Dead and dying bees

Started by arty choke, April 20, 2015, 09:12:05 AM

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Yes it certainly is very depressing and sad reading, also links between roundup and many diseases in human beings 😔

arty choke

I'll have a look at that,bet it makes pretty depressing reading. :'(


There is lots of information on the internet about likely links between the use of roundup/glyphosate and the decline in the bee population🐝

arty choke

Not nearly as many Bee Eaters for the last two years either.

Challenger 383

Got to be insecticide,  wont spray my orange trees till after the blossom has gone. But not many bees around this year, dont think the weather has helped.


Tell Seprona if the incectiside is the problem they will act on it.
Illegitimi non carbonundrum

arty choke

We are surrounded by oranges,and they go up and down the rows spraying,so I think it's just meant to be for the citrus fruit,not Palm weevil.It smells very strongly of the stuff you use to get rid of flies at home.


Greetings Arty Choke,
which area are you in ?
We do know that the spray used to kill the palm beetle will also kill anything else it comes into contact with ...

arty choke

Absolutely Penfold,bees are a vital part of the food chain,I think what is happening is appalling.What some idiots there are about.I know the bee eater birds are just arriving and they don't live solely on bees,but I wonder will they be affected too?

Val Keith

Yes, I had the same thing happen yesterday on the patio, I said to my husband this is to do with pesticides being sprayed, its so sad and bad, as we need the bees.

arty choke

I noticed yesterday in our small courtyard that there were two or three dead or dying bees.This morning I've counted
eleven plus various other insects in the same state,all dead.They have been spraying insecticide in this area,we can smell it.Surely it's not what's killing all these poor bees?If there are eleven in a small area,there must be hundreds dying and dead everywhere.Could this be the cause? It can't be right? A very concerned Arty!