bathroom scale

Started by jazzyanne, April 21, 2014, 20:42:50 PM

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Thank you all for your replies.  I did try the small Chinese shop at the side of mercadona and could not see any so if in Albox again this week will check the other shop, but I also fancy a trip to Antas anyway so will probably get them from there.  I am used to metric weight but for other reasons I would like a scale that can be altered to the other measures too.
Dia actually had regular metric scales in as well if anyone is looking and they were only 14 euros, whereas longos had only one left and it was 31 euros!!
Thank you again for your help


The chinese shop on the corner on the road at the back of Mercadona have them in.


I bought mine at Ferrerteria Lopez on the Antes Trading estate.  Shows in stones and pounds, pounds and ounces and kilos.


I was in hiper ocio looking today and could not see any! Lol at lidl but I think they only have them sometimes


Lidl have them every so often.  Sadly, they have a lady in them who tells you your weight!  She has a bit of a dodgy accent (not dodgy enough to misinterpret what she says lol)
You can always weigh one foot at a time though and that way you can be any weight you fancy  :lol: :lol: :lol:
The 3 rings of marriage...........engagement ring, wedding ring & suffering!!
You only need 2 words to keep a marriage happy......Yes dear....

Amanda Oakley

HiperOcio in Albox have a good range - all metric weights!!!
Amanda Oakley
ALO Services (Zurgena)
Conveyancing and General Legal Services
Tel 950 449179 / 667 994682


Is there anywhere local that sells bathroom scales in kilos and stones or even kilos and pounds?