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World Cup Odds

Started by Three Blind Mice, May 31, 2014, 23:07:28 PM

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Three Blind Mice

Football is a law unto itself, they could quite easily limit the amount of foreign players, and until they do something, england will perenially struggle.

The season before last, the EPL had a collective income of over £2billion. Despite that, there was a collective loss of over £200m. £1.6 billion went on wages, most of it on foreign players.

There you have the reason why England are " back home". How prophetic was that title for an England World Cup song all those years ago!


Yes I have been accused, on another board, of ' hating all other players from The Union and the rest of the world'
yet two of the best men ever to kick a ball - in my opinion - were George Best and Eric Cantona - both idols of mine
along with one of the best managers football has seen, Sir Matt Busby and THE BEST manager in the world Sir Alex Ferguson - both Scots.

I know the ethics of the EU are freedom to live and work in other EU countries but I believe there should be a block on the number of players from
further afield.

Senior Villain

I totally agree but EU rules will prevent anything constructive happening any time soon.

Regards  :tiphat:



Sadly England will never do anything worthwhile in the world cup as long as  the majority of players in the premiership are foreigners!

Senior Villain

I was hoping that your comments were aimed at the biased English press who have the knack of building up all players and teams and then destroying them when they don't live up to expectations.

I like a bit of banter and pulling peoples legs I suppose that's the English half of me, my team was blessed with some great Scottish players and it was formed by a Scot, but just lately our managers have not performed very well, I think my grandmother could have done better!!

And I wish for you and your team is an exciting competitive season, lets hope that this can be the case.



Three Blind Mice

Sorry if you think the post was personal, it wasn't, it was directed at the media, reading it again I can see why you thought it was directed at you, the probs of a blog eh.

The only people to blame for the state of the game in scotland are the sfa, their desire and passion to assist one club has put the game where it is today, the evidence is there, the web is full of it, yet they carry on as if nothing has happened, just a blip.

They perpetuate the lie that rangers are the same club, what chance when the governing bodies act this way, they are given a licence when none should be issued, they were given a licence to play euro football when they broke all the criteria for obtaining one, just cos they needed the money to survive, that's no way to run the game, and yet my club get the blame cos we are playing in a crap league.

Again sorry if you think I don't want to blog, I do, you at least take the time to reply with sensible answers, albeit, I do believe you believe what the media tell you, there is hope for you yet  :lol:

The league below this season will indeed be the most competitive in the country, the football will be brutal, but competitivly brutal, the teams are there cos they deserve to be there, but rangers will win the league, their masters will see to that, they will get every assistance needed on and off the park.

Crackin WC btw, great to see attacking football, and I just wish I had listened to the wife when she said at the start that england and spain would be going home early.

Take care, and sorry again for any missunderstanding, it's the brash scirish in me  :tiphat:

Senior Villain

Accused of "gloating" and lacking humility!! interesting, obviously my paternal Scottish grandmother and paternal Irish grandfather failed my Father in assisting with my upbringing, obviously didn't instil enough respect in me toward my kith and kin north of the border and across the sea.  Sadly no Welsh connection in my mongrel family tree though.

Oh well I will have to ignore your comments about the old enemy and not respond as you obviously like to comment without rebuke or response.

Enjoy the one horse race in the Scottish parks league next season as I know already your team will win the title, there will be more competition in the league below, perhaps they deserve the TV money as at least there promises to be far more competition there.

Regards  :tiphat:


Three Blind Mice

I very much doubt I will see scotland at a WC final in my lifetime.

It's all about the money these days, and scotland have none, our TV deal is a joke, it has a major knock on effect, poor crowds are down to poor teams, but if the SFA had any gumption and took the game by the horns, we could see a return to the days when the english leagues were full of scotsmen, and the scottish league was a force to be reckoned with, but they won't, it doesn't suit their agenda sadly.

You may well gloat at scotland and the other home nations not getting to the finals, england should get there every time, and they should be competing for the silver ware, they are a huge country, have massive resorces, yet blow it time and time again, and you expect us not to have a joke about it, but getting humiliated by, what was it the english media called Uruguay, no marks, that must have been hard to take, but you can always consol yourselfs with winning the next tourny you enter  :whistle:

Humility costs nothing, maybes a dose would go a long, long way.................

Senior Villain

At least England and their fans managed to get to the Brazil to send home post cards.  The Scottish team and their fans were where exactly when the finals being played?? still the Scots have saved a good deal of money on post cards and stamps for quite a few years now.

The next European competition has been increased to 32 teams perhaps that will see the Scots qualify??

However watching the highlights of the Scottish parks league on sky on a Sunday morning the most interesting game is "Spot the crowd" only Rangers and Celtic get decent crowds the rest poor.

So we will see if the tartan army get to see football again in a major cup competition but qualification will be difficult and is definitely not guaranteed.



Three Blind Mice

Oh Dear,

One good thing though, England have been desperate to emulate Spain for the last eight years, congrats boys, you have finally done it  :whistle:

In all seriousness, if the english media had an ounce of humility re their team and chances, they may get the support of the other home nations, but no, they just can't help themselfs,.

Who will be the scapegoats this time ?

Beaten by a poor Italian team, and an even poorer Uruguayan team, I hope for their sakes Costa Rica don't turn up.

Three Blind Mice

I wonder what the odds are on the England team getting home before the postcards  :tiphat: