswere ?

Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


most of the human waste in pozos is filtered out long before it reaches the groundwater.  Here is an extract from an academic website:

The soil's ability to lessen the amount of or reduce the severity of groundwater contamination is called soil attenuation.  "During attenuation, the soil holds essential plant nutrients for uptake by agronomic crops, immobilizes metals that might be contained in municipal sewage sludge, or removes bacteria  contained in animal or human wastes.
However, the soil's ability to filter contaminants is limited.  Contaminant attenuation in soils depends on water moving through the top two layers of soil (horizons A and B) at a rate that ensures maximum contact between the percolating water that contains contaminants and the soil particles.   Deep, medium and fine-textured soils are the best, whereas coarse-textured materials are the worst in terms of contaminant removal.  In coarse materials like sand, water moves through rapidly, reducing contact between the water and soil particles.

For the most part, the Almanzora valley has fine particulates and therefore slows down permeation through the soil so it will filter the contaminants.   


Quote from: vespa on February 25, 2014, 08:22:57 AM
Tetley you talk out your arse and at times I can't even be bothered to read and decipher the language you use.
The goat farmer Monolo and his family have been in LH for 150 years and goats ****  is part of country life.
The English have been in LH for 13 years and piles of dog ****  put everywhere is not part of country life
its unhealthy for everyone and every thing including other animals.
If you think any different then you are a complete selfish buffoon.

does monolo pick up after his dogs


Quote from: hartcjhart on February 25, 2014, 16:32:30 PM
do bears carry plastic bags???

dont mention 1700 pothos........ poisning water course..... ;) and pool chemical backwashers  O0
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


do bears carry plastic bags???


Human excrement is just as much of a health risk, if not more so.  Plenty of that in the campo

So is rubbish (household and otherwise) that is illegally dumped, despite the rubbish collection service in Spain being far more regular than in the UK.

Dog mess should be cleared up and I've had odd looks from my Spanish neighbours when I bag it up once a week or so


Richard I think you are right about that.
OneFlewOverTheCuckoosNest, there are laws in UK, in fact the 1st person to be fined for allowing his dog to fowl the footpath was also in my home town and his excuse was "I didn't have a bag".     But I don't think people realise how long those nasty viruses remain active.


Quote from: Marietw on February 25, 2014, 09:38:15 AM
Why do some people think this is a bit of a joke? This is a real pet hate of mine especially since a 4 year old girl in my home town was blinded after falling over in a park and rubbed her eyes with hands that got covered in dog poop when she fell.   Part of the problem is when people let the dogs off leads and then they " don't see" where the dog has pooped - out of sight out of mind!!


I can think of nothing worse than trampling in dog poo. Some years ago when we had a dog we trained it to poo in certain areas and then cleaned up the mess. I soon found that we were in the minority of dog owners who did this as many couldn't be bothered to do so. I rather suspect that fidgetmidget's post will be heeded by those responsible dog owners who already clear up after their dogs and ignored by the rest.



I totally agree, i have lot's of dogs and always even if in the Rambla pick up their poo.
I have even been laughed at and told "you must be English" when picking some up. It's not nice but it is part of being a dog owner. Go to a todo shop buy one of the dog bag clips that goes on your lead and your sorted. You wouldn't leave the stuff all over your garden so why leave it other places??

You also wouldn't be laughing when you stand in it and don't realise till you walked around the house and have to spend a hour mopping and cleaning.


Are there not bylaws against dogs pooping around town and in public places? I am one of the dog lovers that usually get in the neck for such, but on this matter it is down to lazy owners. Culturally the Spanish might be different but no excuse the English owner.
Best thing to do is photograph the offenders in action and post the photos on a name and shame thread on here for all to see.
It might help lazy owners be a little more considerate. The viruses within as someone else noted are extremely dangerous to humans and can produce blindness amongst a miriad of other illnesses.
Absolutely no tolerance for such disgusting and lazy behaviour from owners. 


Why do some people think this is a bit of a joke? This is a real pet hate of mine especially since a 4 year old girl in my home town was blinded after falling over in a park and rubbed her eyes with hands that got covered in dog poop when she fell.   Part of the problem is when people let the dogs off leads and then they " don't see" where the dog has pooped - out of sight out of mind!!


Quote from: vespa on February 25, 2014, 08:22:57 AM

The goat farmer Monolo and his family have been in LH for 150 years and goats ****  is part of country life.
Wow -so how old is Monolo ? Clearly if you want longevity LH is the place to live!   ;)
Malayan proverb - Don't think there are no crocodiles because the water is calm.


Now I am not one to normally moan on here. But why is it that what someone considers to be an important issue, and it is, gets turned into a joke by Tetley.  Its not funny.  especially when there are kids outside playing and can get seriously ill through dog faeces.

Try living in an urbanisation where dog owners walk their dogs well away from their own homes and allow them to deposit their muck outside other homeowner's gates.  I am forever having to go out and pick it up or shovel it away.  Its disgusting.  I have had a word with some of the dog owners and all I get is a who cares or they just walk on without a word.

It is not only the dogs taken for a walk it is owners who cannot keep their dogs in their own property boundary.  We have at least 5 dogs that are owned by local Brits that are always getting out and then crapping everywhere.  Total lack of responsibility.  But I have come to expect nothing less from a number of people living here. Thankfully there are more decent folk than bad ones.  But I still have to clean up the crap!!


Quote from: rt21 on February 25, 2014, 07:43:43 AM
Quote from: Tetley on February 25, 2014, 07:32:56 AM

when im out i somtimes have a wee in the bushes as well ,saves getting taken short    ;D

morning citizens   :tiphat:

Hope you carry an empty plastic bottle with you when you go behind those bushes  :D


no need Richard dogs keeps a look out.... :o anyway ive just been yarning wi dog,  8) he says i should ask the forum punters abought all the polution man/woman is chucking up in the air in the name of   living,even thou its killing..... ie all the nitrates,co2,nuclear wast and genral nastyness thats flung around all over the globe,yer carnt even drink the fizzin tap water this end without bouncing off the walls wi sulpher................   :alien:

if people turned a few lights off  and used less plazzi bags thered be less snitt in the atmosphere,and if folks realy is feeling green,leave the car at home and walk ti the shops,yer might even enjoy walking  :o ,if yer do why not take a dog in and give it a home........ job done win win everybodys happy  :lol:


Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


Quote from: Tetley on February 25, 2014, 07:32:56 AM

when im out i somtimes have a wee in the bushes as well ,saves getting taken short    ;D

morning citizens   :tiphat:

Hope you carry an empty plastic bottle with you when you go behind those bushes  :D



Well ive had a devil of a job,trying to teach my rambler dog to snitt in a plazzi bag....... :o and to be fair dogs was here well befor the brits turned up with there pc plazzi bag lark  :o ,i agree dogs shouldent be allowed to snitt in towns or on pavments,but when basikly wild dogs snitt in the bushes.......... on scrub land... yer going tolook barking.... collecting it if anybody see,s yer. :crazy:

when im out i somtimes have a wee in the bushes as well ,saves getting taken short  and Andy having ti put a wash on,cuts down on lecky....   ;D

morning citizens   :tiphat:
Analogue mechanically  trained 1970,s Fitter  dear living  in a gone digital/tecno mad O Dearie me world......thankfully left behind with it all ,enjoying the bliss of NO phones ,  apps and  shortage of the intellectual, wile still managing to hone underachievement on the day to day in the sun  lol


oh no, not another 'dog' thread in general chatter

Happy Days


That is my point, we always seem to be criticising the Spanish for letting their dogs mess all over the place, when in fact on this occasion it wasn't the Spanish. The goat farmer passes close to where I live but does not take his goats or dogs on the tracks to which I refer. The farmer to whom you refer is no where near the tracks or ramblas I am talking about.  No one disputes the fact that the Spanish let their dogs poop on pavements and roads, especially in town, we see it everyday, but with no Spanish people living in the area I relate to (apart from the goat farmer who I see maybe a couple of times a month), then clearly the responsibility belongs to someone else.
Fidget Midget
Wer'e all going on a European Tour - Up The Clarets!


We to live in the same area, we would add that the Spanish farmer and goat man let their dogs wander and would never clean up after them.   The big dog by the farm is penned up in its own filth month after month = so whilst I don't disagree with you would suggest that you also take a look at your Spanish neighbours behaviour !


I ALWAYS clean up after my dogs ALWAYS and despair at those who don't as they give the rest of us a bad name.
Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life


Whilst driving from Los Higuerales to Albox today, we observed no less than 4 people walking dogs, 2 of which (the dogs not the walkers) pooped, 1 on the road and the other just at the entrance to a rambla, on both occasions, the walker simply walked off and left said poop steaming away...not a bag in sight.  I hasten to add these were British or non Spanish walkers.  Not too long ago, our grandson visited and wanted to look in the old ruins, broken castles he called them so off we went to take a look round and low and behold the places were full of poop, you could not walk in there cos the ground was full of the stuff.  I live in an area where there are no Spanish apart from the local farmer but lots of people walk their dogs up and down the ramblas and the tracks, so evidentally the poop once again belongs to their dogs.  For goodness sake, take some responsibility and pick up your animals poop and dispose of it properly, its not pleasant to have to walk round trying to avoid piles of sh*te all over the place, its not difficult to do, a plastic bag and a few sheets of kitchen towel and hot soapy water once you get wouldn't like to walk out of your gate and find poop right outside it would you.
Fidget Midget
Wer'e all going on a European Tour - Up The Clarets!